
listen to the pronunciation of zero
İngilizce - Türkçe

2010 sayısında iki tane sıfır vardır. - There are two zeros in the number 2010.

Şimdi sıcaklık sıfırın altında on derece. - It is ten degrees below zero now.

mutlak sıfır noktası
(Dilbilim) boş
yazının sıfır derecesi
en aşağı nokta
(Askeri) HAVA TESİRLERİNİN GİDERİLMESİ: Belirli bir mesafede, merminin normal hava şartları dahilinde, hedefin tam ortasına isabetini sağlayacak rüzgar düzeltmesi için yapılan nişangah tanzimi
{i} sıfır. f
{s} hiç

Hiç kimse o testten sıfır almadı. - Nobody got zero in that test.

zero hour ask
{i} hiçlik
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) yazının sıfır derecesi [barthes]
{f} sıfırlamak
bir ölçek üzerinde başlangıç noktası
bir nokta gibi
{i} sıfır noktası
aynı zamana rastlamak için ayarlamak
zero in on belirli bir hedefe ayarlamak
savaşta sal
zero dimensionaluzunluğu ve eni olmayan
{f} sıfıra ayarlamak
zero gravity
(Askeri) SIFIR YERÇEKİMİ: Yerçekimi etkilerinin tam yokluğu. Böyle bir durum; belli başlı çekim kaynağı çekim kuvvetinin tamamen kaldırıldığı veya atalet kuvveti ile karşılandığı zaman meydana gelir. Örneğin; performanslı bir uçak veya yörüngedeki bir uydunun tam parabolik uçuş yolu üzerinde bulunduğu zamanki durum. Ayrıca bak "agravic"
zero beat
zero error
(Bilgisayar) alt değer hatası
zero point
nötr nokta
zero point energy
sıfır noktası enerjisi
zero sum game
sıfır-toplamlı oyun
zero sum game
sıfır toplamlı oyun
zero adjustment
sıfır ayarı
zero beat
sıfır vuruş
zero compression
sıfır sıkıştırma
zero field
sıfır alan
zero fill
sıfırla doldur
zero flag
sıfır bayrağı
zero gap
sıfır aralığı
zero hour
operasyon başlama saati
zero line of band
kuşağın sıfır çizgisi
zero order frequency
sıfır derece frekans
zero point
sıfır noktası
zero suppression
sıfırların kaldırılması
zero valent
sıfır değerlikli
zero allomorph
sıfır alomorf, sıfır değişke
zero anaphora
sıfır yinelem
zero based
sıfır tabanlı
zero bias
sıfır öngerilim
zero bit
sıfır biti
zero bond
sıfır kuponlu tahvil
zero condition
sıfır durumu
zero connector
sıfır bağlayıcı
zero elimination
sifirlari eleme
zero float
sıfır float
zero fuel weight calculations are adjusted
yakıtsız ağırlık hesabı ile ayarlanır
zero gravity
sıfır yerçekimi
zero in on
Bir konu üzerinde yoğunlaşmak, dikkatini vermek
zero length
zero line
sıfır çizgisi
zero method
sıfır yöntemi
zero output
sıfır çıktı
zero output signal
sıfır çıktı işareti
zero position
sıfır konumu
zero potential
sıfır potansiyel
zero power level
sıfır güç düzeyi
zero resistance
sıfır direnç
zero state
sıfır durumu
zero sum
Bir tarafın kazancının diğer tarafın kaybı olduğu
zero sum
Tarafların eşit kayıplı kazanımını belirtir
zero tillage
Sıfır toprak işleme, toprağın işlenmemiş sürülmemiş olması
zero tolerance
sıfır tolerans
zero-day attack
sıfır-gün saldırısı
zero-order correlation
Sıfır sıralı korelasyon: İki değişken arasında, diğer ilişkili değişkenleri sabit tutmaksızın hesaplanan bir korelasyon. Bu korelasyon -1 ila +1 arasında değişebilir
sıfır tolerans
zero address instruction
adressiz komut
zero adjustment
hassas ayarlama
zero adjustment
hatasız ayarlama
zero amplitude
sıfır genişlik
zero amplitude
sıfır genlik
zero article
(Dilbilim) tanımlıksız
zero azimuth line
(Askeri) sıfır istikamet hattı
zero azimuth line
(Askeri) SIFIR SEMT HATTI: Harita üzerinde itibari olarak tespit olunan bir hat. Bütün istikamet açıları (semtler) bu hatta göre ölçülür. Bu hat, mevziinin harita istikametleri olan haberlerin gönderilmesinde gizlilik sağlamak amacıyla kullanılır. Ayrıca bak "azimuth"
zero azimuth line
(Askeri) sıfır semt hattı
zero bar
gerilmesiz çubuk
zero based
(Kanun) sıfır tabalı
zero based linearity
alt deger dogrusalligi
zero beat
(Askeri) SIFIR GİRİŞİMİ: Telsiz cihazlarını aynı frekansa ayarlama usulü
zero bit insertion
sifir bitini araya sokma
zero bond
(Ticaret) kuponsuz tahviller
zero code suppression
sifir kodlarini yoketme
zero compression
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sıfır sıkışımı
zero compression
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sıfır kompresyonu
zero conductor
nötr iletken
zero conductor
(isim)tr iletken
zero crossing
sıfırdan geçiş
zero damped
(Gıda) sıfır sönümlü
zero deflection
(Askeri) nişan hattı ayarı
zero deflection
(Askeri) NİŞAN HATTI AYARI: Bir nişangahı, bağlı olduğu topun eksenine tamamen paralel olarak ayarlama
