(Mühendislik) cebri çekişli soğutma kulesi.Soğutma kulesi faninin havayı kulenin alt kısmından alarak kulenin üst kısmından atmosfere attığı soğutma prosesi .Cebri çekişli kulelerde fan (bir veya daha fazla sayıda) kulenin üst kısmında yer alır ve sıcak su dolgu bölgesinde yukarıdan aşağı doğru akarken havayı yukarı doğru çekerler.Hava akışı su akışına zıt olduğundan dolayı işi transfer verimini artar
{i} large tower through which hot water is moved around to reduce its temperature by partial evaporation (used in industries to cool hot water before reutilizing it as a cooling agent)
Device for reducing the temperature of a liquid, usually water, by bringing it into contact with an airstream where a small portion of the liquid is evaporated and the major portion is cooled Cooling towers are used for large-scale air-conditioning installations, in the chemical industry, for cooling steam condensers of inland power plants if sufficient lake or river water is not available and in a number of other industrial applications
a device for cooling water through a combination of sensing and evaporative heat transfer Water passes over a number a wooden or plastic racks known as fill, that act as a heat-transfer surface
A device which cools water by evaporating a portion of it in the air Water is cooled to the wet bulb temperature of the air ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Ottawa - Tel: (613) 836-2748 / Fax: (613) 836-1063 Across Canada - Tel: 1-800-265-4303 / Fax: 1-800-611-2511
A piece of equipment which is used to cool water which has been heated in an air conditioning or other system The cooling is done by letting the warm water fall through the air or by spraying it through air Cooling water is recirculated over and over, and water treatments are added in the cooling tower
A cooling tower is a very large, round, high building which is used to cool water from factories or power stations. landscapes dominated by cooling towers and factory chimneys
A temperature-decreasing operation in which the heat of vaporization required to evaporate part of a liquid is obtained from the sensible heat of the bulk of the liquid