The trade name of a product is similar to a brand name Several different products may have the same generic name, but are marketed by different companies under different trade names e g salicyclic acid or aspirin (generic) which is sold as Bayer or Ecotrin (trade names)
The name under which a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation does business
Also known as an assumed name or corporate name, it is the name under which a company conducts its business Whereas a trade name identifies the business itself, trademarks identify goods or services A trade name can also serve as a trademark if it meets the requirements of a trademark If so, the trade name also merits protection under state and federal trademark and dilution laws However, a trade name has no exclusive trademark rights unless it is used as a trademark This is so, even if the name is registered with the appropriate state body regulating business names, usually the Secretary of State
This name becomes a part of the good will of a business; it is not protected by the registration acts, but a qualified common-law protection against its misuse exists, analogous to that existing in the case of trade-marks
The trademark name or commercial name given to material by the manufacturer or supplier
Trademark name or commercial trade name for a material given by the manufacturer
The commercial name or trademark by which a chemical is known One chemical may have a variety of trade names depending on the manufacturers or distributors involved
- The name used by a company to describe and distinguish its brand of a generic product Kleenex is a trade name for a brand of tissue; Xerox, a single brand of copier
The name under which any business is carried on, whether or not it is the name of a corporation, a partnership or an individual (Source: Canadian Law Dictionary)
as, tin spirits is a common trade name in the dyeing industry for various solutions of tin salts
A "trade name" is the business name of the person or organization making and/or selling a particular product "General Motors, Inc" is the "trade name" of the company Trade names are registered by the state in which the person or company is based In California, the California Secretary of State's office registers trade names and they can tell you, on the phone, whether or not a desired name is available and how to register it
A trade name is the name under which a product is commercially known Some materials are sold under common names, such as Stoddard solvent or degreaser, or internationally recognized trade name, like Varsol Trade names are sometimes identified by symbols such as 'TM' for an 'R' with a circle around it
The name under which a company chooses to operate Trade names may or may not be considered trade-marks, depending on the circumstances
A trade name is the name which manufacturers give to a product or to a range of products. It's marketed under the trade name `Tattle'. = brand name. a name given to a particular product, that helps you recognize it from other similar products = brand name