
listen to the pronunciation of what
İngilizce - Türkçe
Bazen ingilizcede what kelimesi ile baslayan cümlecikler Türkçe cümlede fiil içinde belirlenir

Önemli olan ne okuduğun değil onu nasıl okuduğundur. - It is not what you read but how you read it that counts.

Yeni Zelanda nasıl bir yerdir? Avustralya kadar seyrek nüfuslu mudur? - What's New Zealand like? Is it as sparsely populated as Australia?


Çok sayıda öğrenci konuştuğu için, profesörün söyleyecek neyi olduğunu anlamak zordu. - With many students chatting, it was difficult to hear what the professor had to say.

Çantanızda neyiniz var? - What do you have in your bag?


Sizin hangi tür şarabınız var? - What kind of wine do you have?

Hangi meyve sularınız var? - What fruit juices do you have?

ne kadar çok (şaşkınlık)
şaşkınlık belirtir
hangi şey
you-may-call-him/h i., bak. what-do-you-call-him/her/it/them

Kahvaltı neleri kapsıyor? - What does breakfast include?

Gelecekte bizi nelerin beklediğini bilmiyoruz. - We don't know what the future holds for us.

'ne' soru ve şaşkınlıkta kullanılır

what! reallly.

zam. 1. ne: What´s this? Bu ne? Tell me what she said. Bana ne dediğini şöyle. What do you think İ am? Beni ne zannediyorsun? Don´t forget what she said! Onun dediğini unutma! İ´ve no money but what you see here. Burada gördüğünden başka param yok. Their production today iş not what it was. Onların şimdiki üretimi eskisi gibi değil. 2. Şaşkınlık belirtir: What, no lunch? Ne diyorsun? Öğle yemeği yok mu?/Ne, öğle yemeği yok mu? s. 1. ne; hangi: What news have you had from them? Onlardan ne haber? What time iş it? Saat kaç? What books have you read this summer? Bu yaz hangi kitapları okudun? What money İ have iş in the safe. Ne kadar param varsa kasada. 2. ne; ne kadar çok; ne kadar büyük (Şaşkınlık, hoşnutluk, öfke v.b. duyguları pekiştirmek için kullanılır.): What beautiful trees! Ne güzel ağaçlar! What a delightful spot! Ne güzel bir yer! With what joy did İ hand her over to them! Kendisini onlara ne büyük bir sevinçle teslim ettim, bir bilsen! He remembered what great sadness he´d felt then. O zamanki hüznünün ne kadar büyük olduğunu hatırladı. What a mess! su karışıklığa bak!
He has no income but what he earns Kazandığından başka
What you are doing is correct Yaptıgınız doğrudur
What a pity
Ne yazık
What a shame
Ne yazık!
what for
what if
what a shame
yazıklar olsun
what about
(Konuşma Dili) var mısın
what about
what about
ne haber
what about
ne dersiniz?

Bu elbiseye ne dersiniz? - What about this dress?

Bu akşam içki içmeye gidelim mi, ne dersiniz? - What about going out for a drink this evening?

what about you
ya sen

Peki ya sen? Bu adama güveniyor musun? - What about you? Do you trust this man?

Plaja gidiyorum. Ya sen? - I'm going to the beach. What about you?

what else

Başka ne yapabilirdim? - What else could I have done?

Başka ne bilmek istersin? - What else would you like to know?

what if
(Bilgisayar) ne yapmalı

O geç gelirse ne yapmalıyız? - What if he should happen to come late?

what if
what if
ister misin
what is more
bunun da ötesinde

O büyük bir devlet adamı ve bunun da ötesinde büyük bir bilgindir. - He is a great statesman, and what is more a great scholar.

Ev bizim için çok büyük, bunun da ötesinde o çok pahalı. - The house is too big for us, and what is more, it is too expensive.

what sort
what the heck
(Argo) hay lanet
what time
ne vakit
what time
what kind of
ne çeşit

Ne çeşit yemek yedin? - What kind of meal did you eat?

Ne çeşit bir insan olduğumu düşünüyorsun? - What kind of person do you think I am?

what time
ne zaman

Sonraki tren ne zaman ayrılacak? - What time does the next train leave?

Trenin ne zaman kalkacağını lütfen bana söyleyebilir misin? - Can you please tell me what time the train leaves?

what to
What about
hangi konuda
What if
ya ... ise
What of
What on earth
(Vurgu) ...de neyin nesi!?

What on earth is it?.

What time
to what
what a pity
pity şansızlık demektir
what a pity
Ne yazık!

Ne yazık ki bir bahçem yok. - What a pity I don't have a garden.

