
listen to the pronunciation of trade-
İngilizce - Türkçe

trade- teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

<span class="word-self">tradespan>

Ülke, dış ticaret açığını telafi etmek için çok çabalıyor. - The country is trying hard to make up for her trade deficit.

Başkan Jefferson uzun sürecek ticaret yasağı istemiyordu. - President Jefferson did not want the trade ban to last long.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
fiyat farkını verip yenisi ile değiştirme
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
(Ekonomi) Bir şeyi kazanmak için başka bir şeyden fedakarlık etme
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-union
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{f} takas etmek

İşleri takas etmek ister misin? - Do you want to trade jobs?

Koltukları takas etmek ister misin? - Would you like to trade seats?

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{f} iş yapmak
<span class="word-self">tradespan> book
Genel okuyucuya hitap eden kitap
<span class="word-self">tradespan> off
(Ahlak Bilimi) ödünleşim
<span class="word-self">tradespan> up
Sahip olunandan daha pahalı olan birşeyi satın almak
balance of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
ticaret bilançosu,ticaret dengesi
balance of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
ticaret dengesi, ithalat ve ihracat arasındaki değer farkı
counter <span class="word-self">tradespan>
karşılıklı ticaret
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{i} alım satım
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{i} meslek

Bütün meslekleri bilir ama hiçbirinin ustası değil. - Jack of all trades, and master of none.

Bazı elektrikçiler üniversiteye gitme yerine çıraklık sistemi içinde mesleklerini öğrenirler. - Some electricians learn their trade within an apprenticeship system instead of going to college.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{i} zanaat
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{f} ticaret yapmak
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{i} sanat
<span class="word-self">tradespan>

Tokyo borsasında, aşağı yukarı 450 şirketin hisse senetleri sayaç üzerinde işlem gördü. - In the Tokyo stock market, stocks of about 450 companies are traded over the counter.

İşleri takas etmek ister misiniz? - Would you like to trade jobs?

<span class="word-self">tradespan> center
ticaret merkezi

Teröristler 2001 yılında New York'ta Dünya Ticaret Merkezi'ne saldırdı. - Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001.

<span class="word-self">tradespan> off
(Askeri) mübadele
barter <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) takas
bilateral <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) takas
bilateral <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) ikili ticaret
bilateral <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) iki yanlı ticaret
coal <span class="word-self">tradespan>
kömür ticareti
commodity composition of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) dış ticaretin mal bileşimi
community <span class="word-self">tradespan> mark
(Politika, Siyaset) topluluk markası
confidence to <span class="word-self">tradespan> register
(Kanun) ticaret siciline itimat
cotton <span class="word-self">tradespan>
pamuk ticareti
domestic <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) yurtiçi ticaret
fish <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Spor) balık ticareti
fixed <span class="word-self">tradespan> spending
Bir ürünü rafta bulundurma bedeli
foreign <span class="word-self">tradespan> zone
(Ticaret) serbest ticaret bölgesi
form a <span class="word-self">tradespan> union
grain <span class="word-self">tradespan>
tahıl ticareti
international <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) dış ticaret
international <span class="word-self">tradespan> center
(Ticaret) uluslararası ticaret merkezi
international <span class="word-self">tradespan> theory
(Ticaret) uluslararası ticaret teorisi
interregional <span class="word-self">tradespan>
Bölgelerarası ticaret
join a <span class="word-self">tradespan> union
merchandise <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) mal ticareti
minister of industry and <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) sanayi ve ticaret bakanı
ministry of industry and <span class="word-self">tradespan>
sanayi ve ticaret bakanlığı
produce <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) toprak ürünleri ticareti
produce <span class="word-self">tradespan>
ürün ticareti
restriction of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) ticaretin sınırlanması
seed industry and <span class="word-self">tradespan>
tohum endüstrisi ve ticareti
stock in <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) mal mevcudu
terms of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) dış ticaret hadleri
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) ticaret yapma
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
alım satım yapmak
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
<span class="word-self">tradespan>

