(Sigorta) Sigorta teminatı kapsamındaki tehlikelerden birinin gerçekleşmesi sonucu, hasarı önlemek için yapılacak masrafın, kurtarılacak değeri aşması veya sigorta konusu olan şeyin tahmini tamir masrafının, ekonomik maliyet sınırını geçmesi hallerinde hükmi tam ziya durumu sözkonusu olmaktadır
(Kanun) A loss arising from damage to property that is so substantial as to make the property valueless to an insured
The insurance company decides it is uneconomical to repair your car following an accident, theft, or when your car is stolen and recovered and either it is impossible to repair; it isn't safe to repair; it is not economical to repair your car
= A loss of sufficient size so that it can be said there is nothing left of value The complete destruction of the property The term is also used to mean a loss requiring the maximum amount a policy will pay
An insurance company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds the full value of the vehicle Insurance companies typically take possession and obtain the title of such vehicles CARFAX receives Canadian total loss information from the Insurance Bureau of Canada A Canadian vehicle declared a total loss often requires a technical inspection before it can return to the road
It's imprudent to repair a vehicle if the total cost of repair exceeds the value of the repaired vehicle Factored into the decision to total a vehicle are the anticipated cost of repairs, rental charges, if applicable, and salvage value If you vehicle is 'totalled,' the insurance company is, in effect, buying your vehicle from you Negotiation over the purchase price is completely appropriate
A vehicle or piece of property that is not economical to repair The cost of repairs exceeds the market value or replacement cost depending on how the policy is written
Loss of all the insured property Also a loss involving the maximum amount for which a policy is liable top
Damage to a vehicle beyond the cost of its repair Ex The vehicle's repair estimate is for $15,000 and the value of the vehicle is $10,000 The vehicle would be more expensive to repair and is therefore considered a total loss
Loss of all the insured property Also a loss involving the maximum amount for which a policy is liable
Loss to the insured of the entire value of goods or other property insured, or a loss entailing the payment of the full face amount of an insurance contract
- A loss of sufficient size so that it can be said there is nothing left of value The complete destruction of the property The term is also used to mean a loss requiring the maximum amount a policy will pay
Damage or destruction to real or personal property to such extent that it cannot be rebuilt or repaired to its condition prior to the loss or when it would be cost prohibitive to repair or rebuild in comparison to the value of the property prior to the loss
A loss of sufficient size so that it can be said there is nothing left of value The complete destruction of the property The term is also used to mean a loss requiring the maximum amount a policy will pay (G)
(Sigorta) An insurance term where the cost of a repair for an item is more than the current value of that item. It can also refer to an insurance claim that is settled for the entire amount of a property on the basis that the cost to repair or recover the damaged property exceeds its replacement cost or market value