zero deflection
(Askeri) nişan hata ayarı
zero dimensional
zero divide
(Bilgisayar) sıfıra bölüm
zero divisor
(Matematik) sıfır böleni
zero elasticity
(Ticaret) sıfır esneklik
zero element
(Matematik) sıfır öğe
zero elevation
sıfır yüksekliği
zero elevation
sifir yuksekligi
zero elimination
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sıfırları eleme
zero error
sifir hatasi
zero error of a measuring instrument
olcme aygitinin sifir hatasi
zero excess
sifir asiriligi
zero fuel mass
(Havacılık) yakıtsız ağırlık
zero function
(Matematik) sıfır fonksiyonu
zero funds gap
(Ticaret) sıfır fon açığı
zero grazing
(Tarım) otu biçip yedirme
zero height of burst
(Askeri) SIFIR PARALANMA YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Aynı tapa saniyesi ve aynı yükseliş açısı ile atılan atımlardan, havada ve satıhta paralananların eşit sayıda elde edilmesi durumu
zero hour
başlangıç anı
zero hour
(Askeri) Harekatın başlama zamanı
zero hour
saldırı anı
zero hour
kritik an
zero hour
(Askeri) SIFIR SAATİ, H: SAATİ, S: SAATİ: Bak "H. hour"
zero in
(Askeri) SIFIRLAMAK: Standart mesafede, bir tüfeğin nişangah tanzimlerini, esas kademe atışıyla ayarlamak
zero in on
zero in on
{k} dikkatini (bir şeyin) üstüne çevirmek; tüm dikkatini (bir şeyin) üzerinde toplamak
zero in on
zero in on
(Askeri) Belirli bir hedef ayarlamak, bütün gayretini
zero in on
zero in on
dikkatini vermek
zero length launcher
(Askeri) SIFIR SAFHALI ROKET ATAR: Ateşlemeden önce roketin istenen vaziyette tutan, fakat ateşlemeden sonra seyir istikameti üzerinde hiçbir kontrol icra etmeyen roket atar
zero length launching
(Askeri) SIFIR MESAFEDE FIRLATMA: Bir füzenin veya uçağın ilk hareketi ile rampadan ayrıldığı bir fırlatma tekniği
zero level
sifir duzeyi,  dayanak duzeyi
zero line
(Fizik) başlangıç çizgisi
zero mean
sifir ortalamali
zero mode a
(Havacılık) sıfır mod a
zero modification
(Dilbilim) nitelemesiz
zero moment
sıfır moment
zero morph
(Dilbilim) boş biçimbirim
zero octane
sıfır oktan
zero of a measuring instrument
olcme aygitinin sifiri
zero option
tek seçenek
zero option
son seçenek
zero picture
(re: numbers) Sıfır gösterimi (re: sayılar)
zero picture
(Bilgisayar) sıfır gösterimi
zero point
(Askeri) SIFIR NOKTASI: Bir nükleer silahın, patladığı andaki paralanma merkezi. Sıfır noktası paralanmanın cinsine göre;. havada, karada veya su üzerinde ve altında olabilir; bundan dolayı yer sıfır noktasından (surface zero) ayrı düşünülmesi gerekir
zero position
hareketsiz durum
zero potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik) sıfır gerilim
zero potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) sıfır potansiyeli
zero potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik) sıfır gizilgüç
zero power reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) sıfır güç reaktörü
zero shear
sıfır makaslama
zero shift
sifir kaymasi
zero shift error
(Bilgisayar) kayma yanılgısı
zero shot
(Askeri) NİŞAN HATTI KONTROL ATIMI: Nişangahları kontrol amacıyla atılan atım
zero shot
(Askeri) nişan hattı kontrol atımı
zero sum game
sifir-toplamli oyun
zero suppress
(Bilgisayar) sıfır gösterme
zero suppress
(Bilgisayar) sıfır bastır
zero suppression
ön sıfırları atma
zero synchronization
sifir konumlamasi
zero tariff
(Ticaret) sıfır gümrük tarifesi
zero valent
(Kimya) sıfır değerli
zero value
sıfır değer
zero values
(Bilgisayar) sıfır değerleri
zero width joiner
Sıfır Genişlik Birleşirici
division by zero
(Bilgisayar) sıfıra bölme
elevated zero range
(Bilgisayar) sıfırlı erim ölçme aleti
elevated zero range
sıfırlı erim
point zero
(Askeri) yer sıfır noktası
suppressed zero range
sıfırsız erim
suppressed zero scale
sıfırsız ölçek
zero hour
(Askeri) sıfır saati
absolute zero
mutlak sıfır

Mutlak sıfır, mümkün olan en düşük sıcaklıktır. - Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature.

absolute zero
mutlak sıfır noktası
actual ground zero
gerçek yer düzeyi
aleph zero
alef sıfır
ground zero
bombanın patladığı yer
left divisor of zero
soldan sıfır böleni
left zero punching
solda sıfırlı delgi
non zero
sıfırdan farklı
Wireless Zero Configuration
(Bilgisayar) Kablosuz Sıfır Yapılandırma
any number greater than zero
Sıfırdan büyük herhangi bir sayı
below zero
Sıfırın altında

Termometre sıfırın altında üç derece olarak okuyor. - The thermometer reads three degrees below zero.