Avustralya'da ocak ayında esnaf hizmetini almak mümkün değildir. Onların hepsi tatildedirler. - It is impossible to obtain the services of a tradesman in January in Australia. They are all on holiday.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
<span class="word-self">tradespan> bank
(Ticaret) ticaret bankası
<span class="word-self">tradespan> blocs
ticaret alanları
<span class="word-self">tradespan> centre
iş merkezi
<span class="word-self">tradespan> cycle
(Ticaret) konjonktür
<span class="word-self">tradespan> date
(Ticaret) ticari işlem tarihi
<span class="word-self">tradespan> down
Sahip olunandan daha ucuz olan birşeyi satın almak
<span class="word-self">tradespan> fair
(Ticaret) ticari fuar
<span class="word-self">tradespan> for
değiş tokuş etmek
<span class="word-self">tradespan> for
trampa etmek
<span class="word-self">tradespan> in
(Ticaret) trampa
<span class="word-self">tradespan> marks
(Ticaret) ticari markalar
<span class="word-self">tradespan> marks
<span class="word-self">tradespan> name
(Ticaret) ticari unvan
<span class="word-self">tradespan> name
(Ticaret) ad
<span class="word-self">tradespan> off
(Tıp) al ver
<span class="word-self">tradespan> register
(Ticaret) ticaret sicil memurluğu
<span class="word-self">tradespan> union
işçi sendikaları
<span class="word-self">tradespan> winds
(Meteoroloji) ticaret rüzgarları
<span class="word-self">tradespan> winds
(Coğrafya) alize rüzgarları
<span class="word-self">tradespan> zone
(Ticaret) ticaret bölgesi
wholesale <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) toptancılık
European <span class="word-self">Tradespan> Unions Confederation
Avrupa işçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu
Foreign <span class="word-self">Tradespan> Bank
dış ticaret bankası
balance of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
ticaret dengesi
balanced <span class="word-self">tradespan>
dengeli ticaret
border and offshore <span class="word-self">tradespan>
sınır ve kıyı ticareti
border <span class="word-self">tradespan>
sınır ticareti
building <span class="word-self">tradespan>
yapı sanayi
building <span class="word-self">tradespan>
inşaat sanayi
building <span class="word-self">tradespan>
inşaat sektörü
carriage <span class="word-self">tradespan>
zengin müşteriler
carrying <span class="word-self">tradespan>
carrying <span class="word-self">tradespan>
centre of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
ticaret merkezi
circle of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
iş sahası
coasting <span class="word-self">tradespan>
coasting <span class="word-self">tradespan>
sahil ticareti
currency <span class="word-self">tradespan>
döviz ticareti
distributive <span class="word-self">tradespan>
dağıtım işi
do a roaring <span class="word-self">tradespan>
büyük kâr sağlamak
domestic <span class="word-self">tradespan>
iç ticaret
drum up <span class="word-self">tradespan>
dolaşıp sipariş vermek
economy oriented towards free <span class="word-self">tradespan>
dışa açık ekonomi
false <span class="word-self">tradespan> mark
sahte ticaret markası
floating <span class="word-self">tradespan>
deniz ticareti
foreign <span class="word-self">tradespan>
dış ticaret

O dış ticaretle ilgileniyor. - He is engaged in foreign trade.

Babam dış ticaretle uğraşır. - My father is engaged in foreign trade.

foreign <span class="word-self">tradespan> gains
dış ticaret kazançları
foreign <span class="word-self">tradespan> operations
dış ticaret işlemleri
foreign <span class="word-self">tradespan> transaction
dış ticaret işlemi
free <span class="word-self">tradespan>
serbest ticaret

Şirket serbest ticaret anlamına gelir. - The company stands for free trade.

O aday serbest ticaret yanlısı. - That candidate stands for free trade.

free <span class="word-self">tradespan> area
serbest ticaret bölgesi
free <span class="word-self">tradespan> zone
serbest bölge
intermediate <span class="word-self">tradespan>
internal <span class="word-self">tradespan>
iç ticaret
international <span class="word-self">tradespan>
uluslararası ticaret
liner <span class="word-self">tradespan>
layner ticareti
marine <span class="word-self">tradespan>
deniz ticareti
registered <span class="word-self">tradespan> mark
müseccel marka
retail <span class="word-self">tradespan>
perakende ticaret
roaring <span class="word-self">tradespan>
çok kârlı iş
sea <span class="word-self">tradespan>
deniz ticareti
seasonal <span class="word-self">tradespan>
sezonluk ticaret
slave <span class="word-self">tradespan>
köle ticareti
stock in <span class="word-self">tradespan>
stock in <span class="word-self">tradespan>
dükkandaki mal
stock in <span class="word-self">tradespan>
kuvvetli taraf
stock in <span class="word-self">tradespan>
tally <span class="word-self">tradespan>
taksitli alışveriş
terms of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
ticaret hadleri
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
değiş tokuş etmek

Ben bu bebeği istemiyorum. Ben senin bebeğini istiyorum. Değiş tokuş etmek ister misin? - I don't want this doll. I want your doll. Do you want to trade?

