we are committed to combating street waste

listen to the pronunciation of we are committed to combating street waste
İngilizce - Almanca
Wir sagen dem Straßenmüll den Kampf an
we are committed to combating street waste


    we are com·mit·ted to com·bat·ing street waste

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    wi ır kımîtıd tı kımbätîng strit weyst


    /ˈwē ər kəˈmətəd tə kəmˈbatəɴɢ ˈstrēt ˈwāst/ /ˈwiː ɜr kəˈmɪtəd tə kəmˈbætɪŋ ˈstriːt ˈweɪst/