to starch

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İngilizce - Türkçe

Yabani havuç, kabak, havuç, bezelye ve tatlı patates nişastalı sebzeler olarak kabul edilmektedir. - Parsnips, squash, carrots, peas and sweet potatoes are considered starchy vegetables.

Nişasta bozulması bir Sirkadyen saate bağlıdır. - Starch degradation is linked to a Circadian clock.

(fiil) kolalamak
(Tıp) Nişasta (C6H10O5). Yumuşatıcı, müsekkin ve besleyicidir
resmi tavırlar
(Tıp) amidon
(Tekstil) haşıl
nişasta,v.kolala: n.nişasta
{i} resmiyet
{i} resmiyet, resmilik, resmi tavırlar
{i} ciddiyet
{f} kolalamak
{i} sertlik
İngilizce - İngilizce
A widely diffused vegetable substance found especially in seeds, bulbs, and tubers, and extracted (as from potatoes, corn, rice, etc.) as a white, glistening, granular or powdery substance, without taste or smell, and giving a very peculiar creaking sound when rubbed between the fingers. It is used as a food, in the production of commercial grape sugar, for stiffening linen in laundries, in making paste, etc
Carbohydrates, as with grain and potato based foods
A stiff, formal manner; formality
{n} a thing made of flour to stiffen linen with
{i} edible complex carbohydrate found in plants; substance used to stiffen fabrics; formality, stiffness of manner
Any of various starch-like substances used as a laundry stiffener
To apply or treat with laundry starch, to create a hard, smooth surface
Starch is a substance that is used for making cloth stiffer, especially cotton and linen. to make cloth stiff, using starch. Any of several white, granular organic compounds produced by all green plants. They are polysaccharides with the general chemical formula (C6H10O5)n, where n may range from 100 to several thousand; the constituent monosaccharides are glucose units made in photosynthesis. The glucose chains are unbranched in amylose and branched in amylopectin, which occur mixed in starches. Starch consumed by animals is broken down into glucose by enzymes during digestion. Commercial starch is made mainly from corn, though wheat, tapioca, rice, and potato starch are also used. Starch has many uses in foods and the food industry, as well as in the paper, textile, and personal-care products industries and in adhesives, explosives, and oil-well drilling fluids and as a mold-release agent. Animal starch is another name for glycogen. See also carbohydrate
Cooking various types of flour with water makes starch pastes In painting, they can be used to fill the pores of an open-weave canvas, especially when made up as a thick paste containing a filler or white pigment Starch pastes may also be used as painting media, paper glues, additions to water-based painting media, and as a base for tempera emulsions
(alc) (chem) A white, tasteless, solid CARBOHYDRATE (C6H10O5) Starch is the chief food storage substance of plants; typically composed of 1000 or more GLUCOSE units F - amidon S - almidon
Starch is a polysaccahride made up of glucose residues that exists in most plant tissues It is also found in the human body in saliva and pancreatic juice It is used as a dusting powder, an emollient and an ingredient in medicinal tablets and is an important raw material for the manufacture of alcohol, acetone, butanol, lactic acid, citric acid and glycerine
ALL-PURPOSE: For thickening sauces, cornstarch, tapioca starch and arrowroot starch each produce clear, shiny sauces Combine 1 part starch with 2 or 3 parts cold water and slowly add to cooking liquid Cornstarch, used in meat marinades to help seal in juices, can also be used to coat meat before it is deep-fried WHEAT STARCH: Starch removed from wheat flour after fermentation Used to make a variety of dim sum wrappers
To stiffen with starch
Is an aided recall method of measuring press advertisement readership Respondents are taken through a publication page by page and asked a series of questions to determine whether or not he/she (i) remembered seeing or reading each advertisement, (ii) accurately recalled the product or brand the ad referred to, and (iii) read more than half the copy These three elements provide three corresponding scores of readership - noted, associated and read most
Stiff; precise; rigid
stiffen with starch; "starch clothes"
A widely diffused vegetable substance found especially in seeds, bulbs, and tubers, and extracted as from potatoes, corn, rice, etc
A molecule composed of long chains of glucose molecules Many plants store the energy produced in the photosynthesis process in the form of starch
American market researcher who developed a technique for measuring noting scores and readership of advertisements
a polymer of glucose that has alpha-1,4-glycoside linkages
a complex carbohydrate that is stored in plants and used for food
a naturally abundant nutrient found common in such foods as corn, wheat, and rice
A polysaccharide used by plants to stockpile glucose molecules The most common forms are amylose and amylopectin
{f} stiffen with starch; make rigid, make stiff
It is used as a food, in the production of commercial grape sugar, for stiffening linen in laundries, in making paste, etc
A polysaccharide in plants used for the storage of glucose
as a white, glistening, granular or powdery substance, without taste or smell, and giving a very peculiar creaking sound when rubbed between the fingers
Starch is a substance that is found in foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice and gives you energy
a complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice; an important foodstuff and used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers and stiffeners for paper and textiles
another name for carbohydrate, one of the three main nutrients in food
The most abundant storage form for carbohydrate found in plants, made of many thousands of glucose molecules linked in long chains
Complex carbohydrate composed of thousands of glucose units Main compound that plants use to store their food energy
White, odorless, tasteless granular or powdery complex carbohydrates (C6H10O5)X, that is the chief storage form of carbohydrates in plants It is an important food stuff and is used in adhesives, and sizes, in laundering, pharmacy and medicine
{i} amylum
{i} amyl
to starch