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
(in/with ile) ticaret yapmak
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{f} ticaret yap

Japonya birçok yabancı ülkeyle ticaret yapar. - Japan trades with many foreign countries.

Japonya İngiltere ile çok ticaret yapar. - Japan does a lot of trade with Britain.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
<span class="word-self">tradespan> acceptance
ticari kabul
<span class="word-self">tradespan> agreement
ticari anlaşma
<span class="word-self">tradespan> association
ticari birlik
<span class="word-self">tradespan> balance
ticaret dengesi
<span class="word-self">tradespan> barrier
ticaret engeli
<span class="word-self">tradespan> barriers
ticari engeller
<span class="word-self">tradespan> bill
ticari senet
<span class="word-self">tradespan> bill
alışveriş faturası
<span class="word-self">tradespan> book
alışveriş kitabı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> cycle
konjonktür dalgası
<span class="word-self">tradespan> cycle
alışveriş dönemi
<span class="word-self">tradespan> deficit
ticaret açığı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> directory
ticaret rehberi
<span class="word-self">tradespan> discount
toptancı indirimi
<span class="word-self">tradespan> edition
alışveriş broşürü
<span class="word-self">tradespan> embargo
alışveriş ambargosu
<span class="word-self">tradespan> fair
ticaret fuarı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> gap
ticari açık
<span class="word-self">tradespan> in
üste para verip değiştirmek
<span class="word-self">tradespan> investment
ticari yatırım
<span class="word-self">tradespan> mark
<span class="word-self">tradespan> mark
alameti farika
<span class="word-self">tradespan> mark
ticari marka
<span class="word-self">tradespan> name
<span class="word-self">tradespan> name
ticaret unvanı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> price
toptan fiyat
<span class="word-self">tradespan> register
ticaret sicili
<span class="word-self">tradespan> restrictions
ticaret kısıtlamaları
<span class="word-self">tradespan> route
ticaret yolu
<span class="word-self">tradespan> route
ticaret yapılan yol
<span class="word-self">tradespan> sale
ticari ucuzluk
<span class="word-self">tradespan> school
sanat okulu
<span class="word-self">tradespan> school
meslek okulu
<span class="word-self">tradespan> secret
ticari sır
<span class="word-self">tradespan> secret
meslek sırrı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> show
ticari gösteri
<span class="word-self">tradespan> stoppage
ticaret stopajı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> symbol
ticari simge
<span class="word-self">tradespan> union
ticaret birliği
<span class="word-self">tradespan> union
işçi sendikası
<span class="word-self">tradespan> union

Herkesin menfaatlerinin korunması için sendikalar kurmaya ve bunlara katılmaya hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

