to tail

listen to the pronunciation of to tail
İngilizce - Türkçe

Tavşanların uzun kulakları ve kısa kuyrukları vardır. - Rabbits have long ears and short tails.

Uluslararası Sun-Earth Explorer 3 uzay gemisi kuyruklu yıldız Giacobini-Zinner'in kuyruğu boyunca uçarken 11 Eylül 1985'te ilk doğrudan kuyruklu yıldız ölçümleri yaptı. - The International Sun-Earth Explorer 3 (ISEE-3) spacecraft made the first ever direct cometary measurements on September 11, 1985 as it flew through the tail of Comet Giacobini-Zinner.

{f} izlemek
{s} arka

Uçağın arkasındaki kuyruk denge sağlar. - The tail at the rear of the plane provides stability.

Sağ arka lamban patlamış. - Your right taillight is busted.

{f} peşine takılmak
şartlı tasarruf (miras)
(Askeri) kıç taraftan demirlemek
arka kısım
etek (giysiye ait)
kuyruk yapmak
son bölüm
yakından izlemek
kuyruk gibi peşine takılmak
Bozuk paranın yazı yüzü
{f} kuyruğu ile tutmak
{f} kuyrul yapmak
meşrut vakıf
tail kuyruğuna takıl
{f} gütmek
bozuk paranın resimsiz tarafı

Uçağın arkasındaki kuyruk denge sağlar. - The tail at the rear of the plane provides stability.

Uluslararası Sun-Earth Explorer 3 uzay gemisi kuyruklu yıldız Giacobini-Zinner'in kuyruğu boyunca uçarken 11 Eylül 1985'te ilk doğrudan kuyruklu yıldız ölçümleri yaptı. - The International Sun-Earth Explorer 3 (ISEE-3) spacecraft made the first ever direct cometary measurements on September 11, 1985 as it flew through the tail of Comet Giacobini-Zinner.

kuyruk,v.peşine takıl: n.kuyruk
{i} kıç

Turalar ben kazanırım, yazılar sen kaybedersin. - Heads I win, tails you lose.

şarta bağlı tasarruf
{i} arka kısım, kuyruk; son bölüm: in the tail of the procession kafilenin son bölümünde. the tail of the airplane
{f} sapını ayıklamak
{i} peşine takılan kimse
(sıfat) arka
{f} kuyruk takmak
(Askeri) KOL SONU: Yürüyüş düzenindeki bir kolun son unsuru
uçağın kuyr
{i} sınırlı sahiplik (miras)
ceket ucu veya kuyruğu
(Tıp) Kuyruğa benzer herhangi bir oluşum veya organ parçası
(Tıp) Bazı hayvanların vücutlarının arka kısmında yer alan hareket yeteneğine sahip uzantı, kuyruk
{i} (hayvana ait) kuyruk
Türkçe - Türkçe

to tail teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kudret ve gına
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Fayda. Menfaat
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Uzayan
İngilizce - İngilizce
One who surreptitiously follows another
The caudal appendage of an animal that is attached to its posterior and near the anus
Specifically, the visible stream of dust and gases blown from a comet by the solar wind
The side of a coin not bearing the head; normally the side on which the monetary value of the coin is indicated; the reverse
All the last terms of a sequence, from some term on
The lower loop of the letters in the Roman alphabet, as in g, q or y
The male member of a person or animal

After the burly macho nudists' polar bear dip, their tails were spectacularly shrunk, so they looked like an immature kid's innocent tail.

The rear structure of an aircraft, the empennage
The tail-end of a creature (buttocks, even if tailless) or an object, e.g. the rear of an aircraft's fuselage, containing the tailfin

When a grumpy client of the frat's annual carwash complained the tail of his menure-soiled tractor wasn't completely cleaned, the poor pledges had to drop trou and bend over to get their own tails paddled in public.

An object or part thereof resembling a tail in shape, such as the thongs on a cat-o'-nine-tails or other multi-tail whip
Sexual intercourse

I'm gonna get me some tail tonight.

