In American English usage only, to authorise frequently not only has the precise meaning above, but also means that the action being authorised was actually carried out, or at least started
(I) (1 ) An 'authorization' is a right or a permission that is granted to a system entity to access a system resource (2 ) An 'authorization process' is a procedure for granting such rights (3 ) To 'authorize' means to grant such a right or permission (O) SET usage: 'The process by which a properly appointed person or persons grants permission to perform some action on behalf of an organization This process assesses transaction risk, confirms that a given transaction does not raise the account holder's debt above the account's credit limit, and reserves the specified amount of credit (When a merchant obtains authorization, payment for the authorized amount is guaranteed--provided, of course, that the merchant followed the rules associated with the authorization process )' [RFC2828] (see also authorization, Secure Electronic Transaction) (includes delegation)
Give final approval; a person who can authorize something is vested with authority to give final endorsement, which requires no further approval
author·ize authorizes authorizing authorized in BRIT, also use authorise If someone in a position of authority authorizes something, they give their official permission for it to happen. It would certainly be within his power to authorize a police raid like that = sanction + authorization authorizations authori·za·tion The United Nations will approve his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid. to give official permission for something