(Seyahat) Seyahat bileti kuponu. Seyahat şirketleri uçak kapasitesinden fazla bilet sattıklarında gönüllü olarak, bazı yolcuların uçaklarını bir sonraki uçakla değiştirmelerini isterler ve bunun için o gönüllü yolculara para öderler fakat çoğu havayolu şirketi para ödemek yerine başka bir yolculukta kullanılmak üzere travel voucher denilen kuponlardan verirler
(Askeri) ALACAK BELGESİ; KREDİ BELGESİ: Stok kayıt hesabında teşkil veya şahıslara evvelce verilmiş mal üzerindeki, sorumu kaldıran belge. Örn: bir depo tarafından verilen bir mal için düzenlenen dağıtım belgesi, depo için alacak (matlup) belgesi ve alan birlik için borç (hizmet) belgesi (debit voucher) dir
(Askeri) BORÇ BELGESİ; ZİMMET BELGESİ: Stok kayıt hesabında, teşkillere veya şahıslara verilen mallara ait sorumluluğu gösterir belge. Bknz. "credit voucher"
(Askeri) İNSAN GÜCÜ KULLANMA DİREKTİFİ: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı tarafından üç ayda bir yayınlanan ve bir komutanın kullanabileceği ücretli sivil personel miktarı ile birlik kuruluşlarında kullanılabileceği askeri personel miktarını sınırlayan direktif
(Askeri) BORDRO, MAAŞ BORDROSU: Bir kara ordusu mensubunun, bazı hallerde, maaş hesabının tutulmasında, maliye ve muhasebe subayları tarafından kullanılan form
a form that is prepared to establish controls over and support for expenditures It is prepared for each transaction as a means of establishing control and ensuring appropriate approval procedures for each disbursement
Documentation supporting a transaction For example, an invoice when making a payment to a supplier, for an investment a suitably worded minute, etc
A signed claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of official travel
a type of consumer sales promotion in which vouchers (or coupons) sent by mail or included in newspaper advertisements, etc can be exchanged for merchandise to encourage trial of a new product
A voucher is a ticket or piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for something. gift vouchers
A book, paper, or document which serves to vouch the truth of accounts, or to confirm and establish facts of any kind; also, any acquittance or receipt showing the payment of a debt; as, the merchant's books are his vouchers for the correctness of his accounts; notes, bonds, receipts, and other writings, are used as vouchers in proving facts
A written authorization of a business transaction from appropriation and fund accounts
A document indicating that a transaction has occurred It usually specifies the accounts related to the transaction
A certificate, given usually to low or moderate income individuals that can be used to purchase all or part of a specific item such as insurance or a needed service
The act of calling in a person to make good his warranty of title in the old form of action for the recovery of lands
A written evidence of a transaction; e g , purchase voucher receipt voucher, journal voucher, etc
The tenant in a writ of right; one who calls in another to establish his warranty of title
an entitlement to education or training issued to a student and redeemable for the course and provider of the student s choice Voucher systems are used in some overseas countries as a means of funding education or training
An agency provided "statement" or "record" that a performer takes on a booking for the client to sign The performer returns it to the agency "vouching" that they have worked Without this, the performer cannot be paid Vouchers are only used for non-union acting projects and modeling jobs
A state allocation of money given to parents to allow their children to attend a school of the parents choice, either public or private
A blue form used to identify and verify (vouch for) each transaction A completed voucher contains detailed documentation of each transaction and may include information recorded in the "comments" section of the voucher
a document that serves as evidence of some expenditure someone who vouches for another or for the correctness of a statement
1 A coupon or other document, either prepaid or given free, entitling the bearer to certain goods, services, or discounts upon presentation 2 An exchange order (qv)
A slip of paper that lets a salesperson known how much commission they made on a sale
A printed form that is filled out after a model has completed a job and presented by the agent to the client for payment The time worked is logged on this form with the rate of pay and signed by the client and model at the end of the assignment
voucher that allows families to use public funds to pay tuition at private school of their choice rather than enroll their children in a local public school
Vouchers enable families to use public tax dollars to pay for their children's education at a public or private school of their choice Voucher programs may or may not include private religious schools
A proposed form of in-kind public financing by which eligible candidates and/or political parties would receive certificates entitling them to a specified amount of free campaign resources, such as postage or media time Under another kind of voucher system, currently being explored in Wisconsin, registered voters would receive government-issued scrip which they could contribute to candidates of their choice who, in turn, could redeem it for campaign funds