
listen to the pronunciation of ulaşılır
Türkçe - İngilizce
Of a person, easy to approach; approachable
Easy of access or approach; approachable

an accessible town or mountain.

(followed by to) Open to the influence of

Minds accessible to reason. - Thomas Babington Macaulay.

Easily understood
{a} that may be come at, to, or near
{s} approachable; easily obtainable; easy to relate to; persuadable, easy to influence
If something is accessible to people, they can easily use it or obtain it. The legal aid system should be accessible to more people + accessibility ac·ces·sibil·ity the quality and accessibility of health care
capable of being reached; "a town accessible by rail"
Open to the influence of; with to
easily obtained; "most students now have computers accessible"; "accessible money"
Obtainable; to be got at
approval If you describe a book, painting, or other work of art as accessible, you think it is good because it is simple enough for people to understand and appreciate easily. literary books that are accessible to a general audience. + accessibility ac·ces·sibil·ity Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience
If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it or get into it. If an object is accessible, it is easy to reach. The Centre is easily accessible to the general public The premises are wheelchair accessible + accessibility ac·ces·sibil·ity the easy accessibility of the area
easy to get along with or talk to; friendly; "an accessible and genial man"
capable of being read with comprehension; "readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader"; "the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels
Easy of access or approach; approachable; as, an accessible town or mountain, an accessible person
{f} reach

We will reach London before dark. - Hava kararmadan önce Londra'ya ulaşacağız.

She's too short to reach the top. - O,tepeye ulaşamayacak kadar çok kısadır

got through

What you said really got through to Tom. - Söylediğin gerçekten Tom'a ulaştı.

{f} arriving

The storm prevented us from arriving on time. - Fırtına zamanında ulaşmamızı engelledi.

The storm prevented her from arriving on time. - Fırtına onun zamanında ulaşmasını engelledi.


At last he attained his goal. - Sonunda o, amacına ulaştı.

They attained their goal. - Onlar hedeflerine ulaştılar.

get through

I tried to reach you on the phone, but I was unable to get through. - Telefonda sana ulaşmaya çalıştım,ancak bu mümkün olmadı.

I tried to reach you on the phone, but I was unable to get through - Ben sana telefonla ulaşmaya çalıştım ama başaramadım.

{f} reaching

I know what you are planning to do and I'll do everything I can in order to prevent you reaching your goal. - Ne yapmayı planladığını biliyorum ve amacına ulaşmanı engellemek elimden gelen her şeyi yapacağım.

They succeeded in reaching the mountain summit, but had an accident when coming back down. - Dağın zirvesine ulaşmayı başardılar, ama geri inerken bir kaza geçirdiler.

{f} total

Our team achieved five medals in total. - Ekibimiz toplamda beş madalyaya ulaştı.

The total amounted to 100 dollars. - Toplam 100 dolara ulaştı.

gotten through
got at

Truman arrived at the White House within minutes. - Truman, Beyaz Saray'a dakikalar içinde ulaştı.

We arrived at Viracopos at one o'clock in the morning. - Viracopos'a sabah saat birde ulaştık.

{f} totaled
get at

He is too short to get at the book on the shelf. - Raftaki kitaba ulaşamayacak kadar çok kısa.

He was too short to get at the grapes. - Üzümlere ulaşamayacak kadar kısaydı.

run into
arrive in

No ship could arrive in Cuba. - Hiçbir gemi Küba'ya ulaşamadı.

When did you arrive in Boston? - Boston'a ne zaman ulaştın?

kolay ulaşılır
easy of access
kolay ulaşılır yerde
within easy reach