user name teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
An name which identifies the person acessing the system and is unique within the system being accessed
A short name (with no spaces allowed) unique to you on your Internet access provider's system Sometimes these are assigned and sometimes you can select your own The user name, or ID, followed by your site address, becomes your e-mail address For example, if Ben Franklin had an account at world std com and he chose a user name of bfranklin, his e-mail address would be bfranklin@world std com
Often the first part of your email address before the @ The name with which you login to your email or Internet system Copyright @1996 Amy L Ward
Often the first part of your email address before the @ The name with which you login to your email or Internet system
A unique account identifier required to maintain dial-up privileges with Trigger Internet Solutions It is also the user's e-mail address
@e-riec com Login Information Select your user name for your account Example: john@e-riec com We use the password question and answer to verify your identity
The name of the registered ICONS simulation participant This is assigned by ICONS Please see Logging In
Your user name, also called user ID or account name, is the same as your login name This is the name by which you and your electronic mailbox are identified online
A name used to gain access to a computer system User names, and often passwords, are required in multi-user systems In most such systems, users can choose their own user names and passwords User names are also required to access some bulletin board and on-line services
The 4-40 alphanumeric character set (including spaces) that the administrative access user has designated for a particular user Each User Name must be unique throughout the entire system
An identifier for making a user known to the system Sometimes called a login name For example, a user whose name is John Doe might have the user name jdoe The login screen prompts for the user name
This is a name used by INSPIRE during login and throughout the negotiation Since it is the only name displayed by the system to your counterpart, you can preserve your anonymity by choosing an arbitrary user name In combination with the negotiation name, a user name uniquely identifies one of the two participants in a given INSPIRE negotiation A user name is specific to a given negotiation, and can be reused in another negotiation Thus a user name does not uniquely identify a real user (and is therefore not like a Unix login-id)
Your user name is the name you use to identify yourself when you log in to a system or account
Specify the user name that you will use to access the secured site The user name is alphanumeric up to 15 characters in length
The part of your e-mail address that is before the "@" sign (e g if your e-mail address is jansmith@cici mb ca, enter in jansmith) The User Name identifies you on the CICI servers and is used when you log in A User Name is alternately called a User-ID
Also called userID The name by which a person is identified on a particular computer system Usually some variant on the person's given name
The name or handle that you use for identification and access to the ezboard network If you are a registered Global or Local user, you will also have a password associated with this login name
This is the name that you choose as a way for the computer system to identify you Also known as a user-id Virtual Server Is one of multiple web sites running on the same server, each with a unique domain name and assigned IP address A web server that supports virtual servers is called a multi-hosting web server, also called shared hosting server
A name chosen to identify you to a service Can be any combination of letters and numbers Your e-mail name is your user name on your service provider
The name you created when you registered for access to a password protected website Also called User ID
a name or special word that proves who you are and allows you to enter a computer system or use the Internet
A name you often choose for yourself which identifies you to the person, program or site that is requesting it
a unique word name, or combination of letters and numbers that identify a user Each customer of an Internet service provider has a user name unique in the customer list of that company Likewise there are online groups and clubs such as those at Yahoo requiring you to pick a user name A user name is typically required for each software program in your computer as well
Please choose and enter a user name that you will easly remember to access your account information in the future The name you choose must be at least 6 characters, but not more than 16 characters You may use any combination of numbers or letters but no spaces or other symbols such as ? @ & # %
The name that an individual uses to specify uniquley who they are to a computer, servers etc Usually it is used to identify who you are when logging in to some sort of server and is often accompanied by a password to restrict access Thus you might have several different usernames if you have access to several machines but it might save confusion if you are given the same username (and password) on each of the machines you have access to If your username is BigFred on a particular machine then noone else can have the username BigFred on that machine
The name that identifies a user to a computer network; generally used in conjunction with a password to establish the user's right to access a host; also called account name or user ID
are how we announce ourselves to a computer system -- your own PC, your ISP, or a server on the Net Usernames are unique -- that is, only one user can connect using a given name In other words, there may be plenty of people named Bob who belong to your ISP, but only one person is known as "Bob" to the server uuencoding Uuencoding allows you to send binary, non-textual files, in ASCII format Uuencoding is most often used for sending binary files via e-mail, or for posting them to a newsgroup Uuencoding a file should not be confused with compressing it, as uuencoded files typically take up more space than the originals If you receive a uuencoded file you need a uudecoding program to make sense of it vapor trail
This is the name that identifies you Every username must be unique For CWRU we developed a system of unique usernames based on an individual's initials For example if your name is Alice B Cwru, your Username might be abc7 The CWRU Username is short and unique, and is always lowercase!
The name that gets you access to things A username is like a handle for a user on the Internet and is commonly left up to the user to decide what it is, although most Web sites or systems will NOT allow the same username to be assigned to two different people Usually it's the first part of your e-mail address before the @ sign or the nickname you use in a chat room The name by which you or someone else is known by on the Internet Used when logging into an access provider or when entering a member's only area on the Web Definition courtesy of www netlingo com
This is the "address" part of your internet address -- this is a unique identifier which allows you to have sole access to your account For more information please see the WPC Password/Username handout
A code which represents you (the user) which is required when logging on to a network A password is usually also demanded to ensure that only you use your network account and have access to your documents
The public component of every CIS user's Network Authorization Account identity It must be entered, along with the password, in order to access CIS services It is also the first component of a CIS user's e-mail address
The name assigned to users of a computer network By convention, default usernames usually consist of a person's initial(s) plus their family name For example, if your name is Fred Garvin, your username would be fgarvin Typing your username on the computer screen is part of the login procedure and identifies you to the computer system
A Username name used to gain access to a computer system Usernames, and usually passwords, are required in multi-user systems In most such systems, users can choose their own usernames and passwords
The name by which a user is known to the Oracle server and to other users Every username is associated with a private password, and both must be entered to connect to an Oracle database See also account
This is the name which people refer to you on the BBS It can be your real name, a name based around your real name, or a name completely unrelated to anything You get to chose this when you sign up, but whatever you chose - it has to be clean and decent If the Admin think that it is unsuitable they will ask you to think of another name, so please be sensible
The name you used to sign on to SBC Yahoo! (your Member ID, not your password) It might have been smithjones or ilovecats It's in your e-mail address (smithjones@sbcglobal net), and it's the name that will appear on your Newsgroup postings Back to Top