O iş yerindeki atmosfer çok kapsayıcı değil.
- The atmosphere in that workplace is not very inclusive.
Tüm Amerikan işçilerinin yaklaşık yarısının iş yeri emeklilik tasarruf planına girişleri yok.
- About half of all American workers do not have access to workplace retirement savings plan.
Aşk işyerinde her zaman olur.
- Love happens in the workplace all the time.
Wienczysława, işyerindeki en güzel esmerdir.
- Wienczysława is the most beautiful brunette in the workplace.
Aşk işyerinde her zaman olur.
- Love happens in the workplace all the time.
İşyerindeki kültürü nasıl tanımlardın?
- How would you describe the culture of your workplace?
He signed a workplace agreement.
... Even in the old, predigital, traditional workplace, we recognized that workers had human rights. ...
... But I'm saying that you can organize a workplace in a very, ...