we are advised that mechanical ventilation is required by law for these areas

listen to the pronunciation of we are advised that mechanical ventilation is required by law for these areas
İngilizce - Almanca
Nach unseren Informationen ist eine mechanische Lüftung für diese Bereiche geset
we are advised that mechanical ventilation is required by law for these areas


    we are ad·vised that me·cha·ni·cal ven·ti·la·tion I·s re·quired by law for these areas

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    wi ır ädvayzd dhıt mıkänîkıl ventıleyşın îz rikwayrd bay lô fôr dhiz eriız


    /ˈwē ər adˈvīzd ᴛʜət məˈkanəkəl ˌventəˈlāsʜən əz rēˈkwīrd ˈbī ˈlô ˈfôr ˈᴛʜēz ˈerēəz/ /ˈwiː ɜr ædˈvaɪzd ðət məˈkænɪkəl ˌvɛntəˈleɪʃən ɪz riːˈkwaɪrd ˈbaɪ ˈlɔː ˈfɔːr ˈðiːz ˈɛriːəz/