Şimdi sıcaklık sıfırın altında on derece. - It is ten degrees below zero now.

condition zero
durumu sıfır
ground zero
(Askeri) YER SıFıR NOKTASı: Bir nükleer silahın infilak noktasında veya bu noktanın dikey olarak altında veya üstünde kara veya su sathı üzerinde bulunan nokta (GZ olarakta bilinmektedir). Ayrıca bakınız: "actual ground zero; desired ground zero"
leading zero
öndeki sıfır
money zero maturity
vadesi sıfır olan para
Sıfırdan farklı değer
size zero
sıfır beden
sıfırın altında
(Hava) Sıfırın altında
t minus zero
Zaman bitti! Süre doldu!

2010'da iki sıfır vardır. - There are two zeroes in 2010.

Allied Command Europe desired ground zero number
(Askeri) Avrupa Müttefik Komutanlığı arzu edilen yer sıfır noktası sayısı
absolute zero
(Askeri) MUTLAK SIFIR: Her türlü termik etki veya sıcaklık etkisinin ortadan kalktığı teorik hava sıcaklığı; ortalama -273.16°C, -459.69°F, 0°K ve 0°R; ısıda mutlak sıfır noktası (-273°C)
absolute zero
saltık sıfır
absolute zero
mutlâk sıfır noktası ( 273 c)
actual ground zero
(Çevre) infilak noktası
actual ground zero
(Askeri) GERÇEK YER SIFIR NOKTASI: Bir nükleer infilak merkezinin dikey olarak altına veya üzerine gelen yeryüzü noktası. AGZ olarak da bilinir. Ayrıca bakınız, " desired ground zero ", " ground zero "
actual ground zero
(Askeri) gerçek yer sıfır noktası
balance station zero
(Askeri) Bakınız. "Reference datum"
binary zero
ikili tabanda sıfır
bipolar return to zero
kutupsal sifira donuslu
desired ground zero
(Askeri) arzu edilen yer sıfır noktası
desired ground zero
(Askeri) ARZU EDİLEN YER SIFIR NOKTASI: Arzu edilen bir nükleer patlama merkezi altında, üzerinde veya yukarısında bulunan arz yüzeyindeki nokta. Bak. "actual ground zero", "ground zero"
desired ground zero
(Çevre) hedeflenen infilak noktası
elevated zero range
sifirli erim (olcme aleti)
floating zero
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kayan sıfır
ground zero
(Askeri) YER SIFIR NOKTASI: Bir nükleer silahın infilak noktasında veya bu noktanın dikey olarak altında veya üstünde kara veya su sathı üzerinde bulunan nokta (GZ olarakta bilinmektedir). Ayrıca bakınız: "actual ground zero; desired ground zero"
ground zero
(Askeri) Yer sıfır noktası
mechanical zero
mekanik sifir
page zero
sıfırıncı sayfa
pole zero plot
sifir kutup ciziti
pole zero plot
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sıfır kutup çiziti
return to zero unipolar
(bipolar) sifira donuslu tek (cift) kutuplu
suppressed zero range
sifirsiz erim
suppressed zero scale
sifirsiz olcek
surface zero
(Askeri) SATIH SIFIR NOKTASI: Bak. "ground zero"
surface zero
(Çevre) hedef noktası
target desired ground zero (DGZ) designator; time definite delivery
(Askeri) hedefe göre istenen yer sıfır numarası belirleyicisi; kesin dağıtım zamanı
İngilizce - İngilizce
Present at an abstract level, but not realized in the data

The stem of kobieta with the zero ending is kobiet.

Virtually none

She showed zero respect.

To cause or set some value or amount to be zero

They tried to zero the budget by the end of the quarter.

A person of little or no importance

They rudely treated him like a zero.

The digit 0 in the decimal, binary, and all other base numbering systems

One million has six zeroes.

The additive identity element of a monoid or greater algebraic structure, particularly a group or ring

The quotient ring over a maximal ideal is a field with a single zero element.

Of horizontal visibility, limited to 165 feet (50.3 meters) or less
To eliminate; to delete; to overwrite with zeros

If I zeroed Jack, I'd get by So I'd erased him, pretended the last few months had never happened.

A setting of calibrated instruments such as a firearm
Of a cloud ceiling, limiting vision to 50 feet (15 meters) or less
The point on a scale at which numbering or measurement originates

The temperature outside is ten degrees below zero.

To set a measuring instrument to zero; to calibrate instrument scale to valid zero

Zero the fluorometer with the same solvent used in extraction.

A Mitsubishi A6M Zero, a long range fighter aircraft operated by the Japanese Navy Air Service from 1940 to 1945
A value of the independent variables of a function, for which the function is equal to zero

The nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function may all lie on the critical line.

The value of a magnitude corresponding to the cardinal number zero

The electromagnetic field does not drop all of the way to zero before a reversal.

Nothing, or none

In the end, all of our hard work amounted to zero.

A security which has a zero coupon (paying no periodic interest)

The takeovers were financed by issuing zeroes.

To disappear

Traffic on the encrypted channels used by senior Iraqi generals had peaked and zeroed, then peaked again, and zeroed again.

