(Askeri) MEVZİİ MÜTAREKE: Teslim şartlarının müzakeresi gibi özel bir maksatla savaşı geçici olarak durdurmak için, iki taraf arasında varılan anlaşma. Bir mevzii mütareke, genel olarak, mahallidir. Milletlerarası mütarekeye (armistice) denir
A truce is an agreement between two people or groups of people to stop fighting or quarrelling for a short time. The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides Let's call a truce. an agreement between enemies to stop fighting or arguing for a short time, or the period for which this is arranged (Plural of true (14-17 centuries), from treow )
A suspension of arms by agreement of the commanders of opposing forces; a temporary cessation of hostilities, for negotiation or other purpose; an armistice
[ 'trüs ] (noun.) 13th century. Middle English trewes, plural of trewe agreement, from Old English trEow fidelity; akin to Old English trEowe faithful; more at TRUE.