
listen to the pronunciation of won
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Astronomi) Kore'nin para birimi
{f} kazan

1958'de, Brezilya ilk Dünya Kupası zaferini kazandı. - In 1958, Brazil won its first World Cup victory.

Tom piyangoda 10.000 dolar kazandı. - Tom won $10,000 in the lottery.

{i} won [fin.]
(isim) won [fin.]
win kazan
f., bak. win

Amerikalı generaller kolay bir zafer kazanabileceklerine inanıyorlardı. - American generals believed they could win an easy victory.

Kaybeden gülümserse kazanan zaferin heyecanını kaybeder. - If the loser smiled the winner will lose the thrill of victory.

{k} will not
won over
won't hold water
Bkz. hold water
won't you go shopping with me
benimle alışverişe gitmek ister misiniz
{i} galibiyet

Onların galibiyet serileri bittiği için art arda 10 oyun kaybettiler. - They have lost 10 games in a row since their winning streak ended.

Ricardo galibiyet için 500 Amerikan doları aldı. - Ricardo got US$ 500 for winning.

{i} kazanma

O takımın çok az, eğer varsa, kazanma şansı var. - That team has little, if any, chance of winning.

Seyircisini kazanmak için konuşmacı, iletişim kurslarından öğrendiği retorik teknikleri kullanarak başvurdu. - To win his audience, the speaker resorted to using rhetorical techniques he learned from his communication courses.

{i} başarı

Umarım ödülü kazanmayı başarırsınız. - I hope you will succeed in winning the prize.

Onlar bir şişe şarap açarak onun başarısını kutladılar. - They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine.

{f} kazanmak; (yarışma veya başka bir uğraşı sonucunda) elde etmek: Who won the contest? Yarışmayı kim kazandı? Utku's won the
isabet etmek
ulaşmayı başarmak
{f} kazan

Seyircisini kazanmak için konuşmacı, iletişim kurslarından öğrendiği retorik teknikleri kullanarak başvurdu. - To win his audience, the speaker resorted to using rhetorical techniques he learned from his communication courses.

Onun seçimi kazanması için herhangi bir ihtimal var mı? - Is there any possibility that he'll win the election?

{f} galip gelmek
{f} kazanmak

Saygın bir insan bulmak bir piyango kazanmaktan daha zor. - Finding a decent man is more difficult than winning a lottery.

Seyircisini kazanmak için konuşmacı, iletişim kurslarından öğrendiği retorik teknikleri kullanarak başvurdu. - To win his audience, the speaker resorted to using rhetorical techniques he learned from his communication courses.

This won´t weigh very heavily with her
Onun gözünde pek önemli bir şey değil bu
engine won't start
Motor çalışmıyor
zor kazandı
have won
it won't be amiss
o yanlış olmayacaktır
it won't break the bank
(deyim) Ucuz!
it won't break the bank
(deyim) Cheap
it won't go down with me
onu benimle gitmeyecek
it won't hurt
that won't do any good
herhangi bir yararı olmaz
That story won't wash
İng., k.dili. O masalı kimse yutmaz
The car won't start
Arabanın motorunu çalıştıramıyorum
They won't come on
Vaktinde gelmezler, gör bak!
This won't weigh very
Onun gözünde pek önemli bir şey değil bu
don't worry, it won't hurt
endişelenmeyin acitmayacak
how many races has this jockey won
bu cokey kaç yarış kazandı
i won't go with you
sizinle gelmeyeceğim
i won't hear of it
Kabul etmem
race won by a length
bir at/kayık boyu ile kazanılan yarış
that cat won't jump
that cat won't jump
bu iş olmaz
that won't do
yeterli değil
that won't do
that won't do
that won't do with me
bana sökmez
the engine won't start
motor çalışmıyor
win by a head yarışta bir at
{f} (won, --ning)
birinci gelmek
birinci gelme
gayesine erişmek
{f} ikna etmek
temin etmek
{f} elde etmek
{f} dostluğunu kazanmak

Yeni başlayanlar için rüzgar sörfünün keyfini çıkarmak zordur. - It is difficult for beginners to enjoy windsurfing.

