to scarf

listen to the pronunciation of to scarf
İngilizce - Türkçe

Mary, Tom için bir atkı örüyor. - Mary is knitting a scarf for Tom.

Tom'a o atkıyı veren kişi benim. - I'm the one who gave Tom that scarf.


Arkadaşım bana bir ipek eşarp hediye etti. - My friend gave me a silk scarf.

Mary'nin boynunda siyah bir eşarp vardı. - Mary had a black scarf around her neck.

eşarp örtmek
{i} şal

Sally şalı ödünç aldığını kabul etti, ama suçlu olmadığını söyledi. - Sally admitted that she borrowed the scarf but said she was not guilty.

Dan için bir kravat aldım, Elena için bir şal alacağım. - I bought a tie for Dan and I'll buy a scarf for Elena.

omuz atkısı koymak
boyunbağı takmak
iki kerestenin ucunu birbirine geçirerek eklemek
boyun atkısı

Mary Tom'a bir kaşkol örüyor. - Mary is knitting Tom a scarf.

{i} geçme yeri
geçme ile tutturmak
{i} ek yeri
oyuk yer
enli boyunbağı
enli ve uzun omuz atkısı
geçme ek yeri
{i} boyunbağı
{ç} --s (skarfs)/scarves (skarvz)
{f} down/up k.dili. hapır hupur yemek

Tom, Mary'ye bir başörtüsü satın aldı. - Tom bought Mary a scarf.

İngilizce - İngilizce
A long, often knitted, garment worn around the neck
To throw on loosely; to put on like a scarf

My sea-gown scarfed about me.

To shape by grinding
To dress with a scarf, or as with a scarf; to cover with a loose wrapping
A headscarf
To eat very quickly

You sure scarfed that pizza.

{n} a loose covering for the shoulders
{v} to dress or throw on loosely, to join
Slang - To eat or drink voraciously; devour: “Americans scarf down 50 million hot dogs on an average summer day” (George F. Will)
originally an over-shoulder satchel, became strip of cloth worn from shoulder to hip and tied at waist in 14th century
masturbate while strangling oneself
A notch or cutout located on the back of the needle allowing the point of the hook to get close enough to the needle to grab the thread
a military or official sash usually indicative of rank; [Archaic] tippet; a broad band of cloth worn about the shoulders, around the neck, or over the head; a military or official sash usually indicative of rank
A scarf joint
To form a scarf on the end or edge of, as for a joint in timber, metal rods, etc
a joint made by notching the ends of two pieces of timber or metal so that they will lock together end-to-end
A cormorant
A type of joint in woodworking
To unite, as two pieces of timber or metal, by a scarf joint
An article of dress of a light and decorative character, worn loosely over the shoulders or about the neck or the waist; a light shawl or handkerchief for the neck; also, a cravat; a neckcloth
In a piece which is to be united to another by a scarf joint, the part of the end or edge that is tapered off, rabbeted, or notched so as to be thinner than the rest of the piece
The V shape cut into the face of the block, the usual method of felling a tree employed by axemen One ‘opens up’ a scarf, or makes an ‘opening scarf’
a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration wrap in or adorn with a scarf unite by a scarf joint masturbate while strangling oneself
{i} strip of fabric worn around the neck; muffler, shawl, strip of fur or thick fabric worn around the shoulders
wrap in or adorn with a scarf
unite by a scarf joint
Weld preperation Adj scarf, verb to scarf A scarf for forge welding is generaly an upset and two tapered ends that overlap at the joint The upset is to provide extra metal for finishing to shape so that the joint is not smaller than the surrounding metal Normaly one side of the joint is flat or convex and the other convex so that flux and swarf can squeeze out of the joint In arc welding a scarf is the chamfering of edges of one or more pieces to make a "V" joint that is filled with filler metal making a full or near full penetration joint There are as many types of scarf as there are joints
A joint for splicing two members, end to end
A scarf is a piece of cloth that you wear round your neck or head, usually to keep yourself warm. He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck. scarf down/up to eat something very quickly
a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration
a type of wood joint
to scarf