william holman hunt

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a British painter who, with Millais and Rossetti, started the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848 (1827-1910). born April 2, 1827, London, Eng. died Sept. 7, 1910, London British painter and cofounder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. He attended the Royal Academy schools and achieved his first public success with The Light of the World (1854). His paintings are characterized by hard colour, minute detail, and an emphasis on moral or social symbolism; their moral earnestness made them extemely popular in Victorian England. He spent two years in Syria and Palestine painting biblical scenes, such as The Scapegoat (1855), depicting the outcast animal on the shores of the Dead Sea. His autobiographical Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (1905) is the basic sourcebook of the movement
william holman hunt


    Wil·liam holman hunt

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    wîlyım hälmın hʌnt


    /ˈwəlyəm ˈhälmən ˈhənt/ /ˈwɪljəm ˈhɑːlmən ˈhʌnt/