when, as soon as wherein, whereby, whereas

listen to the pronunciation of when, as soon as wherein, whereby, whereas
İngilizce - Türkçe

when, as soon as wherein, whereby, whereas teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

as soon as
-er -mez
as soon as
as soon as
de en kısa zamanda
as soon as
en kısa zamanda

En kısa zamanda bunu yapmaya çalışacağız. - We'll try to do that as soon as possible.

En kısa zamanda buradan ayrılmak istiyorum. - I want to leave here as soon as possible.

as soon as
yapar yapmaz

Bunu yapar yapmaz akşam yemeği hazırlığına başlamanı istiyorum. - As soon as you have done that, I would like you to start preparing supper.

O telefon görüşmesi yapar yapmaz eve gitti. - He went home as soon as he got the phone call.

as soon as
ile beraber
as soon as
mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk
as soon as
ister istemez
as soon as
ile birlikte
as soon as
eder etmez

Gemi hareket eder etmez, onu deniz tuttu. - As soon as the ship began to move, he got seasick.

Tom Mary'nin artık dinlemediğini fark eder etmez konuşmayı durdurdu. - Tom stopped talking as soon as he noticed Mary wasn't listening anymore.

as soon as

Bu e-postayı görür görmez lütfen hemen cevapla. - As soon as you see this E-mail please reply right away.

Tartışma sona erer ermez, ben hemen ofisten ayrıldım. - As soon as the argument ended, I left the office forthwith.

as soon as
-de en kısa zamanda
as soon as
-er -mez: I'll call you as soon as I reach Istanbul. İstanbul'a varır varmaz sana telefon edeceğim
as soon as
ir mez
İngilizce - İngilizce

when, as soon as wherein, whereby, whereas teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

as soon as
immediately after

As soon as he arrived, everyone gasped.

As soon as
as soon as
at the moment that -, immediately when -
as soon as
as soon as
as soon as
conjunction immediately 2
as soon as
conjunction directly 2
when, as soon as wherein, whereby, whereas