to take out a knife from your pocket

listen to the pronunciation of to take out a knife from your pocket
İngilizce - Danca

to take out a knife from your pocket teriminin İngilizce Danca sözlükte anlamı

to take out
at tage ud
İngilizce - Almanca
ein Messer aus seiner Tasche nehmen
to take out
etw. herausnehmen
to take out
to take out
aufbrechen , entfernen , herausnehmen
İngilizce - Çince

to take out a knife from your pocket teriminin İngilizce Çince sözlükte anlamı

to take out
to take out
to take out
to take out a knife from your pocket


    to take out a knife from your pock·et

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı teyk aut ı nayf fırm yôr päkıt


    /tə ˈtāk ˈout ə ˈnīf fərm ˈyôr ˈpäkət/ /tə ˈteɪk ˈaʊt ə ˈnaɪf fɜrm ˈjɔːr ˈpɑːkət/