
listen to the pronunciation of trench
İngilizce - Türkçe

Siper savaşı 1914-1918 savaşını simgeler. - Trench warfare characterized the 1914-1918 War.

(Denizbilim) trenç

Benim bir trençkotum yok. - I don't own a trench coat.

Tom bir trençkot giyiyordu. - Tom was wearing a trench coat.


Kim olduklarını bilmediğimiz insanların arasında, çok uzak bir ülkedeki savaş yüzünden burada gaz maskeleri denemek ve hendekler kazmak zorunda olmamız ne kadar korkunç, fantastik, inanılmaz. - How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing.


Okyanusun en derin kısmı Challenger Deep olarak adlandırılır ve Mariana Çukurunun güney ucunda batı Pasifik Okyanusu'nun altında yer alır. - The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Mariana Trench.

araştırma çukuru
içine veya etrafına hendek veya siper kazmak
siper kazmak
{f} hendek kazmak
{i} suyolu
{f} bellemek
(Askeri) SİPER, HENDEK: Bir mevzide, düşmana ateş ederken veya mevzi içerisinde bir yerden başka bir yere giderken, avcıları düşmanın ateş tesirinden korumak için kazılan dar hendek
trench foot soğuktan ve rutubetten hâsıl olup kangrene yol açan ayak rahatsızlığı
{f} kazmak

Kim olduklarını bilmediğimiz insanların arasında, çok uzak bir ülkedeki savaş yüzünden burada gaz maskeleri denemek ve hendekler kazmak zorunda olmamız ne kadar korkunç, fantastik, inanılmaz. - How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing.

kirizma yapmak
trench coat trençkot
{i} ask. siper
trench mouth tıb
tecavüz etmek
(Askeri) Siper (dig trenches: siper kazmak)
trench coat

Hem Tom hem de Mary yağmurluk giyiyorlardı. - Both Tom and Mary were wearing trench coats.

Tom bir yağmurluk giyiyor. - Tom is wearing a trench coat.

trench coat

Benim bir trençkotum yok. - I don't own a trench coat.

Tom bir trençkot giyiyordu. - Tom was wearing a trench coat.