Ne yazık ki o bana daha önce söylemedi. - What a pity that she didn't tell me earlier.

what about
ne dersin

Akşam yemeği için balık yemeğe ne dersin? - What about having fish for dinner?

Bir yemek için çıkmaya ne dersin? - What about going out for a meal?

what do you
what if
1... farzedelim: "What if it rains? - Ya yağmur yağarsa?"
what is this
ne yapıyoruz
what is up
naber, nasıl gidiyor
what kind of
ne tür

ne tür müzikleri seversin?.

O, ne tür bir oyundur? - What kind of play is it?

Sporcuların yedikleri yiyecek tam olarak ne tür egzersizleri yaptıkları kadar önemlidir. - The food athletes eat is just as important as what kind of exercises they do.

what on earth
(deyim) Ne halt etmeye ...?Acaba niçin ...?
what the heck
Bkz. What the hell
what the heck
noluyor ya!
what the hell
Allah kahretsin!

Allah kahretsin, senin derdin ne? - God damn it, what the hell is wrong with you?

Allah kahretsin, onların derdi ne? - God damn it, what the hell is wrong with them?

what the hell
Boş ver!: "Let's go, what the hell! Boş ver, gidelim!"
what the hell
Peki!: "What the hell, let's do it. - Peki, yapalım."
what the hell
(deyim) Daha önceden yapmayı planladığınız birnşeyden birden vazgeçip başka bir şey yapabileceğinizi ifade ederken söylenir
what the hell
Boş ver!: Let's go, what the hell! Boş ver, gidelim!
what the hell
Peki!: What the hell, let's do it. Peki, yapalım
what the hell
Kızgınlık belirtir: What the hell do you think you're doing? Ne halt ettiğini zannediyorsun?
what the hell
(deyim) Kızgınlık belirtir: What the hell do you think you're doing? - Ne halt ettiğini zannediyorsun?
what the hell
Kızgınlık belirtir: "What the hell do you think you're doing? - Ne halt ettiğini zannediyorsun?"
what to do
Ne yapacağını
What for
{k} Niye?/Niçin?
What the heck
What the hell
Boş ver!/Olsun!
What the hell
Allah Allah!
what a pity
(isim) yazık, vah vah, yazık
what a pity
(Argo) hay anasını
what a pity
vah vah
what a shame
ne ayıp

Andrea'nın bunu erken bırakması ne ayıp. - What a shame that Andrea left this early.

what a shame

Andrea'nın bunu erken bırakması ne ayıp. - What a shame that Andrea left this early.

what for
what for
what for
(isim)den, neye, niçin, ne için
what for
ne için

Ne için ikinci bir bisiklete ihtiyacın var? Onu bana ver! - What for do you need a second bicycle? Give it to me!

what happened
ne haber
what happened
ne oldu

Bana ne olduğunu tahmin etsene! - Guess what happened to me.

Ne olduğunu biliyor musun? - Do you happen to know what happened?

what is it
(deyim) ne istiyorsun
what is it
(deyim) ne var? ne oluyor?
what is up
(deyim) ne var, ne oluyor?
what is up
(Argo) n'aber
what kind of
ne biçim

Sen ne biçim bir adamsın? - What kind of man are you?

Bu ne biçim bir eşek şakası? - What kind of a sick joke is this?

what sort
ne gibi
what the hell
{k} (deyim) kahrolsun,Allah cezasini versin
İngilizce - İngilizce
which thing, event, circumstance, etc.: used interrogatively in asking for the specification of an identity, quantity, quality, etc

You told them what?.

that; which

That’s her; that’s the thing what has stole his heart from me.

that which; those that; the thing that

He knows what he wants.

how much; how great (used in an exclamation)

What a talent!.

Such; this is; that is

What a beautiful day!.

Used to introduce each of two coordinate phrases or concepts; both...and

and so they rode fresshly with grete royalte, what by water and what by land, tyl that they came nyghe vnto london.

greeting (archaic)

What ho, Frobisher!.

An interrogative which asks "Don't you agree?"

It's rather late, what?.

in some manner or degree; in part; partly; usually followed by with

What with singing and joking, the time passed quickly.

is that not true?

It’s a nice day, what? (sometimes repeated, e.g.: What-what?).

