If you fish, you try to catch fish, either for food or as a form of sport or recreation. Brian remembers learning to fish in the River Cam
A piece of timber, somewhat in the form of a fish, used to strengthen a mast or yard
{i} type of cold-blooded aquatic animal with fins and scales; other aquatic animals (Informal); flesh of fish; fellow, guy (used in combination - i.e. odd fish, queer fish)
Florescent in situ hybridization: a technique for uniquely identifying whole chromosomes or parts of chromosomes using florescent tagged DNA
Less sensitive than benthic algae (sea vegetables) as bioindicators, fish are an important indicator of the level of human consumption of radioactive contamination Freshwater fish often show much higher levels of the bioaccumulation of radionuclides and other forms of chemical fallout than marine specimens
During the Ice Age, freshwater fish were killed off, and do not appear in the the Mesolithic diet, but many types sea fish have been found, including: cod, eel, haddock, grey mullet, saithe, skate The freshwater fish which do appear include: pike Fishing methods included fish gorge, harpoon, hooks, leister, line-fishing, nets
It is neither fish, flesh, nor fowl, or Neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring Not fish (food for the monk), not flesh (food for the people generally), nor yet red herring (food for paupers) Suitable to no class of people, fit for neither one thing nor another Fish comes first because in the Middle Ages the clergy took precedence of the laity "She would be a betwixt-and-between neither fish nor fowl " - Mrs Lynn Linton Fish-day (A) [jour maigre] A day in the Roman Catholic Church when persons, without ecclesiastical permission, are forbidden to eat meat
To attempt to catch fish; to be employed in taking fish, by any means, as by angling or drawing a net