To change a memory location or range to values of zero; to set a variable in a computer program to zero

Results were inconsistent because an array wasn’t zeroed during initialization.

The cardinal number occurring before one and that denotes no quantity or amount at all, represented in Arabic numerals as 0

A cheque for zero dollars and zero cents crashed the computers on division by zero.

The numeric symbol that represents the cardinal number zero

The zero sign in American Sign Language is considered rude in some cultures.

{n} the name of a cypher
A zero value of a magnitude
vb To fill or replace with zeros (for example, to zero a specified portion of memory, a field, or some other limited structure)
of or relating to the null set (a set with no members)
adjust (an instrument or device) to zero value indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration; "a zero score"
You can use zero to say that there is none at all of the thing mentioned. This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities. in full Mitsubishi A6M Zero Japanese fighter aircraft of World War II. A single-seat, low-wing monoplane made by Mitsubishi, it was introduced in 1940, the 2,600th anniversary of the crowning of Japan's legendary first emperor, Jimmu, and named for the "zero-year" celebration. It had a top speed of 350 mph (565 kph) at nearly 20,000 ft (6,000 m). When it first appeared, it could outmaneuver every plane it encountered; Allied fighters could not defeat it until 1943. Many Zeros became kamikaze craft in the war's closing months. Number and numeral of critical importance in mathematics. Zero is known as the additive identity because adding it to any number does not change the number's identity, or value. The product of zero and any number is zero; for most number systems the converse is true that is, if the product of two numbers is zero, at least one of them must equal zero. The latter property is fundamental to the solution of nearly every problem in mathematics. Division by zero is undefined; efforts to deal with such divisions led to calculus. Various punctuation marks were first used in Mesopotamia beginning about 700 BC to indicate an empty space in positional notation, but never at the end of a number the difference between, say, 78 and 780 had to be understood from the context. Ptolemy first used 0, or the Greek letter omicron " ," as an empty placeholder, including at the end of a number, to express data in the Babylonian sexagesimal system in his astronomical treatise Almagest ( 130 AD). The Hindu-Arabic numerals and treatment of zero as a number developed between the 6th and 9th centuries in India. Zero soon followed trade routes to China, the Islamic world, and Europe. Mitsubishi A6M Zero absolute zero Mostel Zero zero point energy
Present at an abstract level but not realized in the data
a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"
tests whether its argument, which must be a number, is equal to zero
For all practical purposes irrelevant. Usage: zero + noun
{i} number 0, quantity of none, null; lowest point possible; (USA & Canada) person who is considered as a total failure
adjust (an instrument or device) to zero value
indicating an initial point or origin
1) numeral representing the concept of nothing -- " the numeral for zero (0) is used when a section " (9) 2) not any -- "write down each prime factor zero times" (164)
A value of a function's independent variables for which the function is equal to zero
vt 1 To set to 0 Usually said of small pieces of data, such as bits or words (esp in the construction `zero out') 2 To erase; to discard all data from Said of disks and directories, where `zeroing' need not involve actually writing zeroes throughout the area being zeroed One may speak of something being `logically zeroed' rather than being `physically zeroed' See {scribble}
nothing; reset to nothing When every thing was taken away, the number left was zero Before you start the experiment, remember to zero the counters
the quantity that registers a reading of zero on a scale
indicating an initial point or origin of or relating to the null set (a set with no members)
A plane flown by a Japanese kamikaze in WWII
the quantity that registers a reading of zero on a scale a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun); "He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards"
{f} turn to zero, nullify, adjust, regulate
Zero is the number
Zero is short for Zero Coupon Bonds As the name implies, zeros pays no interest, so there is nil income tax to pay whilst they are held The investment "rolls up"; i e the interest is included in the capital amount received on transfer or redemption, which is liable to income tax at that time Zero Dividend Preference shares have similar advantages
Zero is a temperature of 0°. It is freezing point on the Centigrade and Celsius scales, and 32° below freezing point on the Fahrenheit scale. It's a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees above zero That night the mercury fell to thirty degrees below zero
A zero sphere, which includes no territory, may be designated for an agency, usually a special district A zero sphere assumes that the public service responsibility and function of the agency should ultimately be reassigned to another agency or that the services being provided by the agency should not be a function of a public agency
The number of times you've gotten to eat most of the pizza you ordered
a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number
(1) mechanical zero or electrical zero (2) To place the measure point on a downhole logging tool at the depth datum and adjust the depth-meter to read zero depth
Style and artistry points earned for a gear-up landing
The point from which the graduation of a scale, as of a thermometer, commences
Ossenglish | adronato
A cipher; nothing; naught
If, for a function f(x), the value x 5 a is such that f(a)=0, then a is a zero of the function; where the graph of a function meets the x-axis
The origin of all coordinates defined in an absolute system Where X, Y and Z axes intersect
To reset a scale device so that it registers zero weight before anything is placed upon it to be weighed
{s} being 0 in number; having no determinable quantity
Visibility at the city's airport came down to zero, bringing air traffic to a standstill. a scale ranging from zero to seven. = nought
adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun); "He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards"
indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration; "a zero score"
As a mathematical idea, the absolute zero obtained by the subtraction of equal quantities (expressed by a - a) In physical measurement, a lower limit or point of origin, as in the zero of a scale or the absolute zero of temperature
having no measurable or otherwise determinable value; "the goal is zero population growth"
The low level logic
the lowest possible score on a deal in a match point contest
Nothing; nought; an amount or degree that is for practical purposes irrelevant
A point on a scale at which numbering or measurement originates
zero air
Purified atmospheric air to contain less than 0.1 ppm total hydrocarbons
zero conditional
A structure used to talk about general truths or facts, containing an "if" clause and a main clause