<span class="word-self">tradespan> unionism
<span class="word-self">tradespan> unionist
<span class="word-self">tradespan> unionist
ticaret birliği üyesi
<span class="word-self">tradespan> value
takas değeri
<span class="word-self">tradespan> wind
alize rüzgârı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> wind
tek yönlü rüzgar
transit <span class="word-self">tradespan>
transit ticaret
unfairable balance of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
dış ticaret açığı
volume of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
ticaret hacmi
<span class="word-self">Tradespan> Registry Number
(Finans) Ticaret Sicil Numarası
arms <span class="word-self">tradespan>
Silah ticareti
cross-border <span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) Sınır ötesi ticaret
domestic <span class="word-self">tradespan>, internal <span class="word-self">tradespan>
iç ticaret, iç ticaret
equilibrium <span class="word-self">tradespan> position
denge ticaret durumu
fine <span class="word-self">tradespan> bill
sağlam ticari senet
foreign <span class="word-self">tradespan> triangle
dış ticaret üçgeni
foreign-<span class="word-self">tradespan>
(Ticaret) dış ticaret
free <span class="word-self">tradespan> wharf
(Ticaret) Serbest ticaret limanı
inland (<span class="word-self">tradespan>
iç ticaret
off-<span class="word-self">tradespan>
satış sonu tüketilmek üzere satılan mal ticareti
shuttle <span class="word-self">tradespan>
bavul ticareti
<span class="word-self">tradespan> barrier
Ticarî ambargo
<span class="word-self">tradespan> down
ticaret aşağı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> mark consultant
marka danışmanı
<span class="word-self">tradespan> register number
Ticaret sicil numarası
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
alışveriş etmek
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
trade agreement ticari anlaşma
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
i., k.dili. alize
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{f} (for) trampa etmek, değiş tokuş etmek: I'll trade you this horse for that pony of
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
ticaret,v.ticaret yap: n.ticaret
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
trade discount toptancı indirimi
İngilizce - İngilizce
The exchange of commodities between individuals or groups either directly through barter or indirectly through a medium such as money The benefits of trade consist of an extension in the range of commodities available for consumption an a specialization in productive activity Without trade the individual or group would be forced to meet all requirements from their own resources Voluntary trade allows a division of labour such that all participants may benefit (Pearce, 1996) (See also International Trade)
– A securities transaction
do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
relating to or used in or intended for trade or commerce; "a trade fair"; "trade journals"; "trade goods"
daily periodicals which report on the latest news and events in the film business The two most popular being the Hollywood Reporter and Variety
A verbal (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party Once a trade is consummated, it is considered "done" or final Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later
A term used to define a geographic area or specific route served by carriers
Alternative name for business Any activity commercially run with a view to making a profit will normally be treated as a trade
The kind of publisher selling books to bookstores, and also to some extent to libraries
A verbal (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party Once a trade is consummated, it is considered ``done'' or final Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later
a verbal or electronic transaction involving one party buying a security from another party; settlement of the transaction occurs 1-5 business days later
to buy and sell goods for profit In the 1700s, a merchant imported and exported goods; knew customs, tariffs, and exchange rates; and often owned ships that transported goods A shipper transported goods from place to place A trader bought and sold goods locally, often keeping a shop where goods were sold to the public for money or for other items, as in a barter
An agreement between a station and an advertiser, by which the station receives merchandise or services, not cash, in exchange for airtime For example, a retailer might not be charged for a spot if they gave prizes to the station for a promotion Outside the U S trade is commonly referred to as "contra"
A transaction involving the sale and purchase of a security
To buy or sell a security
IMPORTS: Country of origin data is reported by each country (i e , the trading country is shown as the country where the goods originated, and not the last port of consignment)
to buy and sell; buying and selling
Any purchase or sale of a security
an equal exchange; "we had no money so we had to live by barter"
a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"
exchange or give (something) in exchange for
A trade is a transaction A trade has a buyer and a seller as well as a price and quantity
A securities transaction
To carry out a transaction of buying or selling stock or a bond
An oral (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party Once a trade is consummated, it is considered "done" or final Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later
A transaction of a security or commodity
the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers; "even before noon there was a considerable patronage"
engage in the trade of; "he is merchandising telephone sets"
people who perform a particular kind of skilled work; "he represented the craft of brewers"; "as they say in the trade"
turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase; "trade in an old car for a new one"
steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator; "they rode the trade winds going west"
An oral (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party Once a trade is consummated, it is considered “done” or final Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later
The business of buying and selling goods and services
the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice"
be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions; "The stock traded around $20 a share"
the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services; "Venice was an important center of trade with the East"; "they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-deficit
Attributive form of trade deficit, noun
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
a transaction including such payment
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
property used as part payment for a new purchase
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-last
a compliment offered to be repeated in exchange for another
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
Any situation in which one thing must be decreased for another to be increased

