to seep

listen to the pronunciation of to seep
İngilizce - Türkçe
sızıntı yapmak
(sıvı) sızmak

Soğuk onun kemiklerine sızdı. - The cold seeped into her bones.

Pencereleriniz hava geçirmez değilse nem içeri sızar. - If your windows are not airtight, moisture will seep in.

sızıntı yeri, kaynak
{f} süzülmek
İngilizce - İngilizce
moisture that seeps out; a seepage
a small spring, pool, or other place where liquid from the ground (e.g. water, petroleum or tar) has oozed to the surface
pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
to ooze, or pass slowly through pores or other small openings
A spot where ground water oozes slowly to the surface, usually forming a pool Seeps were located downstream of Horsetooth Dam near Bellvue
{i} liquid that has leaked, seepage; place where liquid has seeped through to the surface of the ground
A wetland that forms in areas where groundwater discharges to the land surface, often at the base of steep slopes, but where water volume is too small to create a stream or creek These wetlands have a perpetually saturated soil but may have little or no standing water
If something such as liquid or gas seeps somewhere, it flows slowly and in small amounts into a place where it should not go. Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs The gas is seeping out of the rocks Seep is also a noun. an oil seep
To run or soak through fine pores and interstices; to ooze
a place where water, petroleum or tar seeps out of the ground
{f} ooze, leak gradually, trickle; permeate, penetrate
A small spring, pool or other place where water oozes from the ground
a seepage
a natural community having an underground discharge of groundwater usually at the base of a forested hillside
an area of groundwater flow to the land surface or surface water
If something such as secret information or an unpleasant emotion seeps somewhere, it comes out gradually. the tide of racism which is sweeping Europe seeps into Britain
to seep