{n} the hinder part
{v} to pull by the tail
the rear of the skateboard, from the back truck bolts to the end
Feathers extending from the rear of the bird
To surreptitiously follow and observe
One of the strips at the end of a bandage formed by splitting the bandage one or more times
1) The end of a line 2) A line attached to the end of a wire to make it easier to use 3) To gather the unused end of a line neatly so that it does not become tangled
1 The very rearmost section of a ski 2 The entire rear section, from the back of the binding to the very end
A downy or feathery appendage to certain achenes
This term has been used to describe both the exposure that exists after expiration of a policy and the coverage that may be purchased to cover that exposure On "occurrence" forms a claims tail may extend for years after policy expiration, and the losses may be covered On "claims made" forms tail coverage may be purchased to extend the period for reporting covered claims beyond the normal policy period
{f} remove the tail of an animal; furnish with a tail; come after, follow behind; gradually stop or disappear; follow a person in order to observe his activities
To tail someone means to follow close behind them and watch where they go and what they do. Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry He trusted her so little that he had her tailed. = shadow
A portion of an incision, at its beginning or end, which does not go through the whole thickness of the skin, and is more painful than a complete incision; called also tailing
The rear of a container
To swing with the stern in a certain direction; said of a vessel at anchor; as, this vessel tails down stream
In some forms of rope-laying machine, pieces of rope attached to the iron bar passing through the grooven wooden top containing the strands, for wrapping around the rope to be laid
The part of the dog that wags
If you toss a coin and it comes down tails, you can see the side of it that does not have a picture of a head on it
The latter part of a time period or event, or (collectively) persons or objects represented in this part
The part of a distribution most distant from the mode; as, a long tail
the rear part of an aircraft
go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit"
remove or shorten the tail of an animal
To hold by the end; said of a timber when it rests upon a wall or other support; with in or into
The tail of an animal, bird, or fish is the part extending beyond the end of its body. a black dog with a long tail. + -tailed -tailed white-tailed deer
An object or part thereof resembling a tail in shape, such as the thongs on a cat-o-nine-tails or other multi-tail whip
A train or company of attendants; a retinue
The tail-end of a creature (buttocks, even if tailless) or object, e.g. the rear of an aircrafts fuselage, containing the tailfin
The part of a note which runs perpendicularly upward or downward from the head; the stem
The payment stream and/or balloon payment of an income stream subsequent to another party's right and interest in the income stream Usually the back half of the payment stream when another party has purchased the front half
Hence, the back, last, lower, or inferior part of anything, as opposed to the head, or the superior part
To pull or draw by the tail
You can use tail to refer to the end or back of something, especially something long and thin. the horizontal stabilizer bar on the plane's tail
cannot make head or tail of something: see head. Being in tail: a tail estate. to follow someone and watch what they do, where they go etc. Extension of the vertebral column beyond the trunk, or any slender projection resembling such a structure. In fishes and other animals living completely or partly in water, it is very important to movement through water. Many tree-dwelling animals (e.g., squirrels) use the tail for balance and as a rudder when leaping; in some (e.g., certain monkeys), it is adapted for grasping. Birds' tail feathers aid in flight maneuverability. Other animals use their tails for defense (e.g., porcupines), social signals (e.g., dogs and cats), warning signals (e.g., deer and rattlesnakes), and hunting (e.g., alligators). whip tailed ray free tailed bat white tailed deer
The lower loop of the letters g, q, and y in the roman alphabet
remove the stalk of fruits or berries
The last four or five batsmen in the batting order, usually specialist bowlers
Limitation; abridgment
A thin, relatively short extension of the rear of the hindwing In some species, such as the Hairstreaks, it is thought to mimic insect antennae and thus mislead bird predators into biting at the wrong end and only getting a mouthful of wing while the butterfly escapes in the opposite direction
The side of a coin opposite to that which bears the head, effigy, or date; the reverse; rarely used except in the expression "heads or tails,"
The terminal, and usually flexible, posterior appendage of an animal
The side of a coin not bearing the head; the reverse
Commonly refers to the difference between the average and stop prices in Treasury cash auctions
If a man is wearing tails, he is wearing a formal jacket which has two long pieces hanging down at the back
Bottom edge of a leaf, board, or bound volume; that is, the surface on which a volume rests when shelved upright (LBI Standard, Glossary, p 17)
the rear part of a ship
The back end of the board, from the back two truck bolts, to the tip of the deck
In flying machines, a plane or group of planes used at the rear to confer stability
(usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a person's head
any projection that resembles the tail of an animal
{i} rear appendage on some animals; longer section at the back of an evening dress or jacket; detective who follows a person and keeps track of his activities; woman as a sex object (Derogatory Slang); buttocks, derriere (Slang)
the time of the last part of something; "the fag end of this crisis-ridden century"; "the tail of the storm"
Any long, flexible terminal appendage; whatever resembles, in shape or position, the tail of an animal, as a catkin
output the last part of files
The bottom portion of the backbone of a bound volume
employed when a coin is thrown up for the purpose of deciding some point by its fall
noun The part of the skateboard intended to be the rear end when riding
A rope spliced to the strap of a block, by which it may be lashed to anything
The short piece of the case rim at the small end of the harpsichord
to tail

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