to squirt

listen to the pronunciation of to squirt
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} bücür
(Askeri) tanker uçak
fışkırtılan sıvı
{f} fışkırt
{i} şırınga
fışkırtılan sıvı: He sent a squirt of tobacco juice all the way across the room. Tütünlü tükürüğünü odanın ta
fışkırma veya fışkırtma
{f} sıçratmak
püskürtme şırıngası
fıskıyeden fışkıran su
{f} fışkırtmak
{i} fışkırma
{i} kendini bir şey sanan tip
{i} nanemolla
{f} püskürtmek
{i} 1. fışkırtılan sıvı: He sent a squirt of tobacco juice all the way across the room. Tütünlü tükürüğünü odanın ta
{i} fışkıran su
{i} fıskiye
{i} fışkırtma
kendini beğenmiş çocuk veya genç
f. fışkırtmak; fışkırmak. i
squirt gun oyuncak su tabancası
{f} sıçramak
İngilizce - İngilizce
A small, quick stream; a jet
To be thrown out, or ejected, in a rapid stream, from a narrow orifice; said of liquids
A small child; derived from the fact that young children tend to urinate unexpectedly

Hey squirt! Where you been?.

{v} to throw out in a quick stream, to prate
{n} an instrument to squirt with, a small quick stream
wet with a spurt of liquid; "spurt the wall with water"
An instrument out of which a liquid is ejected in a small stream with force
someone who is small and insignificant
cause to come out in a squirt; "the boy squirted water at his little sister
To throw out or utter words rapidly; to prate
Refers to the action of a bowling ball as it hydroplanes past its breakpoint
{f} spurt, shoot out in a thin stream (of liquid); cause to shoot out in a thin stream (of liquid)
To cause to be ejected, in a rapid stream, from a narrow orifice; said of liquids
The whole system of flow in the vicinity of a source
{i} act of squirting; thin stream of liquid, spurt
If you squirt something with a liquid, you squirt the liquid at it. I squirted him with water
The action of a bowling ball as it hydroplanes past its breakpoint
Hence, to throw out or utter words rapidly; to prate
To drive or eject in a stream out of a narrow pipe or orifice; as, to squirt water
If you squirt a liquid somewhere or if it squirts somewhere, the liquid comes out of a narrow opening in a thin fast stream. Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it The water squirted from its throat Squirt is also a noun. It just needs a little squirt of oil
cause to come out in a squirt; "the boy squirted water at his little sister"
To be thrown out, or ejected, in a rapid stream, from a narrow orifice; - - said of liquids
the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)
Grapefruit soda
A whitewater kayak of low volume, one so lacking in buoyancy that it may be deliberately submerged to perform tricks, as in Freestyle
wet with a spurt of liquid; "spurt the wall with water" cause to come out in a squirt; "the boy squirted water at his little sister
Pumper with an elevating boom mounted on the chassis for delivering a stream of water above ground level Most Squirts are 75 feet or shorter, but they are manufactured up to 100 feet long The first Squirt-type apparatus used in Monroe County was a 50-foot Tele-Squrt mounted on a Ford pumper chassis and operated by the North Greece FD "Squrt 1" (that's how they spelled it) eventually became Squrt 275 and then was retired and sold to another department outside the area A Squirt is not strictly an aerial because the elevating booms are relatively short and because they cannot be used for climbing or rescue All engines with Squirts mounted on them in Monroe County are classified as Pumpers
to squirt