{p} that which, which part, partly
that which; those which; the thing that
Part of the TQL Syntax The What string denotes the fields whose values you wish returned The possible fields differ amongst the tables
What was purchased The invoice should reflect an itemized list of goods or services provided The invoice should include unit prices, sales tax being charged, shipping/handling fees, and total cost of the goods or services
As an interrogative pronoun, used in asking questions regarding either persons or things; as, what is this? what did you say? what poem is this? what child is lost? As an exclamatory word: (a) Used absolutely or independently; often with a question following
is the evidence for that?"
CDP today announced the donation and circulation of dictionaries to every third grade public school student in the San Jose Unified School District in San Jose, California on Friday, March 14 Teaming with SJUSD Superintendent Dr Linda T Murray, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, technology companies including Juniper Networks, Apple, IBM, Intel, Adobe and Applied Materials, and representatives from the San Jose City Council, CDP will be hosting one-on-one classroom distributions of 4000 dictionaries Pre-event press briefings are available by phone In person media interviews are available at the March 14 distribution at Gardner Elementary School
If you know what's what, you know the important things that need to be known about a situation. You have to know what's what and when to draw the line You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what's what
Ce'fa?english | adronato
Why? For what purpose? On what account?
which; which kind of
The original content of the PIDD consisted of intellectual contributions from several corporations, regulatory agencies, and the United States Government These organizations have donated staff, who compiled, edited and clarified the content
Inmetco is a coal-based process similar to FASTMET that uses iron oxide fines and pulverized coal to produce a scrap substitute Mill scale and flue dust, inexpensive byproducts of steelmaking, can be mixed with the iron oxide fines Inmetco, unlike other direct reduction products, is intended to be hot charged into an EAF, with attendant energy savings
(00/03/05) Uncomplaisant statement for"Pardon?", "Excuse me?" What collateral will you give me? What what? Collateral Security on my investment I can't bear to see the way he has brutalized you Who had whatted me? (reference: 99, Nikkei)
{ü} Really? (used to express surprise)
You use what in expressions such as what is called and what amounts to when you are giving a description of something. She had been in what doctors described as an irreversible vegetative state for five years
formulae You say `What?' to tell someone who has indicated that they want to speak to you that you have heard them and are inviting them to continue. `Dad?' --- `What?' --- `Can I have the car tonight?'
VARCHAR2(4000) Body of the anonymous PL/SQL block that this job executes
which; rarely, the
emphasis You use what at the beginning of a clause in structures where you are changing the order of the information to give special emphasis to something. What precisely triggered off yesterday's riot is still unclear What I wanted, more than anything, was a few days' rest
conj. to what extent
Used adjectively, meaning how remarkable, or how great; as, what folly! what eloquence! what courage! Sometimes prefixed to adjectives in an adverbial sense, as nearly equivalent to how; as, what happy boys! As a relative pronoun Used substantively with the antecedent suppressed, equivalent to that which, or those [persons] who, or those [things] which; called a compound relative
{s} word used in question to request specific information; which
Used adverbially in a sense corresponding to the adjectival use; as, he picked what good fruit he saw
feelings You say so what? or what of it? to indicate that the previous remark seems unimportant, uninteresting, or irrelevant to you. `I skipped off school today,' --- `So what? What's so special about that?' `You're talking to yourself.' --- `Well, what of it?' = so
what's more: see more
You use what about at the beginning of a question when you make a suggestion, offer, or request. What about going out with me tomorrow?
[mostly British colloquialism]: greeting (archaic)
vagueness You say what have you at the end of a list in order to refer generally to other things of the same kind. So many things are unsafe these days -- milk, cranberry sauce, what have you My great-grandfather made horseshoes and nails and what have you
o que? oekè? how? como? koomoe? how much/many? quanto? kwangtoe?
which; the sort or kind of
formulae You say `What?' when you ask someone to repeat the thing that they have just said because you did not hear or understand it properly. `What?' is more informal and less polite than expressions such as `Pardon?' and `Excuse me?'. `They could paint this place,' she said. `What?' he asked
You use what to indicate that you are making a guess about something such as an amount or value. It's, what, eleven years or more since he's seen him
[mostly British colloquialism]: is that not true?
feelings You say `What' to express surprise. `Adolphus Kelling, I arrest you on a charge of trafficking in narcotics.' --- `What?'
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co [TSAW] I'm reminded of the cliched-but-useful Polish phrase Co to jest? "What is that?" Date of entry: 17 April 2000
You use what to indicate that you are talking about the whole of an amount that is available to you. He drinks what is left in his glass as if it were water What is also a determiner. They had had to use what money they had. = whatever
You use what after certain words, especially verbs and adjectives, when you are referring to a situation that is unknown or has not been specified. You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour I want to know what happened to Norman Do you know what those idiots have done? We had never seen anything like it before and could not see what to do next She turned scarlet from embarrassment, once she realized what she had done. What is also a determiner. I didn't know what college I wanted to go to I didn't know what else to say. an inspection to ascertain to what extent colleges are responding to the needs of industry
pron. word used in a question to request more information; which; how much; don't you agree?
You say what if at the beginning of a question when you ask about the consequences of something happening, especially something undesirable. What if this doesn't work out?
on, or at, which
emphasis In conversation, you say or what? after a question as a way of stating an opinion forcefully and showing that you expect other people to agree. Look at that moon. Is that beautiful or what? Am I wasting my time here, or what?
{i} word used in a question to inquire about a thing
[Obs.] why?
You say what about a particular person or thing when you ask someone to explain why they have asked you about that person or thing. `This thing with the Corbett woman.' --- `Oh, yeah. What about her?'
interrog pron what [OE hwæt]
You say `Tell you what' to introduce a suggestion or offer. Tell you what, let's stay here another day
You use what about or what of when you introduce a new topic or a point which seems relevant to a previous remark. Now you've talked about work on daffodils, what about other commercially important flowers, like roses?
word used in a question to begin a prepositional phrase; which; to what extent; how much; word used in a question to stress a certain situation
You use what in questions when you ask for specific information about something that you do not know. What do you want? `Has something happened?' --- `Indeed it has.' --- `What?' Hey! What are you doing? What is also a determiner. What time is it? `The heater works.' --- `What heater?' What kind of poetry does he like?
You say guess what or do you know what to introduce a piece of information which is surprising, which is not generally known, or which you want to emphasize. Guess what? I'm going to dinner at Mrs. Combley's tonight
Whatever; whatsoever; what thing soever; used indefinitely
an expression of surprise or disbelief
Something; thing; stuff
Used adjectively, equivalent to the
emphasis You use what in exclamations to emphasize an opinion or reaction. What a horrible thing to do What a busy day. What is also a determiner. What ugly things; throw them away, throw them away What great news, Jakki
Que?; ?Como? ; What do you think?, ?Que te parece?; What does it mean?, ?Que significa?; What is this?, ?Que es esto?; What is your name?, ?Como se llama usted? (formal) ?Como te llamas? (familiar); What time is it?, ?Que hora es?; What''s the weather like?, ?Que tiempo hace?; What''s up?, ?Que hay?
what a pity
Used to express regret or disappointment about an unfortunate event or piece of information

