toms teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Launched in 1978 on board NASA's Nimbus-7 satellite, this instrument measured total column ozone in the atmosphere on a global scale for over 14 continuous years through 1993 TOMS data has been used to derive trends in total column ozone that showed decreases at all latitudes outside the tropical belt, in addition to providing data that showed the development of the ozone hole each year over Antarctica during the Austral spring
The small drums (as little as 10 inch diameter) that mount on racks above the foot drum and the large drums (as big as 20 inch diameter) that sit on metal feet on the floor to the right of the (right-handed) drummer
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer, flown on Nimbus-7 and operational in 1978 - 1988
The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instrument, is managed by The Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA) From satellites such as Nimbus-7 it makes measurements of the total ozone in a column of air (from ground to space) By making 14 polar orbits each day, this single instrument provides daily maps of ozone covering most of the globe With just the one instrument circling around and around, the problems of calibration differences between sites are very much reduced With the abundance of global data, one can calculate statistics on ozone changes that are reliable and robust As of this writing, there are no TOMS instruments measuring ozone Designed to last about two years, the first TOMS, which flew on board the Nimbus 7 spacecraft (at an altitude of about 950 km), began operations in November 1978 and lasted until May 1993 The second TOMS instrument was launched in August 1991 aboard the Russian Meteor-3 spacecraft (at about 1205 km altitude); it failed in December 1994
A tom is a male cat. An Uncle Tom. The male of various animals, especially a male cat or turkey. a tomcat (Tom male name, from Thomas). Clancy Tom Clark Tom Cruise Tom Hanks Tom Kilburn Tom Mboya Tom Mix Tom Stoppard Sir Tom Watson Tom Wolfe Tom
a small, rounded peak or a piece of rising ground, as in Tom Buidhe torr - a steep, conical hill or mountain, like English 'tor' triangulation point (trig point) - a summit used as a datum point by the Ordnance Survey Shown on maps as a blue triangle with a dot in the centre and identified on the ground as a pillar of concrete or stone, usually painted white, with brass fittings on top trig point - see triangulation point tulach - a hillock or smallish hill