you've only got yourself to blame for the consequences

listen to the pronunciation of you've only got yourself to blame for the consequences
İngilizce - Almanca
Die Folgen hast du dir selbst zuzurechnen
you've only got yourself to blame for the consequences


    you've on·ly got your·self to blame for the con·se·quenc·es

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    yuv ōnli gät yûrself tı bleym fôr dhi känsıkwensız


    /ˈyo͞ov ˈōnlē ˈgät yo͝orˈself tə ˈblām ˈfôr ᴛʜē ˈkänsəˌkwensəz/ /ˈjuːv ˈoʊnliː ˈɡɑːt jʊrˈsɛlf tə ˈbleɪm ˈfɔːr ðiː ˈkɑːnsəˌkwɛnsəz/