to thread

listen to the pronunciation of to thread
İngilizce - Türkçe
En küçük yürütme birimi
{i} iplik

Bu iplik insan saçından daha incedir. - This thread is thinner than a human hair.

Babaannem bir iğne ve iplik almak için eğildi. - My grandma bent over to pick up a needle and thread.

{f} geçir

İğneye iplik geçiremediğim için dikiş dikmeyi sevmiyorum. - I don't like sewing because I can't thread the needle.

vidaya diş açmak
{f} film
yiv (vidada)
(Bilgisayar) iş parçacıkları
(Tekstil) ipliği takmak
-e iplik geçirmek
bükülmüş iplik
ipliklik malzeme
(Bilgisayar) iş parçası
(Bilgisayar) haber silsilesi
film şeridini takmak
{f} ipe dizmek
(Askeri) parçacık
ince tel
vida dışı
(Tekstil) kord
pafta çekmek
(Bilgisayar) dizi
(Bilgisayar) mesaj dizisi
(Tıp) İplik veya lif şeklinde uzantı, bu nitelikte oluşum
{f} arasından geçmek
{i} tel
vidaya yiv açmak
{f} -e iplik geçirmek: Will you thread this needle, please? Lütfen bu iğneye iplik geçirir misiniz?
iplik geçirmek
{i} (vidada) yiv
{f} kaplamak
düşünüş tarzı
ipliğe dizmek
diş kesmek
{i} ince çizgi
{i} vida dişi
{f} takmak (film)
yol bulup geçmek
{f} iplik geçirmek (iğneye)
kaşıktan iplik gibi akmak thread of life hayat bağı
İngilizce - İngilizce
A sequence of connections

Let him go on. Do not interrupt him. He cannot go back, and maybe could not proceed at all if once he lost the thread of his thought..

To put thread through

thread a needle.