trench coat
su geçirmez palto
trench on
trench on
{f} tecavüz et
trench on
tecavüz etmek
trench warfare
siper harbi
trench drain
hendek dreni
trench line
Siper hattı, savunma hattı
trench mouth
siper ağız
trench on
trench boards
(Askeri) SİPER DÖŞEMELERİ: Siperlerde kullanılan döşemeler
trench boards
(Askeri) siper döşemeleri
trench burial
(Askeri) TOPLU DEFİN: Zayiatın çok fazla olması halinde herkes için bir mezar kazılmasını ve ayrı ayrı defin yapılmasını önlemek için, bir hendek hazırlanıp ölülerin bu hendek içine yan yana kondukları bir defin usulü. Bak. "burial"
trench coat
(Askeri) TRENÇKOT: İçi astarlı ve yağmur geçirmez palto
trench foot
(Askeri) AYAK DONMASI: Soğuk ve rutubet yüzünden ayağın donarak kangrene çevirmesi
trench foot
(Askeri) ayak donması
trench jack
(İnşaat) iksa krikosu
trench knife
(Askeri) siper bıçağı
trench knife
(Askeri) SİPER BIÇAĞI: Yakın muharebede kullanılan, ortalama 20 cm. uzunluğunda, iki ağızlı ve kamaya benzer çelik bıçak
trench mortar
(Askeri) SİPER HAVANI: 3 inçlik (7.62 mm.) mermi atan, ağızdan doldurulan hava namlulu havan. Halen kullanılmayan bu havanlara "stokes mortar" da denir
trench on
tecâvüz etmek
trench plough
kanal hendek pulluğu
trench roller
kanat silindiri
trench shelter
(Askeri) siper sığınağı
trench shelter
(Askeri) SİPER SIĞINAĞI: Siperlerde yapılan çeşitli tip sığınaklardan biri
trench silo
(Tarım) hendek silo
trench upon
tecâvüz etmek
trench warfare
(Askeri) SİPER HARBİ: Siperlerde bulunan iki taraf arasındaki savaş. Bak. "stabilized warfare"
trench work
(İnşaat) kanal işleri
trench work
(İnşaat) hendek işleri
core trench
çekirdek hendeği
creep trench
sığ hendek
outrigger trench
(Askeri) payanda hendeği
slurry trench
(Jeoloji) geçirimsizlik perdesi
slurry trench
(Jeoloji) bulamaç hendeği
drainage trench
drenaj hendeği
fire trench
ateş açma
palisade trench
çıt siper
absorption trench
emme hendeği
aleutian trench
alösiyen hendeği
aleutian trench
alösiyen çukuru
anchor trench
(İnşaat) ankraj hendeği
approach trench
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA HENDEĞİ: Bir savunma mevziinin cephesi ile gerisi arasında, örtülü gidiş gelişe elverişli hendek
approach trench
(Askeri) Yaklaşma hendeği
communication trench
(Askeri) İRTİBAT HENDEĞİ: Bknz. "connecting trench"
connecting trench
(Askeri) İrtibat hendeği
connecting trench
(Askeri) İRTİBAT HENDEĞİ: Bir siperler manzumesi içinde insanların bir ateş siperinden diğerine geçmelerini sağlayan ara siper. Buna "communicating trench" veya "communication trench" de denir
crawl trench
(Askeri) sürünme hendeği
crawl trench
(Askeri) SÜRÜNME HENDEĞİ: Sığ irtibat hendeği
crouch and run trench
cutoff trench
geçirimsiz dolgu hendeği
cutoff trench
katof hendeği
cutoff trench
saplama hendeği
deep-sea trench
derin-deniz hendeği/çukuru
dig a trench
siper kazmak
fighting trench
(Askeri) irtibat hendeği
fire trench
(Askeri) ATEŞ HENDEĞİ: Avcıların tüfek veya diğer hafif ateşli silahlarla ateş ettikleri ve içinde nisbeten iyi bir şekilde korundukları hendek
foundation trench
(İnşaat) temel hendeği
hasty trench