If it rains, the ground gets wet. is an example of a zero conditional sentence.

zero conditionals
plural form of zero conditional
zero coupon
A non-existent coupon

They decided to issue a note with a zero coupon.

zero coupon
A financial security that does not pay interest periodically

Their trademarked financial structure involved issuing several kinds of zero coupons.

zero coupon bond
A bond (e.g., corporate debenture or government debt) that has no coupon (i.e., pays no interest), during the life of the issue. Such a bond is initially sold at a deep discount to its face value. The rate of return to the holder is derived from the gradual appreciation as the security moves toward maturity
zero coupon bonds
plural form of zero coupon bond
zero deflection
The adjustment of a sight, exactly parallel to the axis of the bore of the gun to which it is attached
zero gravity
A state/shuttle/simulator which produces weightlessness
zero gravity
The state of apparent weightlessness which occurs when in free fall
zero hour
The scheduled time for the start of some event, especially a military operation; H-hour
zero hundred
The start of the first hour of the day on the 24-hour clock, i.e. 0: 00, military time
zero in
To focus one's aim; to zoom in and center on something

When you invoke the VAX C compiler with -p for profiling it generates an assembly-language call to a profiling subroutine for which I substituted my own heap-checker, and that enabled me to zero in on a heap-violation which was caused by an array-out-of-bounds condition.

zero in on
To concentrate or focus one's attention on at task

One member of the check fraud team will zero in on the fingerprints.

zero in on
To successfully narrow down a search

See if you can zero in on the caller.

zero in on
To aim precisely at a target

The pilot zeroed in on the bunker and launched a guided missile.

zero in on
To converge on something

At the spring sale, everyone zeroed in on the bargain clothes.

zero one infinity rule
The rule that a database (or similar) should allow for either zero, one, or an indefinite number of an entity
zero point
The location of the center of a burst of a nuclear weapon at the instant of detonation. The zero point may be in the air, or on or beneath the surface of land or water, depending upon the type of burst, and it is thus to be distinguished from ground zero
zero points
plural form of zero point
zero tensor
A generalization of the zero vector to tensor space
zero tensor
A tensor with all entries equal to zero; where any pattern of covariant and contravariant indices have all components equal to 0
zero tensors
plural form of zero tensor
zero tolerance
The strict policy of enforcing all the laws of a state, or the rules of an institution, and allowing no toleration or compromise for first-time offenders or petty violations
zero vector
A vector whose value in every dimension is zero. i.e. \vec 0 =
zero-based budget
A budget developed disregarding the expenses or costs of the prior year, requiring explicit justification for all expenditures
zero-based budgets
plural form of zero-based budget
zero-based indexing
The method of indexing a vector or any data structure implemented using a vector (commonly a string or a multidimensional array) with non-negative integers; i.e. starting with 0
zero-coupon note
A promissory note that pays at maturity the value of the note with no separate interest payments, the effective interest arising from the discounted purchase price
Pertaining to the day on which software is released

Automatically creating reliable signatures of zero-day exploits is the focus of intense research efforts.

Of geometrical objects, having zero dimensions; having no extent in any direction
zero-emission vehicle
A vehicle that produces only carbon dioxide and water as its emissions and so does not pollute the air
In Proto-Indo-European linguistics, a term used to describe an ablaut form of a root characterized by the absence of the basic ablauting vowel phonemes */e/ and */o/

*bʰr̥- is the zero-grade of the Proto-Indo-European root *bʰer- meaning ‘to carry, bear’.

Kept in enclosures and never let out to graze

The group also has two zero-grazed cows that provide milk for sale. The group obtained the cows from a church project in 1993.

Describing situations in which the veracity of a statement may be shown to be true without revealing any other information
zero-knowledge proof
An interactive method for one party to prove to another that a (usually mathematical) statement is true, without revealing anything other than the veracity of the statement
zero-length launching
A technique in which the first motion of the missile or aircraft removes it from the launcher. Normally, such a launch occurs before the missile fuel or aircraft engine is fired
zero-order design
An optimal network design within a computer. It involves choosing an optimal reference system and revolving it around a certain real number
zero-order hold
A mathematical model of the practical signal reconstruction done by a conventional digital-to-analog converter, describing the effect of converting a discrete-time signal to a continuous-time signal by holding each sample value for one sample interval
zero-order holds
plural form of zero-order hold
associated with zero on any scale, but particularly with a temperature of absolute zero
zero-point energies
plural form of zero-point energy
zero-point energy
The lowest possible energy of any quantum mechanical system; a consequence of the uncertainty principle
zero-point energy
The energy possessed by something at a temperature of absolute zero
subject to no value-added tax when sold (but the supplier can still recover VAT attributable to it)
of any system where all gains are offset by exactly equal losses
zero-sum game
A game (or a similar economic system) in which the winnings of some players must equal the losses of others
Pertaining to the ejection of the occupant of an aircraft from a grounded stationary position (i.e. zero altitude and zero airspeed)

