
listen to the pronunciation of wenden
İngilizce - Türkçe

wenden teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Radyoyu açmak için butona bastım. - I pressed the button to turn the radio on.

Tom topuzu çevirdi ve açmak için kapıyı itti. - Tom turned the knob and pushed the door open.

{f} dön

Gelmek için söz verdiği halde Bay Smith henüz dönmedi. - Mr Smith has not turned up yet though he promised to come.

Onun yerine az önce tanımladığım iki ekonomik değişkenin tartışmasına döneceğim. - Instead, I will turn to a discussion of the two economic variables I defined a moment ago.


O, aşkını heyecanlandırdı. - She turned on her lover.

O, bu elbiseyi giydiği zaman beni heyecanlandırır. - He turns me on when he wears those clothes.

{i} dönüş

Modern bilim birçok olanaksızlıkları olanaklı hale dönüştürmüştür. - Modern science has turned many impossibilities into possibilities.

Bu tırtıl harika bir kelebeğe dönüşecek. - This catterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly.


İnsan cildi sıcaklık değişikliklerine karşı çok duyarlıdır. - Man's skin is very sensitive to temperature changes.

Ben taslakda bazı değişiklikler yapmak istiyorum. - I'd like to make some changes in the draft.

to wheel
tekerlek için
yön değiştirme
{f} ekşimek
Almanca - İngilizce
to wheel around
to put about
to flip (over)
to wheel

Tom doesn't know who to turn to. - Tom weiß nicht, an wen sich zu wenden ist.

She had no one to turn to. - Sie hatten niemanden, an den sie sich wenden konnte.

Wenden Sie sich an den Fachhandel!
Contact your local dealer!
Wenden Sie sich bei Beschwerden bitte an den Kundendienst.
Address your complaints to the customer service
Wenden Sie sich bitte an …
Please refer to …
Wenn Sie Grund zur Beanstandung haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an …
If there is a reason for complaint, please apply to …
Wenn Sie ein Problem haben, wenden Sie sich damit bitte an unseren Kundendienst.
If you have a problem, please take it up with our customer service
(Heu) wenden
to fork (hay)
An wen soll ich mich wenden?
Whom should I approach?
Die skandinavischen Länder wenden weiterhin bilaterale Abkommen an, die über den
The Nordic countries continue to apply bilateral agreements allowing the EU Framework Decision to be extended
Du wirst sehen, es wird sich alles zum Guten wenden.
You'll see, everything will turn out for the best
In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte an …
If a case requires immediate attention please contact …
Schlag (Strecke zwischen zwei Wenden) (Segeln)
tack (distance sailed between tacks) (sailing)
an jemanden mit etwas/wegen etwas herantreten (sich an jemand wenden)
to approach somebody with something/about something
bitte wenden /b.w./
please turn over /PTO
bitte wenden /b.w./
etw. in eine bestimmte Richtung wenden
to turn something in a particular direction
etw. wenden
to reverse something
etw. wenden
to turn over <> something
etw. wenden
to turn around <> something
nach oben wenden
to upturn
sich an den Vorsitzenden wenden
to address the chair
sich an eine höhere Instanz wenden
to go to a higher authority
sich an jemanden um Auskunft / Hilfe Rat wenden
to turn to somebody (for information, help, advice)
sich an jemanden wenden
to refer to somebody (formal)
sich gegen jemanden/etw. wenden
to turn against something/sb
sich gegen jemanden/etw. wenden
to turn on somebody/sth
sich hin und her wenden
to dodge
sich mit einer Sache an jemanden wenden (eine Sache weiterverfolgen)
to take a matter up with somebody (to pursue a matter further)
sich mit etwas an jemanden wenden
to address something to somebody
sich schriftlich an jemanden wenden
to write in to somebody
sich wenden (an)
to appeal (to)
sich wenden (auf)
to be directed (towards)
sich wenden an
to contact
sich zum Besseren/Schlechteren wenden
to take a turn for the better/worse
sich zum Besseren/Schlechteren wenden
to change for the better/worse
viel Mühe an/auf etwas wenden
to take a great deal of trouble over something
viel Sorgfalt an etwas wenden
to devote a lot of care to something
viel Sorgfalt an etwas wenden
to devote a lot of effort to something
sich wenden