to unburden

listen to the pronunciation of to unburden
İngilizce - Türkçe
içini boşaltmak
derdini açmak
yükten kurtar
{f} rahatlatmak (vicdan)
{f} açmak
{f} derdini dökmek
{f} itiraf etmek
{f} yükten kurtarmak
İngilizce - İngilizce
To free from burden, or relieve from trouble
{f} free or relieve of a burden (weight, worry, etc.); unbosom
To throw off, as a burden; to unload
take the burden off; remove the burden from; "unburden the donkey" free or relieve (someone) of a burden
free or relieve (someone) of a burden
To relieve from a burden
If you unburden yourself or your problems to someone, you tell them about something which you have been secretly worrying about. The Centre became a place where many came to unburden themselves, to talk about their hopes and fears Somehow he had to unburden his soul to somebody, and it couldn't be to Laura Some students unburden themselves of emotional problems that faculty members feel ill equipped to handle. unburden yourself (to sb) to tell someone your problems, secrets etc so that you feel better
take the burden off; remove the burden from; "unburden the donkey"
to unburden


    to un·bur·den

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    /tə ənˈbərdən/ /tə ənˈbɜrdən/