turn out to

listen to the pronunciation of turn out to
İngilizce - Türkçe
it iş turn out to be... : ..olduğu anlaşılıyor
turn out
turn out
haline gelmek
turn out
meydana getirmek
turn out
turn to
turn to
turn out
otlamaya çıkarmak
turn to
turn to
-e başvurmak, -in yardımını istemek
turn to
turn to
turn to
turn to
turn to
turn to
turn out
dışa dönmek
turn out
turn out
turn out
imal etmek
turn out
bir araya gelmek
turn out
turn out
(dolap vb) boşaltmak
turn out
turn out
sonuç vermek
turn out
turn out
dışına dönmek
turn out
turn to
dikkatini vermek
turn to
yardımını istemek
turn to
turn out
turn out
sıraya dizilmek
turn out
tersini çevirmek
turn out
sıraya dizmek
turn out
turn out
turn out

Çıkarken ışığı kapattığından emin ol. - Be sure to turn out the light when you go out.

Odadan ayrılmadan önce ışığı kapatın lütfen. - Please turn out the light before leaving the room.

turn to
işe koyulmak
turn to
yardım istemek
turn out
tersyüz etmek
turn out
turn out
hazır bulunmak
turn out
turn out
dışarı çıkarmak
turn out
turn out
turn out
(deyim) toplanmak,görünmek,(toplantıya) katılmak. a turn-out toplantıya katılma turn someone out (of somewhere) dışarı atmak,kovmak turn something out 1.boşaltmak 2.söndürmek turn out sth. yapmak,imal etmek,meydana getirmek. turn out trumps (kd) sıkıntılı bir zamanda güvenilir bir arkadaş olmak
turn out
otlatmak için dışarıya çıkarmak
turn out
turn out
turn out
yataktan kalkmak
turn out
(deyim) olmak,sonuçlanmak
turn out
içini dışına çevirmek
turn out
yapmak, çıkarmak, üretmek, meydana
turn out
yataktan kaldırmak
turn out
dışarı atmak, kovmak
turn out
turn out
olup çıkmak
turn to
(aklını/dikkatini) -e vermek
turn to
(belirli bir sayfayı) açmak
turn to
gitmek (yardım için)
İngilizce - İngilizce

turn out to teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

turn out
To turn or rotate outwards or out of something

Turn out the dough onto a board and shape it.

turn out
The total number of people that show up to an event

The turn out at Sarah's party was not very good.

turn out
To extinguish a light or other device

Turn out the lights before you leave.

turn out
To produce; make

The bakery turns out three hundred pies each day.

turn out
To attend; show up

Hundreds of people turned out to see the parade.

turn out
To become apparent or known, especially (as) it turns out

It turns out that he just made a lucky guess.

turn out
To result; end up

I had hoped our first meeting would turn out better.

turn out
To refuse service or shelter; to eject or evict

The hotel staff hastened to turn out the noisy drunk.

turn out
To leave a road

Turn out at the third driveway.

turn to
to consult for advice

When I'm in trouble, I turn to my pastor to help me.

turn to
to become, to degenerate into

iron turn to rust in the presence of air and water.

turn out
prove to be in the result or end; "It turns out that he was right
turn out
prove to be in the result or end; "How will the game turn out?"
turn out
get up and out of bed; "I get up at 7 A M every day"; "They rose early"; "He uprose at night"
turn out
Assume a position in which the front foot and knee point directly forward and the body is not more than a quarter turn in profile
turn out
come, usually in answer to an invitation or summons; "How many people turned out that evening?"
turn out
come and gather for a public event; "Hundreds of thousands turned out for the anti-war rally in New York"
turn out
drive away; discharge; gather; remove; clear, evacuate
turn out
If a business or other organization turns out something, it produces it. They have been turning out great blades for 400 years
turn out
When you are commenting on pleasant weather, you can say that is has turned out nice or fine, especially if this is unexpected. It's turned out nice again
turn out
prove to be in the result or end; "It turns out that he was right"
turn out
If you turn someone out of a place, especially the place where they have been living, you force them to leave that place. Surely nobody would suggest turning him out of the house It was previously a small monastery but the authorities turned all the monks out. = throw out
turn out
When you turn out something such as a light or gas, you move the switch or knob that controls it so that it stops giving out light or heat. I'll just play until the janitor comes round to turn the lights out. = turn off
turn out
outfit or equip, as with accessories; "The actors were turned out lavishly"
turn out
If you turn out the contents of a container, you empty it by removing them or letting them fall out. Turn out the dough on to a floured surface Turn the plants out of their pots
turn out
A pass route in which the receiver runs downfield for a short distance, then turns toward one of the sidelines
turn out
If something turns out a particular way, it happens in that way or has the result or degree of success indicated. If I had known my life was going to turn out like this, I would have let them kill me Sometimes things don't turn out the way we think they're going to I was positive things were going to turn out fine. = work out
turn out
put out or expel from a place; "The child was expelled from the classroom"
turn out
If something turns out to be a particular thing, it is discovered to be that thing. Cosgrave's forecast turned out to be quite wrong It turned out that I knew the person who got shot
turn out
cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch; "Turn off the stereo, please"; "cut the engine"; "turn out the lights"
turn out
bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"; "The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers"
turn out
If people turn out for a particular event or activity, they go and take part in it or watch it. Thousands of people turned out for the funeral It was no wonder the fans turned out. The matches yielded 259 goals. see also turnout, turned out
turn out
produce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery; "This factory turns out saws"
turn out
be shown or be found to be; "She proved to be right"; "The medicine turned out to save her life"; "She turned up HIV positive"
turn out
turn outward; "These birds can splay out their toes"; "ballet dancers can rotate their legs out by 90 degrees"
turn out
A fitting used to start a rail system Part of the handrail which is curved in plan and elevation views
turn to
apply to, appeal to
turn to
direct one's interest or attention towards; go into; "The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction"; "People turn to mysticism at the turn of a millenium
turn to
speak to; "He addressed the crowd outside the window"
turn out to

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    /ˈtərn ˈout tə/ /ˈtɜrn ˈaʊt tə/


    [ 't&rn ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English; partly from Old English tyrnan & turnian to turn, from Medieval Latin tornare, from Latin, to turn on a lathe, from tornus lathe, from Greek tornos; partly from Old French torner, tourner to turn, from Medieval Latin tornare; akin to Latin.


    ... story and saying, wait a minute, that might turn out to ...