To lessen these forces,as well as achieve zero-zero seat capability—the ability to eject while sitting motionless on the ground—rocket sustainers were added.

zero in on
Focus on, concentrate on, home in on, centre on, fix on, pinpoint; zoom in on
zero sum
of or pertaining to a situation or a system wherein gain is offset by an equal loss; of or pertaining to a situation whereing the gain (or loss) of a participant is balanced in an accurate manner by the losses or gains of the other participant or participants
zero sum
Denoting a game or situation in which whatever is gained by one side is lost by the other
zero waste
(Felsefe) Zero waste is a philosophy that aims to guide people in the redesign of their resource-use system with the aim of reducing waste to zero. Put simply zero waste is an idea to extend the current ideas of recycling to form a circular system where as much waste as possible is reused, similar to the way it is in nature. The best example of zero waste practiced by mankind is found in zero waste agriculture where households make optimal use of nature in the from of plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and algae, to produce biodiverse-food, energy and nutrients in a synergistic integrated cycle of profit making processes where the waste of each process becomes the feedstock for another process
zero-coupon bond
(Finans) A zero-coupon bond (also called a discount bond or deep discount bond) is a bond bought at a price lower than its face value, with the face value repaid at the time of maturity. It does not make periodic interest payments, or have so-called "coupons," hence the term zero-coupon bond. Investors earn return from the compounded interest all paid at maturity plus the difference between the discounted price of the bond and its par (or redemption) value. Examples of zero-coupon bonds include U.S. Treasury bills, U.S. savings bonds, long-term zero-coupon bonds, and any type of coupon bond that has been stripped of its coupons
Zero Insertion Force socket
{i} socket in a chip where there is a lever which allows easy removal of the chip, ZIF socket
Zero Mostel
orig. Samuel Joel Mostel born Feb. 28, 1915, New York, N.Y., U.S. died Sept. 8, 1977, Philadelphia, Pa. U.S. actor. He initially worked both on Broadway and in film, but after being blacklisted in Hollywood after 1955, he worked principally in theatre in New York City. He gave acclaimed performances in Ulysses in Nighttown (1958) and Rhinoceros (1961), and he had lead roles in the musicals A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1962) and Fiddler on the Roof (1964). His later films included Mel Brooks's The Producers (1968) and The Front (1976), a film about the blacklisting era. Mostel was also a serious painter throughout his life
ejection seat of a pilot (that brings him back safely to a speed and altitude of zero)
zero article
{i} linguistics process when an article (the, a, an) is not used
zero conductor
{i} system that protects against electric shocks
zero copula
Our Living Language A widely known feature of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and some varieties of Southern American English spoken by working-class white people is the absence of a form of be in situations where Standard English would normally require one. In these varieties of English, one can say He working, where Standard English has He is working, meaning "He is working right now." Linguists frequently describe this zero usage as zero copula, although strictly speaking it should be described as zero auxiliary before progressive verb forms, as in He working, and before going to or gon(na), as in He gon do it. This usage is perhaps even more characteristic of AAVE than is invariant habitual be. For some AAVE speakers, zero copula occurs 80 to 90 percent of the time where Standard English requires is or are. No other varieties of American English use zero copula as often.·As with all dialectal features, zero copula use is more systematic than it might at first appear. As the examples above indicate, only present tense inflected forms of be can be deleted (was and were cannot be deleted), and even among present forms, only is and are are deleted; am is frequently contracted but never deleted. Invariant or non-finite forms, such as be in You have to be good can't be deleted, nor can forms that are stressed (He is tall) or that come at the end of a clause (That's what he is). In the late 1960s, linguist William Labov captured most of these generalizations, stating that wherever Standard English can contract is or are, AAVE can delete it. (Note that Standard English does not tolerate contractions in sentences such as That's what he's.) Equally systematic are the quantitative regularities of the zero copula. Throughout the United States, zero copula is less frequent when followed by a noun (He a man) than when followed by an adjective (He happy). It is most frequent when followed by progressives and gon(na), as exemplified above.·This pattern of be-deletion is also found in Gullah and Caribbean Creole varieties of English. Since zero copula is not a feature of the British dialects of English that colonial settlers brought to the United States, it is one of the strongest indicators that the development of AAVE may have been influenced by Caribbean English creoles or that AAVE itself may have evolved from an American Creole-like ancestor. See note at be
zero coupon bond
A bond that pays no periodic interest, but is sold at a deep discount from the face value payable at maturity See bond and municipal bond
zero coupon bond
A bond issued at a discount which accrues interest that is paid in full at maturity
zero coupon bond
A bond which does not pay out interest in cash, but instead re-invests it All bonds once had detachable coupons to be sent along with interest payments; thus zero interest payment came to be called "zero coupon"
zero coupon bond
a bond that does not pay interest but is issued at a discount and redeemed at par (full) value
zero coupon bond
A bond where no periodic interest payments are made The investor receives one payment - at maturity The maturity value an investor receives is equal to the principal invested plus interest earned, compounded semiannually, at the original interest rate to maturity
zero coupon bond
pays no interest, but is sold at a large discount and ultimately redeemed at face value, providing a capital gain
zero coupon bond
a bond sold at a deep discount that pays no interest until maturity, at which time the holder receives the bond's face value plus all accrued interest
zero coupon bond
A bond which pays no interest but is priced, at issue, at a discount from its redemption price
zero coupon bond
Such a debt security pays an investor no interest It is sold at a discount to its face price and matures in one year or longer
zero coupon bond
An IOU ("certificate") that sells for much less than it's stated value Though no interest is paid, the debt gradually increases in value until it is paid back at full value
zero coupon bond
– A bond that is originally issued at a deep discount from its par or face amount and which bears no current interest The bond is bought at a discount price which implies a stated rate of return calculated on the basis of the bond being payable at par at maturity (See Capital Appreciation Bond )
zero coupon bond
A bond sold at a deep discount from its face value that makes no periodic payments of interest
zero coupon bond
A bond that is purchased at a deep discount and can be redeemed at face value on a specified maturity date
zero coupon bond
A bond that pays no interest and is initially sold at a discount
zero coupon bond
A bond that is traded at a deep discount because it pays no interest The profit is realized when the bond is redeemed at maturity for full face value
zero coupon bond
A bond that pays a coupon Interest is imputed by purchasing the security below face value
zero coupon bond
a bond issued at a discount without a coupon
zero coupon bond
A bond that pays no interest but is priced, at issue, at a discount from its redemption price
zero coupon bond
A bond which pays no periodic interest, but simply returns a given amount of principal at a stated maturity date Zero coupon bonds are sold at a discount from the maturity amount to provide the holder a compound rate of return for the holding period
zero coupon bond