In writing, there's often a trade-off between being concise and being complete.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>-union
Attributive form of trade union, noun
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-wind
Alternative form of trade wind
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
Deduction from an item’s price of an amount for the customer’s old item that is being replaced
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
= Used product that was returned as part of an upgrade Typically this term is only used with large items such as tape libraries & RAID arrays Smaller items such as disk drives and tape drives that are part of an upgrade would be listed as a Pull
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
A used vehicle that a customer sells to a dealer in order to provide funds to use toward the purchase of a new vehicle
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
The net value of your vehicle credited toward the purchase or lease of another vehicle If you own the vehicle being traded-in, you sell it to the dealer or lessor If you are leasing the vehicle being traded-in, you are turning in the vehicle (either at the scheduled end of the lease or upon early termination) to the dealer or lessor The amount credited may be positive or negative depending on the value of the vehicle and any remaining balance on your credit, loan, or lease agreement
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
an item of property that is given in part payment for a new one
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
An increasingly popular method of guaranteeing an owner a minimum amount of cash on sale of his present propert7y to permit him to purchase another If the property is not sold within specified time at the listed price, the broker agrees to arrange financing to purchase the property at an agreed upon discount
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
Equipment offered in exchange for a reduction in cost of upgraded merchandise
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
When a car dealer incorporates the value of your current vehicle into the price of your new vehicle - to give you the actual 'change-over' price
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-in
A trade-in is an arrangement in which someone buys something such as a new car or washing machine at a reduced price by giving their old one, as well as money, in payment. the trade-in value of the car. a used car, piece of equipment etc that you give to a seller of a new one that you are buying as part of the payment British Equivalent: part exchange
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-last
a compliment that I heard about you that I offer to trade for a compliment you have heard about me
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
a management decision whereby there is a reduction of one forest use in favour of another, such as a reduced timber yield in favour of improved wildlife habitat In some cases, a management decision favouring one use in one location, is offset by a reverse decision favouring another use in another location
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
In an analysis or assessment of design alternatives, certain products or certain input resources are interrelated so that increasing one reduces the others Between such products or resources there is a "trade-off" cost or revenue as one is substituted for another
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
Arbitration procedure that allows devaluing one objective in favour of improving the value of some other objective See also Conflicting objectives Examples: "accepting a loss in efficiency for an improvement in reliability"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
The determination of the optimum balance between system characteristics (cost, schedule, performance and supportability)
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
A trade-off is an exchange process in which a decision maker gives up partly on some issues so as to gain on other issues
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
A trade-off is a situation where you make a compromise between two things, or where you exchange all or part of one thing for another. the trade-off between inflation and unemployment. a balance between two opposing things, that you are willing to accept in order to achieve something a trade-off between sth and sth
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
an exchange between two variables, such as quick sales and long-term growth, or unemployment and inflation
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
An exchange of one thing in return for another; especially relinquishment of one benefit or advantage for another regarded as more desirable
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-off
an exchange that occurs as a compromise; "I faced a tradeoff between eating and buying my medicine"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-offs
The alternatives individuals, firms, and society face; for example, whether to choose one good or input or another, whether to visit a park or go to a movie
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-offs
the amount of one good (or one desirable objective) that must be given up to get more of another good (or to attain more of another desirable objective)
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-offs
The combination of benefits and costs which are gained and lost in switching between alternative courses of action "Trade-offs" include only those portions of benefits and costs that are not common to all alternative courses of action under consideration
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-offs
these arise when two things cannot be fully achieved So, the more you have of one the less you can have of the other
<span class="word-self">tradespan>-unionism
activities of a labor union, operations of a worker's union
World <span class="word-self">Tradespan> Center
A former complex of buildings in New York City destroyed in the 9/11 attacks
World <span class="word-self">Tradespan> Organization
An international organization designed by its founders to supervise and liberalize international trade
balance of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
The difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time
balances of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
plural form of balance of trade
by <span class="word-self">tradespan>
As a profession; professionally

Although he was a gifted musician, he was a plumber by trade and never played music professionally.

cap and <span class="word-self">tradespan>
A market-based approach to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in emissions, participating companies being assigned an emissions quota that can be traded with others if not used
carbon <span class="word-self">tradespan>
carbon emissions trading
e-<span class="word-self">tradespan>
online trade

EU seeks e-trade without borders - BBC News, 08/02/2007.

