to testify

listen to the pronunciation of to testify
İngilizce - Türkçe
tanıklık etmek
şahitlik etmek
{f} tanıklık etmek

Kurban tanıklık etmek zorunda değildi. - The victim didn't have to testify.

Tom Mary'ye karşı tanıklık etmek için isteksiz gibi görünüyor. - Tom seems to be unwilling to testify against Mary.

{f} ispatlamak, kanıtlamak; to -i göstermek
ifade vermek

Sami, Leyla'ya karşı ifade vermek için oradaydı. - Sami was there to testify against Layla.

Leyla ifade vermek için mahkeme salonuna girdi. - Layla entered the courtroom to testify.

tanıklıkta bulunmak
şahitlikte bulunmak
(Kanun) tanıklık yapmak

Tom, Mary'ye karşı tanıklık yapmak istiyordu. - Tom wanted to testify against Mary.

(Kanun) şahitlik yapmak

Tom, Mary'ye karşı şahitlik yapmak istemedi. - Tom didn't want to testify against Mary.

teyit etmek
teyid etmek
şahitlik et

Savcı benim Tom aleyhinde tanıklık yapmamı istiyor. - The DA wants me to testify against Tom.

Tek tanığımız tanıklık yapmayı reddediyor. - Our only witness is refusing to testify.

şahadet etmek
{f} şahitlik etmek
{f} tanıklık/şahadet/şahitlik etmek; tanıklıkta/şahadette/şahitlikte bulunmak
ispat etmek
delil olmak
tanıklık et/doğrula
İngilizce - İngilizce
to make a statement based on personal knowledge or faith
{v} to witness, give evidence, prove, show
When someone testifies in a court of law, they give a statement of what they saw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised to tell the truth. Several eyewitnesses testified that they saw the officers hit Miller in the face Eva testified to having seen Herndon with his gun on the stairs He hopes to have his 12-year prison term reduced by testifying against his former colleagues
To make a solemn declaration, verbal or written, to establish some fact; to give testimony for the purpose of communicating to others a knowledge of something not known to them
give testimony in a court of law provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence
In a testy manner; fretfully; peevishly; with petulance
{f} bear witness, declare under oath, attest
To bear witness to; to support the truth of by testimony; to affirm or declare solemny
to make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath
provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"
give testimony in a court of law
To affirm or declare under oath or affirmation before a tribunal, in order to prove some fact
If one thing testifies to another, it supports the belief that the second thing is true. Recent excavations testify to the presence of cultivated inhabitants on the hill during the Arthurian period
To make a solemn declaration under oath or affirmation, for the purpose of establishing, or making proof of, some fact to a court; to give testimony in a cause depending before a tribunal
To declare a charge; to protest; to give information; to bear witness; with against
to testify


    to tes·ti·fy

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    /tə ˈtestəˌfī/ /tə ˈtɛstəˌfaɪ/