Los rayos láser son utilizados en la restauración de obras antiguas.
- Laser rays are used in the restoration of ancient works.
O sufixo inho é muito utilizado em nomes próprios na língua portuguesa: Mariazinha, Pedrinho e Zezinho são alguns exemplos.
- The suffix inho is often used in Portuguese names: Mariazinha, Pedrinho e Zezinho are some examples.
Железо используется в судостроении.
- Iron is used in shipbuilding.
Ванилин часто используется в выпечке.
- Vanillin is often used in baking.
Ce qui est difficile en japonais, c'est la façon dont les caractères sont utilisés dans le système d'écriture.
- What is difficult about Japanese is how characters are used in its writing system.
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