Bond that makes no periodic interest payments but instead is sold at a deep discount from its face value
zero coupon bond
Bond issued at a discount which accrues interest that is paid in full at maturity
zero coupon bond
A bond that pays no interest throughout its life Zero Coupon Bonds (Zeros) sell at a discount to maturity value The discount represents the return on the original investment, if the bond is held to its maturity date The bonds are usually created using interest payment dates of a regular issue
zero coupon bond
a bond that is issued at a deep discount from its value at maturity and pays no interest during the life of the bond
zero coupon bond
A bond that makes no periodic interest payments, but rather sells at a deep discount from its face value
zero coupon bond
A bond that pays no interest The bond is initially offered at a discount to its redemption value
zero defects
(Ticaret) A quality philosophy based on the idea that a level of perfect quality, as in zero defects, is achievable and should be a company-wide goal. It emphasizes the examination of all factors that lead to quality problems versus a system that builds in an average or acceptable quality level
zero dimensional
{s} having a topological dimension of zero
zero float
(Ticaret) A project activity condition of no excess or slack time, where delay in the activity delays the next activity or possibly the entire project
zero gravity
The condition of apparent weightlessness occurring when the centrifugal force on a body exactly counterbalances the gravitational attraction on it
zero hour
A post-Crisis mini-series that redefined the DC universe again It did an even worse job than Crisis
zero hour
The time an attack began, usually in the early morning
zero hour
the time set for the start of an action or operation
zero hour
hour of fitness, fateful hour, deciding hour
zero hour
The scheduled time for the start of an operation or action, especially a combat operation of great size. Also called H-hour. the time when a military operation or an important event is planned to begin
zero in
To find the path to the pocket, usually after some poor hits and/or experimentation
zero in
adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun); "He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards"
zero in
Find the right strike spot on a lane
zero in
direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids
zero in
nullify; direct; concentrate
zero in on
If you zero in on a problem or subject, you give it your full attention. Many of the other major daily newspapers have not really zeroed in on the problem = home in on
zero in on
To zero in on a target means to aim at it or move towards it. He raised the binoculars again and zeroed in on an eleventh-floor room. = home in on
zero inventory
(Ticaret) A term initially used to represent the optimum stock level in a just-in-time system and the idea that inventory is a liability instead of an asset
zero line
{i} direction toward the center of the target area
zero offset
1 The difference expressed in degrees between true zero and an indication given by a measuring instrument 2 See Zero Suppression
zero offset
the difference expressed in degrees between true zero and an indication given by a measuring instrument
zero offset
The reading (desired or undesired) that occurs when the input terminals of a meter are shorted
zero population growth
The limiting of population increase to the number of live births needed to replace the existing population
zero probability
lowest rate of probability, state of having absolutely no chance of happening
zero sum game
situation in which winners' gains are offset by losers' losses (ending with a net change of zero)
zero suppression
Instron servohydraulic testing systems have a zero suppression feature that shifts the absolute zero of the command waveform to an offset or "apparent" zero It is used to improve resolution when using a waveform that is small in relation to the full scale range in use It is also used when the actuator is offset from its normal or absolute zero to accommodate large grips or long specimens
zero suppression
the span of an indicator or chart recorder may be offset from zero (zero suppressed) such that neither limit of the span will be zero For example, a temperature recorder which records a 100 degree span from 400 degrees to 500 degrees is said to have 400 degrees zero suppression
zero suppression
concealment of zeroes, hiding of zeroes
zero suppression
The removal of, or substitution of blanks for, leading zeros in a number For example, 00057 becomes 57 when using zero suppression
zero suppression
  The elimination of nonsignificant zeros from a numeral
zero suppression
a process used to increase system sensitivity of sensors with a large output offset By suppressing the zero, higher amplification may be applied The bridge circuit is an example
zero suppression
The placement of nonsignificant zeros by spaces to the left of a number before output takes place
zero tolerance
If a government or organization has a policy of zero tolerance of a particular type of behaviour or activity, they will not tolerate it at all. They have a policy of zero tolerance for sexual harassment. The policy or practice of not tolerating undesirable behavior, such as violence or illegal drug use, especially in the automatic imposition of severe penalties for first offenses. a way of dealing with crime in which every person who breaks the law, even in a very small way, is punished as severely as possible
zero tolerance
extreme intolerance of anti-social behavior (usually by an uncompromising application of the law); "he urged zero tolerance for priests who abuse children sexually
having no measurable or otherwise determinable value; "the goal is zero population growth
zero-coupon bond
the commonest form of zero-coupon security
zero-coupon security
a security that makes no interest payments but instead is sold at a deep discount from its face value
A zero-emission vehicle does not produce any dangerous gases. zero-emission electric cars
zero-percent fat
zero-point energy
Vibrational energy retained by molecules even at a temperature of absolute zero. Since temperature is a measure of the intensity of molecular motion, molecules would be expected to come to rest at absolute zero. However, if molecular motion were to cease altogether, the atoms would each have a precisely known location and velocity (zero), and the uncertainty principle states that this cannot occur, since precise values of both position and velocity of an object cannot be known simultaneously. Thus, even molecules at absolute zero must have some zero-point energy
zero-sum game
a game in which the total of all the gains and losses is zero
zero-sum game
If you refer to a situation as a zero-sum game, you mean that if one person gains an advantage from it, someone else involved must suffer an equivalent disadvantage. They believe they're playing a zero-sum game, where both must compete for the same paltry resources. A situation in which a gain by one person or side must be matched by a loss by another person or side: "It's not a zero-sum game in which either youth or pensioners must lose" (Earl W. Foell). a situation in which you receive as much money or advantages as you give away
zero-tolerance policy
any policy that allows no exception; "a zero-tolerance policy toward pedophile priests
Ground Zero
The site of the former World Trade Center towers in New York City destroyed on 11 September 2001
absolute zero
The coldest possible temperature, zero on the Kelvin scale, or approximately −273.15 °C, −459.67 °F
absolute zero
A person or thing of absolutely no consequence
decimal without a zero
Bijective numeration in base ten
go from zero to hero
To become very popular after being unpopular
go from zero to hero
To change from negative outcome to positive outcome. To improve one's fortunes significantly
ground zero
The location of any disaster
ground zero
The point on the land or water surface below, above, or at which an atomic or nuclear bomb detonates
identically zero
In mathematics, a function which is equal to the zero function and not merely zero at a particular point in its domain
myelin protein zero
the major structural protein of the peripheral myelin sheath
negative zero
A signed magnitude representation of zero in which the sign bit indicates a negative number

