Machinery with which a vessel can operate its mooring ropes and cargo wires which are drum driven by many means to tension/slack mooring ropes and wires
Quality winches feature baked- enamel finishes with plated ratchet locks and high carbon-steel pinion gears Winches are rated by weight capacity, ranging from about 900 to 2,000 lbs capacity Gear ratios from 3-to-1 up to 5-to-1 are common Some models have an optional ratio as high as 12-to-1
You can operate a crane, can't you? - Vinç kullanabilirsin, değil mi?
All Sadako could do now was to make paper cranes and hope for a miracle. - Sadako'nun şimdi yapabileceği bütün şey kağıttan vinçler yapmak ve bir mücize beklemekti.