{f} ulaşmak

Ben rüzgarın yönünü değiştiremem, ama her zaman benim hedefe ulaşmak için benim yelkenleri ayarlayabilirim. - I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

{f} ele geçirmek
you won't feel any pain
acı hissetmeyeceksiniz
İngilizce - İngilizce
The currency of Korea, making 100 jun in North Korea and 100 jeon in South Korea
To live, to remain
Simple past tense and past participle of win
To be accustomed to do something
{i} currency of Korea
Weekly Office Notice
To dwell or abide
of Win
the basic unit of money in South Korea
not subject to defeat; "with that move it's a won game
Dwelling; wone
not subject to defeat; "with that move it's a won game"
(win, won, won)
the basic unit of money in North Korea
Won is the past tense and past participle of win. See table at currency. the past tense and past participle of win. the standard unit of money in South Korea and North Korea
past tense of win, as in: Who won the basketball game?
past of win

I'm sure Tom won't want to do that today. - I'm sure Tom won't want to do that today.

I'm sure Tom won't want to go fishing with us. - I'm sure Tom won't want to go fishing with us.

Won Buddhism
A religion founded in Korea in 1916 by Sot'aesan Taejongsa
will not; used to indicate a future non-occurring action

Sam won't be doing any work this afternoon.

will not have

We're still safe. They won't've seen us yet.

won acclaim
received positive reviews, was praised
won fame
was appreciated, gained a good reputation
won her heart
caused her to love him
won him over
got him to join his cause, earned his support
won his affection
won his heart, enchanted him, got him to love her
won his heart
enchanted him, got him to love her, won his affection
won the award
merited the prize, received an award
won the championship
came in first place in a competition, took the title in a competition
won the cup
won in the finals and received the trophy
won the lottery
won in a raffle, won a large sum of money
won the title
earned the title by victory
won ton
{i} Chinese dumpling which is usually served in soup; wonton soup
won ton
a soup with won ton dumplings
won ton
A ravioli-like Chinese dish of noodles folded around a filling of meat, fish or vegetables They may be boiled, steamed, or deep-fried, and served with dipping sauce
won ton
a Chinese dumpling filled with spiced minced pork; usually served in soup
won ton
a soup with won ton dumplings a Chinese dumpling filled with spiced minced pork; usually served in soup
won ton
A Chinese specialty similar to an Italian RAVIOLI These bite-size dumplings consist of paper-thin dough pillows filled with a minced mixture of meat, seafood and/or vegetables The dough comes prepackaged as WON TON SKINS Won tons may be boiled, steamed or deep-fried and served as an appetizer, snack or side dish, usually with several sauces They are, of course, intrinsic to WON TON SOUP
Won't is the usual spoken form of `will not'. His parents won't let him come. Contraction of will not. the short form of 'will not'
{f} no, negative (used together with another verb to indicate the future tense)
won't have it
will not accept it; will not allow it, will not permit it
won't quit
is not ready to give up just yet, does not want to stop
won't take no for an answer
will not accept refusal, will not accept a negative reply
won-lost record
(sports) a record of win versus losses
Having been obtained with effort, despite difficulty and hardship
if the mountain won't come to Muhammad
If one cannot get one's own way, one must bow to the inevitable
the terrorists will have won
Phrase used to indicate that if a specified activity is not continued or carried out, those who seek to disrupt normal activities through terror will have succeeded, which is an unacceptable result

If we have to wear sweaters and turn down our thermostat, the terrorists will have won.

To cause a victory for someone

The success of the economic policies should win Mr. Smith the next elections.

To achieve victory

Who would win in a fight between an octopus and a dolphin?.

To conquer, defeat

And yf ye wynne vs in bataille the lady shal haue her landes ageyne .

To obtain something that is wanted

The company hopes to win an order from the government worth over 5 million dollars.

