uyrukluk, tabiiyet

listen to the pronunciation of uyrukluk, tabiiyet
Türkçe - İngilizce
{i} citizenship
The status of being a citizen
The special status, including duties, rights and privelges given to a member of a nation Status means what you are and what you're entitled to at a given time and place
conduct as a citizen; "award for good citizenship"
the status of being a member of a state, one who owes allegiance to the government and is entitled to its protection and to political rights
n The condition of being a citizen; also, the rights and duties of a citizen [Citizenship includes the right to vote and the duty to serve on a jury ]
Citizenship is the fact of belonging to a community because you live in it, and the duties and responsibilities that this brings. Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship. Relationship between an individual and a state in which the individual owes allegiance to the state and in turn is entitled to its protection. In general, full political rights, including the right to vote and to hold public office, are predicated on citizenship. Citizenship entails obligations, usually including allegiance, payment of taxes, and military service. The concept arose in ancient Greece, where citizenship was granted only to property owners. The Romans initially used it as a privilege to be conferred upon or withheld from conquered peoples, but it was granted to all the empire's free inhabitants in AD 212. The concept disappeared in Europe during the feudal era but was revived in the Renaissance. Citizenship may normally be gained by birth within a certain territory, descent from a parent who is a citizen, marriage to a citizen, or naturalization. See also nationality
the development of rights, responsibilities, duties and appropriate conduct of an active and involved member of a community
The country in which a person is born (and has not renounced or lost citizenship) or naturalized and to which that person owes allegiance and by which he or she is entitled to be protected
The exercising of rights, privileges and responsibilities as a member of a particular society
The state of being a citizen; the status of a citizen
Being an active, participating member of society with obligations, duties and privileges TOP
If you have citizenship of a country, you are legally accepted as belonging to it. After 15 years in the USA, he has finally decided to apply for American citizenship
Citizenship categories are: · Australian Citizen (including Australian citizens with dual citizenship): or New Zealand citizen or diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand, a member of the staff of such a representative or the spouse or dependent relative of such a representative, excluding those with Australian citizenship; or Students with Permanent Resident status but excluding those who have New Zealand citizenship; or Student has a temporary entry permit or is a diplomat or a dependent of a diplomat (except New Zealand) and resides in Australia during the semester; or Other Overseas
{i} condition of being a member of a country
1 the country in which a person is born (and has not rescinded citizenship), or naturalized 2 the country to which that person owes allegiance and is entitled to its protection
conduct as a citizen; "award for good citizenship" the status of a citizen with rights and duties
the status of a citizen with rights and duties
- status of being a member of a state, one who owes allegiance to the government and is entitled to its protection and to political rights
Legal membership in a community known as a nation-state
uyrukluk, tabiiyet