fair <span class="word-self">tradespan>
A system of trading promoting more equitable global trade, especially to sellers and producers in poorer areas, but also to the environment
free <span class="word-self">tradespan>
international trade free from government interference, especially trade free from tariffs or duties on imports
free <span class="word-self">tradespan> area
An international region in which obstacles to unrestricted trade have been reduced to a minimum
free <span class="word-self">tradespan> areas
plural form of free trade area
high probability <span class="word-self">tradespan>
In investment banking, any deal or transaction with a high degree of likelihood of success
no-<span class="word-self">tradespan> clause
A clause in a contract by baseball players who don't wish to be traded without their consent
noxious <span class="word-self">tradespan>
A historical term used to describe those professions that were disreputable due to them causing a great deal of pollution. The archetypal example is the tannery
rag <span class="word-self">tradespan>
The fashion industry
restraint of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
An agreement that prevents fair competition on the open market, such as an agreement by one party to hire a second party to work within a profession on the condition that the second party will not compete against the first
restraints of <span class="word-self">tradespan>
plural form of restraint of trade
rough <span class="word-self">tradespan>
violent or brutal sexuality
slave <span class="word-self">tradespan>
traffic in slaves
stock-in-<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Merchandise and other necessary supplies kept on hand in order to do business
stock-in-<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A person's skill or ability that they hire out for pay
tally <span class="word-self">tradespan>
The selling of goods on account, regular payments being recorded in a book kept by the customer and a duplicate (the "tally") kept in the tally shop
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
International buying and selling of goods and services
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator

They rode the trades going west.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Those engaged in an industry or group of related industries

It is not a retail showroom. It is only for the trade.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions

stock trade.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
The skilled practice of a practical occupation

He learned his trade as an apprentice.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To give (something) in exchange for

Will you trade your precious watch for my earring?.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To engage in trade

This company trades in precious metal.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
The commercial buying and selling of goods and services
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
relating to or used in or intended for trade or commerce

a trade fair; trade journals; trade goods.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Those who perform a particular kind of skilled work

The skilled trades were the first to organize modern labor unions.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
The business given to a commercial establishment by its customers

Even before noon there was considerable trade.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A publication intended for participants in an industry or related group of industries

Rumors about layoffs are all over the trades.

<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A particular instance of buying or selling

I did no trades with them once the rumors started.

<span class="word-self">tradespan> acceptance
A negotiable instrument in the course of international trade similar to a Banker's Acceptance (BA) except it is drawn on and accepted by a buyer/importer (as opposed to a bank). May be sold to a bank or investor at a discount becoming a marketable money-market instrument
<span class="word-self">tradespan> acceptances
plural form of trade acceptance
<span class="word-self">tradespan> balance
The balance of trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan> balances
plural form of trade balance
<span class="word-self">tradespan> book
A book that is marketed to a general audience (as opposed to books that have specialized audiences, such as academic books). Most fiction titles are trade books
<span class="word-self">tradespan> card
A trading card (such as a cigarette card)
<span class="word-self">tradespan> card
An early business card first produced at the beginning of the seventeenth century
<span class="word-self">tradespan> deficit
A negative balance of trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan> deficits
plural form of trade deficit
<span class="word-self">tradespan> dispute
a dispute between workers and their employer
<span class="word-self">tradespan> diversion
The changing of import sources as a result of political agreeements, rather than to increase mutual benefit
<span class="word-self">tradespan> dress
Those characteristics of the visual appearance of a product or its packaging that may be registered and protected from use by competitors in the manner of a trademark
<span class="word-self">tradespan> fair
An exhibition at which members of a specific industry exhibit or demonstrate their products to prospective customers and to each other
<span class="word-self">tradespan> fairs
plural form of trade fair
<span class="word-self">tradespan> in
to give a piece of merchandise as part of the payment or trade for something new
<span class="word-self">tradespan> magazine
a magazine dedicated to the dissemination of information related to a particular industry
<span class="word-self">tradespan> marks
plural form of trade mark
<span class="word-self">tradespan> name
The name under which a business or firm operates
<span class="word-self">tradespan> name
A name used to identify a commercial product or service; may or may not be registered as a trademark
<span class="word-self">tradespan> names
plural form of trade name
<span class="word-self">tradespan> newspaper
a newspaper dedicated to the dissemination of information related to a particular industry
<span class="word-self">tradespan> newspapers
plural form of trade newspaper
<span class="word-self">tradespan> route
A route used by traders for commercial transport of goods
<span class="word-self">tradespan> secret
A formula, practice, process, design, instrument, pattern, or compilation of information used by a business to obtain an advantage over competitors within the same industry or profession
<span class="word-self">tradespan> secret
A formula, practice, device, idea, process, design, instrument, pattern, or compilation of information which is not patented and which is used by the owner to obtain an advantage over competitor within the marketplace and is treated in a way that can reasonably be expected to prevent the public or competitors from learning about it except when there is improper access, eavesdropping, data acquisition or theft (where the country's law recognises theft) of that trade secret and where the implementation of the trade secret does not allow reverse engineering
<span class="word-self">tradespan> secrets
plural form of trade secret
<span class="word-self">tradespan> show
A trade fair
<span class="word-self">tradespan> shows
plural form of trade show
<span class="word-self">tradespan> surplus
A positive balance of trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan> surpluses
plural form of trade surplus
<span class="word-self">tradespan> union
An organization whose members belong to the same trade and that acts collectively to address common issues
<span class="word-self">tradespan> unionist
a member of a trade union
<span class="word-self">tradespan> unionists
plural form of trade unionist
<span class="word-self">tradespan> unions
plural form of trade union
<span class="word-self">tradespan> war
The practice of nations creating mutual tariffs or similar barriers to trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan> wind
A steady wind that blows from east to west above and below the equator