{v} to gain, get, get by conquest or play
I won't have it
I do not approve, I will not allow it
It won't kill you
it will not hurt you, it is not all that bad
dead and won't lie down
(Slang) refuse to give in
entailing great loss or sacrifice; "a dearly-won victory
If you describe something that someone has gained or achieved as hard-won, you mean that they worked hard to gain or achieve it. The dispute could destroy Australia's hard-won reputation for industrial stability. achieved only after a of lot effort and difficulty
it won't hurt
it will not be painful
north korean won
the basic unit of money in North Korea
south korean won
the basic unit of money in South Korea
this claim won't hold water
there is no substance to the claim, the claim will be rejected because it has no basis
something won (especially money)
Warfighter Information Network
{i} victory, success, triumph; position of first place; amount won, winnings
Wireless switched network that allows carriers to provide enhanced and customized services for mobile phones
when the message pertains primarily to Photoshop on the Windows platform
To obtain (someone) by wooing
If you win something such as a competition, battle, or argument, you defeat those people you are competing or fighting against, or you do better than everyone else involved. He does not have any realistic chance of winning the election The top four teams all won Sanchez Vicario won 2-6, 6-4, 6-3. lose Win is also a noun. Arsenal's dismal league run of eight games without a win = victory defeat
a victory (as in a race or other competition); "he was happy to get the win" be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game
obtain advantages, such as points, etc ; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"
n: wine 1
If something wins you a prize or wins you something else that you want, it causes you to get it. The feat won them a prize of £85,000 lose see also winning
(W) A win is credited to the starting pitcher only if he has pitched at least five complete innings, leaves the game with the lead and his team holds the lead for the remainder of the game A win is credited to the relief pitcher if, while he is still in the game, his team takes the lead and stays ahead for the remainder of the game No more than one win is credited each game
The architecture of the wireless switched network that allows carriers to provide enhanced and customized services for mobile telephones
to make an enemy
  Abbreviation for WWMCCS Intercomputer Network
A victory A statistic credited to the winning pitcher
To allure to kindness; to bring to compliance; to gain or obtain, as by solicitation or courtship
To gain the victory; to be successful; to triumph; to prevail
To achieve victory in (a game, a war, etc)
To gain by superiority in competition or contest; to obtain by victory over competitors or rivals; as, to win the prize in a gate; to win money; to win a battle, or to win a country
Wireless Intelligent Network
To come to by toil or effort; to reach; to overtake
To extract, as ore or coal
Water Infrastructure Network
White moves first, and must eventually win against any possible defence
- Window name resolution services
If something wins you something such as an election, competition, battle, or argument, it causes you to defeat the people competing with you or fighting you, or to do better than everyone else involved. That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election lose
be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game
be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game"
If you win something such as a prize or medal, you get it because you have defeated everyone else in something such as an election, competition, battle, or argument, or have done very well in it. The first correct entry wins the prize She won bronze for Great Britain in the European Championships
to lose the battle but win the war: see battle to win the day: see day to win hands down: see hand. W3 a success or victory, especially in sport
[MIT] 1 vi To succeed A program wins if no unexpected conditions arise, or (especially) if it sufficiently {robust} to take exceptions in stride 2 n Success, or a specific instance thereof A pleasing outcome A {feature} Emphatic forms: `moby win', `super win', `hyper-win' (often used interjectively as a reply) For some reason `suitable win' is also common at MIT, usually in reference to a satisfactory solution to a problem Oppose {lose}; see also {big win}, which isn't quite just an intensification of `win'
An individual victory
win something through one's efforts; "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance"
attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
a victory (as in a race or other competition); "he was happy to get the win"
To gain over to one's side or party; to obtain the favor, friendship, or support of; to render friendly or approving; as, to win an enemy; to win a jury
If you win something that you want or need, you succeed in getting it. moves to win the support of the poor British Aerospace has won an order worth 340 million dollars. = gain lose
{f} be victorious; gain; obtain; arrive with great effort; succeed; acquire; convince; gain trust (or approval, favor, etc.)
v 1 To gain a victory; victorious; triumph 2 To succeed in reaching or achieving a specified condition or place
Türkçe - İngilizce
suyu kesiyor. It's so blunt it won't cut anything
(said of a knife)

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir



    /ˈwän/ /ˈwɑːn/


    [ win ] (verb.) before 12th century. * Past participle of win, from Old English winnan.

    Ortak Eşdizimliler

    won t, won me over


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