What a pity you can't attend our party tonight.

what about
To repeat a question but referring to a different subject or object

A: Do you like football? B:No A: What about basketball?.

what about
Used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered

You're obviously having a good time, but what about me?.

what about
Used to make a suggestion

What about going to a restaurant tonight?.

what about
To express approval of an occurrence or a result

What about the second goal!.

what for
An unspecified punishment or rebuke

When your dad gets home, he'll give you what for.

what for
For what reason; why

Ow! What did you do that for?.

what if
Used to introduce a speculation about a future event

What if we could learn to get along? What would happen then?.

what if
Used to introduce a suggestion or proposal for a future event

What if we arrange it for 9:00 instead of 10:00?.

what is more
furthermore, or in addition, moreover

I've done it wrong, and what's more I don't care.

what the heck
An intensive form of what
what the hell
Why not? or Who cares?

It’s expensive, but what the hell, you only live once.

what the hell
An intensive form of what

What the hell is going on?.

what up
Alternative form of what's up
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wit
what (humorous misspelling intended to mimic certain working class accents)
what if
supposing (something should happen)
what the hell
why not?; what on Earth?, what? (used to express surprise)
{v} to know, to be sensible or aware of
what for
The question 'why'
what the hell
(deyim) Said when you suddenly realize that your plan is not important to you and that you will do something else:

I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell; I'll see you in the pub in half an hour.

what do you
what else
what other things
what for
a strong reprimand
what happened
what took place, what occurred
what is more
in addition; "computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time; furthermore, their quality is improving"; "the cellar was dark; moreover, mice nested there"; "what is more, there's no sign of a change"
what of
and what about -, tell me about -
what the heck
{ü} what the hell!, what is going on! (expression of surprise or anger)
Used as a stand-in to collectively pluralize arbitrary instances of things. Often used along with whys, hows, etc
To know
{f} know (Archaic)
of Wit, to know
See the Note under Wit, v
Wot is sometimes used in writing to represent `what', to show that someone is speaking very informally or that they are being humorous. `Cor, wot brilliant prizes!'. First and third person singular present tense of wit. an informal spelling of what
I see that
First-person singular simple present form of wit
Wide Open Throttle - throttle is open all the way as in pedal to the metal, let as much air into the intake manifold as possible
third-person singular of wit
1st & 3d pers
Wide Open Throttle: maximum throttle position
Türkçe - İngilizce

what teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

what is