yeniden damarlanma

listen to the pronunciation of yeniden damarlanma
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Tıp) revascularization
The restoration of a blood supply to an organ or limb
The surgical method of opening up blocked blood vessels to improve blood flow to the heart
{i} restoration of blood supply; surgical procedure providing a new or supplementary or augmented blood supply to a body organ or part
A broad term that describes surgical and catheter procedures that are used to restore blood flow to the heart
restoration, to the extent possible, of normal blood flow to the myocardium by surgical or percutaneous means or with removal or reduction of an obstruction as occurs when CABG or PTCA is performed
A procedure to restore blood flow to the tissues Coronary artery bypass surgery is an example of a revascularization procedure
Türkçe - Türkçe
yeniden damarlanma