One must take care in handling negative zero in comparisons.

Describing a building or system which generates as much energy (though solar and wind generation) as it uses from the electricity network

Heath's home is defined as net-zero, which means it produces as much energy as it consumes throughout the year.

patient zero
The initial patient in the population of an epidemiological investigation
positive zero
A signed magnitude representation of zero in which the sign bit indicates a positive number

When not otherwise noted, zero will mean positive zero here.

size zero
The smallest size of women's clothing
size zero
A woman with a very low body mass index, especially such a fashion model
Attributive form of size zero

size-zero dress.

below 0°C; freezing cold
Wireless Zero Configuration
(Bilgisayar) Wireless Zero Configuration (WZC), also known as Wireless Auto Configuration, or WLAN AutoConfig is a wireless connection management utility included with Microsoft Windows XP and later operating systems as a service that dynamically selects a wireless network to connect to based on a user's preferences and various default settings
condition zero
(Oyunlar) Condition Zero or Counter-Strike (abbreviated CS: CZ or just CZ) is the single player version of the multiplayer game, Counter-Strike. The game was released in 2004 using the GoldSrc Half-Life engine. CS: CZ also features a multiplayer mode, which mostly features updated character models, textures, maps and other graphical tweaks
t minus zero
"T minus zero" means "out of time." This comes from a countdown convention used in by both the American military and NASA. Generally, it is used when counting down to a major event that will happen at a specific time. Mathematically, T is time, minus whatever amount of time is left until the event happens. If the News Years ball is dropping in 10 minutes, one could say "The ball is dropping in T minus 10 minutes and counting!" Therefore, "T minus zero" means that there is no time left

I was working on my term paper all night for my morning class, and all the sudden I looked up at the clock and realized I was t minus zero.

t minus zero
(deyim) This comes from a countdown convention used in by both the American military and NASA. Generally, it is used when counting down to a major event that will happen at a specific time. Mathematically, T is time, minus whatever amount of time is left until the event happens. If the News Years ball is dropping in 10 minutes, one could say "The ball is dropping in T minus 10 minutes and counting!" Therefore, "T minus zero" means that there is no time left

I was working on my term paper all night for my morning class, and all the sudden I looked up at the clock and realized I was t minus zero.

Non-Return-to-Zero Inverted
data storage method in which a 0 bit is represented by a signal change and a 1 bit is represented by no change, NRZI (Computers)
absolute zero
The temperature limit at which no further cooling of a substance can occur, and at which the motion of the molecules is at a minimum (or, more accurately, at the minimum allowed by Quantum Mechanics) The energy associated with this minimum motion is called "zero point energy" by physicists
Türkçe - İngilizce

zero teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

zero emission vehicle
(Otomotiv) zev