They rode the trade winds going west.

<span class="word-self">tradespan> winds
plural form of trade wind
trick of the <span class="word-self">tradespan>
A shortcut or other quick, or very effective way of doing things, that professional workers learn from experience

Most customers won't notice this trick of the trade, since the part is not sat upon.

tricks of the <span class="word-self">tradespan>
plural form of trick of the trade
world <span class="word-self">tradespan> center
a building that houses all the facilities associated with global commerce
Transatlantic <span class="word-self">Tradespan> and Investment Partnership
(Ahlak Bilimi) TTIP


<span class="word-self">tradespan> off
exchange, replacing one thing with another; compromise, concession
Transatlantic <span class="word-self">Tradespan> and Investment Partnership
A trade agreement that is presently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States
fixed <span class="word-self">tradespan> spending
A slotting fee, slotting allowance, pay-to-stay, or fixed trade spending is a fee charged to produce companies or manufacturers by supermarket distributors (retailers) in order to have their product placed on their shelves
interregional <span class="word-self">tradespan>
Trade that takes place between two or more regions
<span class="word-self">tradespan> book
A book that is published for and sold to the general public
<span class="word-self">tradespan> down
Buy something, usually a house or car, that is of lower value than the one you already have
<span class="word-self">tradespan> up
Buy something, usually a house or car, that is of higher value than the one you already have
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{n} commerce, business, employment, art, men of the same occupation
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{v} to buy, sell, deal, traffic, act for money
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A transaction of a security or commodity
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
The business which a person has learned, and which he engages in, for procuring subsistence, or for profit; occupation; especially, mechanical employment as distinguished from the liberal arts, the learned professions, and agriculture; as, we speak of the trade of a smith, of a carpenter, or mason, but not now of the trade of a farmer, or a lawyer, or a physician
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
a verbal or electronic transaction involving one party buying a security from another party; settlement of the transaction occurs 1-5 business days later
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A trade is a transaction A trade has a buyer and a seller as well as a price and quantity
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
daily periodicals which report on the latest news and events in the film business The two most popular being the Hollywood Reporter and Variety
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers; "even before noon there was a considerable patronage"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers: "even before noon there was a considerable patronage"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
people who perform a particular kind of skilled work; "he represented the craft of brewers"; "as they say in the trade"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
– A securities transaction
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A transaction involving the sale and purchase of a security
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Trade is the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services between people, firms, or countries. The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade. negotiations on a new international trade agreement Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
When people, firms, or countries trade, they buy, sell, or exchange goods or services between themselves. They may refuse to trade, even when offered attractive prices They had years of experience of trading with the West He has been trading in antique furniture for 25 years. + trading trad·ing Trading on the stock exchange may be suspended
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A term used to define a geographic area or specific route served by carriers
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To engage in the trade of
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A track; a trail; a way; a path; also, passage; travel; resort
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase; "trade in an old car for a new one"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice" the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services; "Venice was an important center of trade with the East"; "they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade" the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers; "even before noon there was a considerable patronage" exchange or give (something) in exchange for turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase; "trade in an old car for a new one" engage in the trade of; "he is merchandising telephone sets" be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions; "The stock traded around $20 a share
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Alternative name for business Any activity commercially run with a view to making a profit will normally be treated as a trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
The kind of publisher selling books to bookstores, and also to some extent to libraries
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A trade is a particular area of business or industry. They've completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years. the arms trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
If two people or groups trade something such as blows, insults, or jokes, they hit each other, insult each other, or tell each other jokes. Children would settle disputes by trading punches or insults in the schoolyard They traded artillery fire with government forces inside the city. = exchange. North American Free Trade Agreement balance of trade European Free Trade Association fair trade law free trade free trade zone General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade restraint of trade slave trade trade agreement trade show trade fair Trade Board of trade terms of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development World Trade Center World Trade Organization Latin American Free Trade Association LAFTA Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