(Askeri) BASİT SİPER: Genel olarak, düşman ateşi veya her an beklenen taarruz tehdidi altında kazılmış, derinliği az siper
hasty trench
(Askeri) basit siper
interception trench
kafa hendeği
intermediate trench
(Askeri) ARA TAHKİMATI: Bir savunma mevzisinin esas kısımları arasında, örneğin muhabere ileri karakol mevzisi ile asıl muhabere sahası arasında veya asıl muharebe sahası içinde, elverişli arazi üzerinde vücuda getirilen ufak ve mahdut tahkimat ve siperler
intermediate trench
(Askeri) Ara tahkimatı
island arc trench system
(Çevre) ada yayı açılma sistemi
japan trench
japon hendeği
java trench
java hendeği
kneeling trench
(Askeri) diz çukuru
kneeling trench
(Askeri) DİZ ÇUKURU: Çökerek nişan vaziyetinde ateş edecek avcıları korumak üzere kazılan siper
kneelling trench
(Askeri) Diz çukuru
kuril trench
kuril hendeği
kuril trench
kuril çukuru
ocean trench
(Coğrafya) okyanus çukuru
ocean trench
(Coğrafya) anadeniz çukuru
outrigger trench
(Askeri) PAYANDA HENDEĞİ: Ağır ve hafif hava savunma silahlarında kullanılan payandalar için lazım olan özel hendekler
parallel trench
(Askeri) PARALEL İRTİBAT BÜROSU HENDEĞİ: Cepheye paralel olan ve özellikle yan irtibatı, icabında, irtibat için kullanılan siper
refilling of trench
kanal imlası
shallow connecting trench
(Askeri) SÜRÜNME HENDEĞİ: Vakit darlığı yüzünden derinleştirilmemiş ve sadece sürünmeye elverişli olacak kadar kazılabilmiş irtibat hendeği
shallow connecting trench
(Askeri) sürünme hendeği
skirmisher's trench
(Askeri) boy çukuru
skirmisher's trench
(Askeri) avcı çukuru
skirmisher's trench
(Askeri) yatma çukuru
skirmisher's trench
(Askeri) YATMA ÇUKURU: Hafif ateşli silahların ateşi altında yere yatan bir avcının, acele olarak kazdığı avcı çukuru; yatma çukurunun derinliği pek az olur ve avcıyı güçlükle korur
slit trench
(Askeri) boy çukuru
slit trench
(Askeri) yatma çukuru
slit trench
(Askeri) YATMA ÇUKURU: Toprakta dikdörtgen şeklinde kazılan ve personelin savunmasına yarayan siper. Bak. "foxhole"
standard trench
(Askeri) STANDART HENDEK: Hem ateş hem irtibat hendeği olarak kullanılabilen, her tarafı aynı kesitte hendek
straddle trench
(Askeri) AÇIK HELA: Arazideki harekat esnasında ve muharebede hela olarak kullanılan hendek
straddle trench
(Askeri) açık hela
submarine trench
(Askeri) denizaltı hendeği
switching trench
(Askeri) set siperi
switching trench
(Askeri) SET SİPERİ: Cepheye paralel ve birbiri gerisinde bulunan savunma mevzilerinde, bu mevzilere çapraz olarak meydana getirilen ve mevzileri birbirine bağlayan siper
throwing trench
(Askeri) bomba atma hendeği
throwing trench
(Askeri) bomba hendeği
throwing trench
(Askeri) BOMBA ATMA HENDEĞİ, BOMBA HENDEĞİ: El bombası atış tatbikatı yapan erlerin içinde durdukları hendek
(Çevre) hendek incelemesi
İngilizce - İngilizce
To excavate an elongated and often narrow pit
A pit, usually rectangular with smooth walls and floor, excavated during an archaeological investigation
To excavate an elongated pit for protection of soldiers and or equipment, usually perpendicular to the line of sight toward the enemy
To invade, especially with regard to the rights or the exclusive authority of another

