A five- or nine-digit geographic code that identifies areas within the United States and its possessions for purposes of simplifying the distribution of mail by the U S Postal Service
Your zip code is a short sequence of letters and numbers at the end of your address, which helps the post office to sort the mail. A trademark used for a system designed to expedite the sorting and delivery of mail by assigning a series of numbers to each delivery area in the United States. a number that you write at the end of an address on an envelope, package etc. The zip code shows the exact area where someone lives and helps the post office deliver the post more quickly British Equivalent: postcode (zone improvement plan). System of postal-zone codes (zip stands for "zone improvement plan") introduced in the U.S. in 1963 to improve mail delivery and exploit electronic reading and sorting capabilities. The original code, which corresponds to the postal codes used in most countries in the world, consists of five numbers. The first three identify the state and portion of the state, the last two a specific post office or zone. In 1983 a nine-digit code (created by adding a hyphen and four digits) was introduced to further speed delivery; the first two added digits specify a particular "sector," the last two an even smaller "segment" (e.g., one side of a city block, or a single floor in a large building)
The specific codes assigned to addresses in the United States to speed up the sorting of mail and thus speed up its delivery Zip stands for Zone Improvement Program Zip codes were originally introduced into the United States in 1963 They were originally five digits Then they grew to nine digits The latest zip codes are 11 digits Overseas, zip codes are often called postal codes They do the same thing the American zip codes do They allow machinery to sort the mail and thus get it to its destination faster
(Zone Improvement Plan) Code; a system of 5-digit codes that identifies the individual post office or metropolitan area delivery station associated with an address ZIP+4 is an enhanced code consisting of the 5-digit ZIP Code and four additional digits that identify a specific range of delivery addresses
A Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) Code is the numerical code assigned by the U S Postal Service to designate a local area or entity for the delivery of mail ZIP Codes may consist of 5, 7, 9, or 11 digits, and may refer to a street section, a collection of streets, an establishment, a structure, or a group of post office boxes
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