william sir wallace

listen to the pronunciation of william sir wallace
İngilizce - İngilizce
born 1279, probably near Paisley, Renfrew, Scot. died Aug. 23, 1305, London, Eng. Scottish national hero. Son of a small landowner, he began his attacks on English settlements and garrisons in 1297, after Edward I declared himself ruler of Scotland. His army defeated a much larger English force at Stirling Bridge, captured Stirling Castle, and then ravaged northern England, for which Wallace was knighted and proclaimed guardian of the Scottish kingdom. In 1298 Edward I invaded Scotland and defeated Wallace at the Battle of Falkirk. Disgraced, Wallace resigned his guardianship and was replaced by the future Robert I but apparently continued to fight a guerrilla war. In 1305 he was arrested by the English and hanged, then disemboweled, beheaded, and quartered. The next year Robert raised the rebellion that eventually won independence for Scotland
Sir William Wallace
a Scottish soldier and politician, who was a leader of the fight to keep Scotland independent of England. After being defeated in battle by the English king, Edward I, he was taken to London and hanged. In Scotland people regard him as a national hero (1272-1305)
william sir wallace


    Wil·liam sir Wal·lace

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    wîlyım sır wôlıs


    /ˈwəlyəm ˈsər ˈwôləs/ /ˈwɪljəm ˈsɜr ˈwɔːləs/