Suyun kimyasal formülü H₂O'dur.
- Die chemische Formel für Wasser ist H₂O.
Suyun içindeki buz eridi.
- Das Eis im Wasser schmolz.
Barajın aşağısında bir su değirmeni vardı.
- There was a watermill under the dam.
Bu baraj su ve elektrik ihtiyacımızı karşılar.
- This dam supplies us with water and electricity.
Gölette neredeyse hiç su yok.
- There's almost no water left in the pond.
Gölette çok az su var.
- There is little water in the pond.
The watercourse is to the biosphere what blood circulation is to a human being.
- Der Wasserkreislauf ist für die Biosphäre das, was der Blutkreislauf für ein Lebewesen ist.
A sponge absorbs water.
- Ein Schwamm saugt Wasser auf.
The twelve signs of the Zodiac are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
- Die zwölf Tierkreiszeichen sind: Widder, Stier, Zwillinge, Krebs, Löwe, Jungfrau, Waage, Skorpion, Schütze, Steinbock, Wassermann, Fische.