ur ideas, therefore, must trench upon the province of tactics.

A trench coat

A classic trench can work in any kind of weather and goes well with almost anything.

A long, narrow ditch or hole dug in the ground, especially in warfare
{v} to make a trench, cut, divide, part
{n} a ditch, cut, defense to cover soldiers
A long, narrow cut in the earth; a ditch; as, a trench for draining land
{f} dig a deep ditch, fortify with trenches, entrench
set, plant, or bury in a trench; "trench the fallen soldiers"; "trench the vegetables"
The term includes the parallels and the approaches
A trench is a long narrow channel in the ground used by soldiers in order to protect themselves from the enemy. People often refer to the battle grounds of the First World War in Northern France and Belgium as the trenches. We fought with them in the trenches. trench warfare. deep sea trench oceanic trench Mariana Trench trench warfare
A long, narrow excavation dug through overburden, or blasted out of rock, to expose a vein or ore structure
dig a trench or trenches; "The National Guardsmen were sent out to trench"
To dig or cultivate very deeply, usually by digging parallel contiguous trenches in succession, filling each from the next; as, to trench a garden for certain crops
An alley; a narrow path or walk cut through woods, shrubbery, or the like
a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth any long ditch cut in the ground a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor dig a trench or trenches; "The National Guardsmen were sent out to trench"
a narrow, elongate depression of the deep-sea floor, having steep sides and oriented parallel to the trend of an adjacent continent It lies between the continental margin and the abyssal plain Usually it forms the surficial trace of a subduction zone
fortify by surrounding with trenches; "He trenched his military camp"
impinge or infringe upon; "This impinges on my rights as an individual"; "This matter entrenches on other domains"
any long ditch cut in the ground
The horizontal metal line patterns through which electrons cross within an integrated circuit
cut a trench in, as for drainage; "ditch the land to drain it"; "trench the fields"
Usually with upon, to invade, usually regarding the rights or the exclusive authority of another
A channel or housing, called a 'dado'
n an elongated narrow depression, with stepply sloping borders located where oceanic and continental plates (or island chains) converge, the continental side rises higher than the oceanic side; location of subduction of an oceanic plate beneath a continental plate
To have direction; to aim or tend
a long, narrow, steep-walled, often arcuate depression in the ocean floor, much deeper than the adjacent ocean and associated with a subduction zone
cut or carve deeply into; "letters trenched into the stone"
To cut furrows or ditches in; as, to trench land for the purpose of draining it
To encroach; to intrench
To fortify by cutting a ditch, and raising a rampart or breastwork with the earth thrown out of the ditch; to intrench
an area within a site excavated for archaeological investigation
a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor
Coat of military origin, rainproof, buttoned and tied with belt usually of same fabric The coat has many details with pockets, flaps and sometimes epaulettes examples
{i} ditch, canal
a ditch protected by a bank of earth used to shelter soldiers
(Trench excavation): means a narrow excavation (in relation to its length) made below the surface of the ground In general, the depth is greater than the width, but the width of a trench (measured at the bottom) is not greater than 15 feet (4 6 m) If forms or other structures are installed or constructed in an excavation so as to reduce the dimension measured from the forms or structure to the side of the excavation to 15 feet (4 6m) or less (measured at the bottom of the excavation), the excavation is also considered to be a trench
fortify by surrounding with trenches; "He trenched his military camp
An excavation made during a siege, for the purpose of covering the troops as they advance toward the besieged place
a long, narrow valley created where one plate pushes beneath another at convergent boundaries or subduction zones The deepest part of the ocean; the Marianas Trench is the deepest trench in the ocean
Hole dug in the ground 2 metres deep used to move supplies and protect troops from enemy bullets The trench system stretched some 600 miles across France and Belgium
a dug-out ditch
a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth
A long narrow submarine DEPRESSION with relatively steep sides
To cut; to form or shape by cutting; to make by incision, hewing, or the like
A trench is a long narrow channel that is cut into the ground, for example in order to lay pipes or get rid of water
trench coat
A military-style raincoat with a belt and deep pockets and often epaulettes
trench coats
plural form of trench coat
trench cut
A triangle-shaped cut in a tell, used to see how many levels there are or to find information about each separate settlement
trench cuts
plural form of trench cut
trench fever
an acute infectious disease, caused by the microorganism Rickettsia quintana and transmitted by the louse Pediculus humanus that affected very many soldiers during World War I
trench foot
A medical condition which can affect the feet when they are constantly cold and wet. Similar to, but not the same as frostbite
trench mouth
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, a severe bacterial infection of the gums, typically characterized by inflammation, bleeding, deep ulceration, necrotized tissue, pain, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, fatigue, and halitosis

Vincent's angina (or trench mouth) is a distinct form of ulcerative gingivitis.

