A rule which holds true for all normal members of a class, but admits exceptions
A rule which permits the exclusion of aberrantly high temperatures when calculating the coverline Temperatures eliminated with this rule differ from disturbances in that there is no obvious reason for them to be outside the norm Disturbed temperatures are eliminated based on conditions which cause the temperature to be skewed, such as late or early rising, sickness, etc A temperature where the Rule of Thumb has been applied is easily identified in the Chart by the hand and thumb icon which obscures it
a mathematical relationship between or among variables based on experience, observation, hearsay, or a combination of these, usually applicable to a specific industry
A useful principle having wide application but not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable in every situation
An English expression which means the accepted way of assessing a situation but which is not official
- a mathematical relationship between or among variables based on experience, observation, hearsay, or a combination of these, usually applicable to a specific industry
An informal rule or guide-line which enables you to choose a correct answer in most situations Howevr, a rule of thumb is a simplification and cannot be relied on to provide the correct solution in all situations Use with care!
yaklaşık hesap, göz kararı, pratik iş görme usulü
yak·la·şık he·sap, göz ka·ra·rı, pra·tik iş gör·me u·su·lü