To convert a liquid into a mist by breaking it into small particles and mixing it with air The carburetor vaporizes gasoline to produce a combustible fuel/air mixture
The action of converting a liquid into a mist or vapor by breaking it into small particles and mixing it with air The design of the carburetor and fuel injectors vaporizes gasoline to produce a combustible fuel-air mixture If it is not vaporized, the liquid gasoline may not burn properly and may even hydraulic
va·por·ize vaporizes vaporizing vaporized in BRIT, also use vaporise If a liquid or solid vaporizes or if you vaporize it, it changes into vapour or gas. The benzene vaporized and formed a huge cloud of gas The blast may have vaporised the meteorite. vaporise to change into a vapour, or to make something, especially a liquid, do this