trench warfare
Fighting of any sort which offers no hope of ending soon
trench warfare
Warfare in which opposing sides occupy trenches; usually very bloody, miserable, and endless
trench on
trespass a border, pass a boundary
trench coat
A trench coat is a type of raincoat with pockets and a belt. Trench coats are often similar in design to military coats. A belted raincoat in a military style, having straps on the shoulders and deep pockets. a long raincoat with a belt
trench coat
long raincoat, long waterproof coat
trench coat
a military style raincoat; belted with deep pockets
trench fever
marked by pain in muscles and joints and transmitted by lice
trench fever
An acute infectious disease characterized by chills and fever, caused by the microorganism Rickettsia quintana and transmitted by the louse Pediculus humanus
trench fever
fever spread by body lice that was common in World War I soldier who fought in trenches
trench foot
resembling frostbite but without freezing; resulting from exposure to cold and wet
trench foot
A condition of the foot resembling frostbite, caused by prolonged exposure to cold and dampness and often affecting soldiers in trenches
trench knife
a knife with a double-edged blade for hand-to-hand fighting
trench mortar
a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that fires shells at high elevations for a short range
trench mortar
A mortar usually ranging from 3 to 9.45 inches in caliber, designed for use in forward positions, especially in trenches
trench mouth
an acute communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mucous membrane
trench mouth
A painful infection of the mouth and throat characterized by ulcerations of the mucous membranes, bleeding, and foul breath. It is caused by the bacterium Fusobacterium fusiforme in combination with the spirochete Treponema vincentii. Also called Vincent's angina, Vincent's infection
trench upon
trespass a border, pass a boundary
trench warfare
type of combat in which soldiers fight from the inside of trenches (from World War I)
trench warfare
a method of fighting in which soldiers from opposing armies are in trenches facing each other. Warfare in which the opposing sides attack, counterattack, and defend from sets of trenches dug into the ground. It was developed by Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban in the 17th century for laying siege to fortresses. Its defensive use was first institutionalized as a tactic during the American Civil War. It reached its highest development in World War I. Little used in World War II, it reappeared in the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s. A typical construction consisted of two to four parallel trenches, each dug in a zigzag, protected by sandbags, and floored with wooden planks. The parallel trenches were connected by a series of communication trenches dug roughly perpendicular to them. The first row was fronted by barbed wire and contained machine-gun emplacements; the rear trenches housed most of the troops. Increased use of tanks marked the end of trench warfare, since tanks were invulnerable to the machine-gun and rifle fire used by entrenched soldiers
Mariana Trench
A submarine trench in the North Pacific Ocean, noted for having the deepest known point on Earth
oceanic trench
A hemispheric-scale long but narrow topographic depression of the seabed
Japan Trench
A depression in the floor of the northern Pacific Ocean off northeast Japan. It extends from the Bonin to the Kuril islands and reaches depths of more than 9,000 m (30,000 ft)
Mariana Trench
the Mariana Trench the deepest part of the Earth's surface, which is near the Mariana Islands in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Submarine trench in the floor of the western Pacific Ocean. It is the deepest known depression on the surface of the Earth, with a maximum depth of 36,198 ft (11,033 m). The trench extends from southeast of Guam to northwest of the Mariana Islands, a distance of more than 1,580 mi (2,550 km), and has a mean width of 43 mi (69 km). See also deep-sea trench
approach trench
a trench that provides protected passage between the rear and front lines of a defensive position
atacama trench
a depression the floor of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile
bougainville trench
a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean between New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
communication trench
trench built at an angle to a defense trench in order to allow concealed entry (Military)
deep-sea trench
or oceanic trench Any long, narrow, steep-sided depression in the ocean bottom in which maximum oceanic depths (24,000-36,000 ft, or 7,000-11,000 m) occur. The deepest known depression of this kind is the Mariana Trench. Most trenches occur at subduction zones, where one tectonic plate is thrust under another
dig a trench
dig a ditch, dig a channel
fire trench
a trench especially constructed for the delivery of small-arms fire
japan trench
a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean northeast of Japan that reaches depths of 30,000 feet
slit trench
narrow trench for shelter in battle
slit trench
A narrow shallow trench dug during combat for the protection of a single soldier or a small group of soldiers
past of trench
plural of trench
third-person singular of trench
Digging trenches on a side slope to catch any burning or other materials which might roll across control lines
present participle of trench
The digging of shallow trenches to expose a coal seam or vein for inspection or sampling
The cutting of a trench either transversely or longitudinally across a dune to destroy its symmetry
The process of opening a trench, using an Excavator, Trencher or Rocksaw An alternative method to Directional Drilling or Ploughing - but the route does require reinstatement once the job is completed