to retrograde

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To show retrogradation
Directed backwards, retreating; reverting especially inferior state, declining; inverse, reverse; movement opposite to normal or intended motion, often circular motion
Counterproductive to a desired outcome
A degenerate person
In the opposite direction to the orbited body's spin
To move backwards; to recede; to retire; to decline; to revert
to cause to deteriorate or to move backward
Motion of a celestial body moving in the opposite direction of its usual motion
Backward with respect to the common direction of motion in the solar system; counter-clockwise as viewed from the north, and going from east to west rather than from west to east
Apparent backward motion, which occurs when Earth passes a slower-moving, outer planet or when Earth is passed by a faster-moving inner planet Designated by the symbol R in the horoscope The outer planets are retrograde over 40% of the time
going from better to worse
From the Latin "to step backwards", this term is applied to the apparent backward motion of the planets through the zodiac Traditionally interpreted to provide a negative or weakening effect on the planet, modern astrologers tend to interpret retrograde motion as providing a slight internal or introspective influence
westward motion in the sky
Tending or moving backward; having a backward course; contrary; as, a retrograde motion; opposed to progressive
Contrary to the direction of motion or rotation A retrograde orbit is one that goes in the opposite direction of the rotation of the body being orbited A retrograde maneuver is one carried out in the opposite of the direction of travel
go back over; "retrograde arguments"
Refers to faces meeting at a vertex which circle back the opposite way around the vertex with respect to other faces Polygons represented as n/d are retrograde when the fraction is greater than a half, eg the pentagram 5/2 is not retrograde, but written as 5/3 it is The retrograde version of a n/d-gon is a n/(n-d)-gon
The direction from the axon terminal toward the cell body See Anterograde
Declining from a better to a worse state; as, a retrograde people; retrograde ideas, morals, etc
go back over; "retrograde arguments" move back; "The glacier retrogrades" move in a direction contrary to the usual one; "retrograding planets" move backward in an orbit, of celestial bodies of amnesia; affecting time immediately preceding trauma moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth going from better to worse
moving in the opposite direction to that which is considered normal; as in retrograde P waves noted in certain junctional rhythms
loss of memory of events that occurred before the onset of the cause
moving or directed or tending in a backward direction or contrary to a previous direction
move back; "The glacier retrogrades"
Hence, to decline from a better to a worse condition, as in morals or intelligence
Satellite orbit motion which is opposite to the Earth's direction of rotation, also defined as an orbit with an inclination greater than 90 degrees
When the planets appear to be going backwards
This is where the "planet" appears to be going backward motion through the zodiac In actuality the planet is slowing down in movement During this phase, our development processes goes into the subjective realms We deepen our approach in processing, and take time to review, contemplate, and refocus The sun and moon are never retrograde
To go in a retrograde direction; to move, or appear to move, backward, as a planet
moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth
When a Planet goes backward, as out of 10 degree into 9, 8, 7, &c
against the normal direction of flow
move backward in an orbit, of celestial bodies
{f} retreat, move backward; repeat, reiterate, recapitulate; worsen, deteriorate
move backward in an orbit, of celestial bodies of amnesia; affecting time immediately preceding trauma moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth going from better to worse
a Of or relating to the orbital revolution or axial rotation of a planetary or other celestial body that moves clockwise from east to west, in the direction opposite to most celestial bodies b Of or relating to the brief, regularly occurring, apparently backward movement of a planetary body in its orbit as viewed against the fixed stars, caused by the differing orbital velocities of Earth and the body observed
Rotation of a planet, or orbit, opposite to that normally seen
The rotation or orbital motion of an object in a clockwise direction when viewed from the north pole of the ecliptic; moving in the opposite sense from the great majority of solar system bodies
Backward or reversed Mar, Jupiter and Saturn show retrograde motions among the stars
{s} retreating, moving backward; moving in a direction opposite the usual direction; moving in a direction opposite to that of the Earth around the sun (Astronomy); appearing to move from east to west (Astronomy); worsening, deteriorating
A retrograde action is one that you think makes a situation worse rather than better. The Prime Minister described transferring education to central government funding as `a retrograde step'
A compositional technique in which the composer rewrites the melody backward
To move backwards It relates to a ridge or trough moving from east to west Typically in the mid-latitude, troughs and ridges move west to east Retrograde motion is the opposite movement of normal
Opposite direction as the prevailing direction
move in a direction contrary to the usual one; "retrograding planets"
of amnesia; affecting time immediately preceding trauma
get worse; fall back to a previous or worse condition
A compositional manipulation in which the movements in a phrase are performed from the end to the beginning as if rewinding the movements
An organized movement to the rear or away from the enemy It may be forced by the enemy or may be made voluntarily Such movements may be classified as withdrawal, retirement, or delaying operations
Apparently moving backward, and contrary to the succession of the signs, that is, from east to west, as a planet
to retrograde


    to ret·ro·grade

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