The exchange of commodities between individuals or groups either directly through barter or indirectly through a medium such as money The benefits of trade consist of an extension in the range of commodities available for consumption an a specialization in productive activity Without trade the individual or group would be forced to meet all requirements from their own resources Voluntary trade allows a division of labour such that all participants may benefit (Pearce, 1996) (See also International Trade)
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Specifically: The act or business of exchanging commodities by barter, or by buying and selling for money; commerce; traffic; barter
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{i} business; commerce; barter; occupation
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Refuse or rubbish from a mine
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A verbal (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party Once a trade is consummated, it is considered ``done'' or final Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
exchange or give (something) in exchange for turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase; "trade in an old car for a new one"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Course; custom; practice; occupation; employment
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To barter, or to buy and sell; to be engaged in the exchange, purchase, or sale of goods, wares, merchandise, or anything else; to traffic; to bargain; to carry on commerce as a business
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice". [syn: craft]"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To do business; offer for sale as for ones livelihood
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
If you trade places with someone or if the two of you trade places, you move into the other person's position or situation, and they move into yours. Mike asked George to trade places with him so he could ride with Tod The receiver and the quarterback are going to trade positions. = exchange
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To sell or exchange in commerce; to barter
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions; "The stock traded around $20 a share"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Any purchase or sale of a security
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
IMPORTS: Country of origin data is reported by each country (i e , the trading country is shown as the country where the goods originated, and not the last port of consignment)
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
exchange or give (something) in exchange for
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
The trade winds
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To carry out a transaction of buying or selling stock or a bond
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To have dealings; to be concerned or associated; usually followed by with
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
An oral (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party Once a trade is consummated, it is considered “done” or final Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To buy and sell or exchange property in a single instance
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions; as in stock trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
To buy or sell a security
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
an equal exchange; "we had no money so we had to live by barter"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{s} commercial; of commerce
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
The business of buying and selling goods and services
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Someone's trade is the kind of work that they do, especially when they have been trained to do it over a period of time. He learnt his trade as a diver in the North Sea Allyn was a jeweller by trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A verbal (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party Once a trade is consummated, it is considered "done" or final Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
An oral (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party Once a trade is consummated, it is considered "done" or final Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A company of men engaged in the same occupation; thus, booksellers and publishers speak of the customs of the trade, and are collectively designated as the trade
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Business of any kind; matter of mutual consideration; affair; dealing
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator; "they rode the trade winds going west"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
A securities transaction
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
of Tread
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
An agreement between a station and an advertiser, by which the station receives merchandise or services, not cash, in exchange for airtime For example, a retailer might not be charged for a spot if they gave prizes to the station for a promotion Outside the U S trade is commonly referred to as "contra"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
{f} deal, transact, buy and sell; barter, exchange; purchase
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
the collective people who perform a particular kind of skilled work; "he represented the craft of brewers"; "as they say in the trade"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
Instruments of any occupation
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
If someone trades one thing for another or if two people trade things, they agree to exchange one thing for the other thing. They traded land for goods and money Kids used to trade baseball cards They suspected that Neville had traded secret information with Mr Foster. Trade is also a noun. I am willing to make a trade with you
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
to buy and sell goods for profit In the 1700s, a merchant imported and exported goods; knew customs, tariffs, and exchange rates; and often owned ships that transported goods A shipper transported goods from place to place A trader bought and sold goods locally, often keeping a shop where goods were sold to the public for money or for other items, as in a barter
<span class="word-self">tradespan>
the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services; "Venice was an important center of trade with the East"; "they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade"



    ... to add more free trade agreements so we'll have more trade. ...
    ... of tough trade actions that are required. But the last point I want to make is this. ...