A series of messages, generally grouped by subject, all but the first replies to previous messages in the thread
The line midway between the banks of a stream
A series of messages on a particular topic posted in a discussion forum
{n} a small twist, uniform tenor
{v} to put in or upon a thread, fix, pierce
(Bilgisayar) Thread bilgisayar biliminde, bir programın kendini eş zamanlı birden fazla iş parçasına ayırabilmesinin bir yoludur. Thread ve işlem arasındaki fark bir işletim sisteminden diğerine değişmekle birlikte genel olarak thread oluşturuluşu ve kaynakları paylaşması açısından process'den ayrılır. Çoklu thread'ler paralel olarak pek çok bilgisayar sisteminde uygulanabilir. Tek işlemci kullanıldığı durumlarda çok thread' li uygulama zaman dilimleme ile gerçekleştirilir; tek işlemci faklı thread' lar arasında çok hızlı geçiş yapar ve bu durumda işlemler gerçekte olmasa bile eş zamanlı koşuluyormuş izlenimi verir. Çok işlemcili sistemlerde farklı thread' ler farklı işlemciler üzerinde eş zamanlı olarak çalışabilir
a more or less continuous chain of postings on a single topic To "follow a thread" is to read a series of Usenet postings sharing a common subject or (more correctly) which are connected by Reference headers The better newsreaders can present news in thread order automatically
A theme or idea
If you thread a long thin object through something, you pass it through one or more holes or narrow spaces. threading the laces through the eyelets of his shoes Instruments developed at the hospital allow doctors to thread microscopic telescopes into the digestive tract
A group of messages in a Usenet newsgroup that all share the same subject and topic Most newsreaders will let you sort by thread, that is, group all the messages together so you can read or ignore all the messages about that topic depending on your interest
used in sewing and weaving pass through or into; "thread tape"; "thread film"
A thread is an ongoing discussion of related messages that grows from one particular posting
This term has many different meanings but the most common refers to e-mail and news groups A series of messages or postings all related to the same topic
remove facial hair by tying a fine string around it and pulling at the string; "She had her eyebrows threaded"
{f} put a thread through a needle; pass something through an opening; move through slowly and cautiously; cut a spiral groove (on a bolt or screw)
pass a thread through; "thread a needle"
A list of continuous postings that deal with a common topic A thread is usually used in the context of newsgroups and listservs and usually contains a common or slowly evolving subject line
1) In programming, a thread is part of a program that executes independently of other parts of the program Operating systems that support multithreading allow programmers to develop programs that have threads executing concurrently 2) In online discussions, a series of messages that have been posted as replies to each other By reading each message in a thread, one after the other, you can see how the discussion has evolved You can start a new thread by posting a message that is not a reply to an earlier message
A unit of execution, lighter in weight than a process, generally expected to share memory and other resources with other threads executing concurrently
used in sewing and weaving pass through or into; "thread tape"; "thread film" remove facial hair by tying a fine string around it and pulling at the string; "She had her eyebrows threaded" pass a thread through; "thread a needle
A part of a process, such as an executing application, that can run as an object or an entity Threads of execution are basis of Windows NT's symmetrical multiprocessing capability See multiprocessing and SMP
To pass or pierce through as a narrow way; also, to effect or make, as one's way, through or between obstacles; to thrid
A subprocess that operates within the context of a process, sharing, for example, address space and global variables with other threads of the process The processor can switch quickly between threads, but care must be taken to protect threads from each other Switching between threads is generally faster than multitasking (switching between processes)
This term has many different meanings but the most common is with respect to E-mail and newsgroups where a thread is basically a series of messages or postings all related to the same topic
The thread of an argument, a story, or a situation is an aspect of it that connects all the different parts together. The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity
A filament, as of a flower, or of any fibrous substance, as of bark; also, a line of gold or silver
thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries"
A long, thin and flexible form of material, generally with a round cross-section, used in sewing, weaving or in the construction of string
The basic unit of program execution A process can have several threads running concurrently Each thread can be performing a different job, such as waiting for events or performing a time-consuming task that the program does not need to complete before the program continues Generally, when a thread has finished performing its task, the thread is suspended or destroyed
any long object resembling a thin line; "a mere ribbon of land"; "the lighted ribbon of traffic"; "from the air the road was a gray thread"; "a thread of smoke climbed upward"
Thread or a thread is a long very thin piece of a material such as cotton, nylon, or silk, especially one that is used in sewing. a tiny Nepalese hat embroidered with golden threads
the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together; "I couldn't follow his train of thought"; "he lost the thread of his argument"
Composition; quality; fineness
A series of user-generated posts that make up one particular topic or discussion
A series of messages with the same subject It consists of an original message and all the replies and replies to replies that follow Sometimes the replies will stray from the original subject, and this is called 'thread drift'
A group of messages in a newsgroup that all share the same subject and topic
To pass (through a narrow constriction or around a series of obstacles)
A very small twist of flax, wool, cotton, silk, or other fibrous substance, drawn out to considerable length; a compound cord consisting of two or more single yarns doubled, or joined together, and twisted
If you thread small objects such as beads onto a string or thread, you join them together by pushing the string through them. Wipe the mushrooms clean and thread them on a string
To pass a thread through the eye of; as, to thread a needle
Something continued in a long course or tenor; a,s the thread of life, or of a discourse
A helical ridge or groove, as on a screw
An entire "tree" of messages branching out from the very first message on that topic to all of its replies
A concurrent process that is part of a larger process or progra In a multitasking OS, a program may contain several threads, all running at the same time inside the same program This means that one part of a program can be making a calculation, while another part is drawing a graph or chart
The basic unit of program execution A process can have several threads running concurrently, each performing a different job, such as waiting for events or performing a time-consuming job that the program doesn't need to complete before going on When a thread has finished its job, the thread is suspended or destroyed See also process
If you say that something is hanging by a thread, you mean that it is in a very uncertain state and is unlikely to survive or succeed. The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets
To form a thread, or spiral rib, on or in; as, to thread a screw or nut
A thread is a multi-part virtual "conversation" on a given topic Threads can exist in Usenet newsgroups, on message boards, or in the form of a series of e-mails One or more threads can be active at any given time within a single topic Generally, the post which started the thread, is listed first, with responses from other participants following it, responding to either the original post or other people's responses Back to Top
When you thread a needle, you put a piece of thread through the hole in the top of the needle in order to sew with it. I sit down, thread a needle, snip off an old button
- A small piece of programming that acts as an independent subset of a larger program, also called a "process" A multithreaded program can run much faster than a monolithic, or single-threaded, program because several, or even many, different tasks can be performed concurrently, rather than serially (sequentially) Also, threads within a single application can share resources and pass data back and forth between themselves
a fine cord of twisted fibers of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc
In Mach, the unit of CPU utilization A thread consists of a program counter, a set of registers, and a stack pointer Each thread has its own execution stack and is capable of independent input/output All threads share the virtual memory address space and communication rights of their task See also task
to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; "the river winds through the hills"; "the path meanders through the vineyards"; "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"
A thread is a task that runs concurrently with other tasks within a single executable file (e g , within a single MS-DOS EXE file) Unlike processes, threads have access to common data through global variables
The thread on a screw, or on something such as a lid or a pipe, is the raised spiral line of metal or plastic around it which allows it to be fixed in place by twisting. The screw threads will be able to get a good grip
If you pick up the threads of an activity, you start it again after an interruption. If you pick up the threads of your life, you become more active again after a period of failure or bad luck. Many women have been able to pick up the threads of their former career. Tightly twisted yarn consisting of several strands that has a circular cross-section and is used in commercial and home sewing machines and for hand sewing. Thread is usually wound on spools, with thread size (degree of fineness) indicated on the spool end. Cotton thread can be used with fabrics made from yarn of plant origin, such as cotton and linen, and with rayon (made from cellulose, a plant substance). Silk thread is suitable for silks and wools, both of animal origin. Nylon and polyester threads are appropriate for synthetics and for knits with a high degree of stretch
Smallest notion of execution in a process All MPI processes have one or more threads Multithreaded processes have one address space but each process thread contains its own counter, registers, and stack This allows rapid context switching because threads require little or no memory management
The prominent part of the spiral of a screw or nut; the rib
a fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc ) used in sewing and weaving
If you thread your way through a group of people or things, or thread through it, you move through it carefully or slowly, changing direction frequently as you move. Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of bodies We threaded through a network of back streets
In the Multitasking context, a thread is a task with low protection and isolation against other threads because they share memory and file handles Usually, a thread runs in the context of a process A crashing thread will not only die but cause all other threads of the same context to die as well
pass through or into; "thread tape"; "thread film"
{i} string, thin cord; spiral groove on a screw or bolt; chain of messages on a particular subject on the Internet (Computers); execution procedure which is part of an application (Computers)
pass a thread through; "thread a needle
In e-mail and Internet newsgroups conversations, a series of messages and replies that are all related to a specific topic
the raised helical rib going around a screw
See Screw, n
to thread

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı thred


    /tə ˈᴛʜred/ /tə ˈθrɛd/


    [ t&, tu, 'tü ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tO; akin to Old High German zuo to, Latin donec as long as, until.


    ... all its thread and parking them, and the power to select another operating system from the ...