while the hostage situation was ongoing

listen to the pronunciation of while the hostage situation was ongoing
İngilizce - Almanca
während die Geiselnahme (noch) im Gange war
while the hostage situation was ongoing


    while the hos·tage si·tu·a·tion was on·go·ing

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    hwayl dhi hästîc sîçueyşın wız ôngōîng


    /ˈhwīl ᴛʜē ˈhästəʤ ˌsəʧo͞oˈāsʜən wəz ˈônˌgōəɴɢ/ /ˈhwaɪl ðiː ˈhɑːstɪʤ ˌsɪʧuːˈeɪʃən wəz ˈɔːnˌɡoʊɪŋ/