to repute

listen to the pronunciation of to repute
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bu gerçek bir hikaye. Bir kadın, doğurmak için ünlü bir kadın-doğum kliniğine yatırıldı. - This is a true story. A woman was admitted to a reputed obstetrics clinic to give birth.

iyi ad
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{f} saymak
İngilizce - İngilizce
To consider, think, esteem, reckon (a person or thing) to be, or as being, something
to hold in general opinion
{n} reputation, good character, opinion
{v} to account, esteem, reckon, think
A person or thing of repute or of high repute is respected and known to be good. He was a writer of repute
To attribute or credit something to something; to impute
Character reputed or attributed; reputation, whether good or bad; established opinion; public estimate
A person's or organization's repute is their reputation, especially when this is good. Under his stewardship, the UN's repute has risen immeasurably. = reputation. reputation of good/high/international etc repute (repute ; REPUTED)
To hold in thought; to account; to estimate; to hold; to think; to reckon
{f} regard as, view as, believe to be
Reputation, especially a good reputation
look on as or consider; "she looked on this affair as a joke"; "He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician"; "He is reputed to be intelligent"
Specifically: Good character or reputation; credit or honor derived from common or public opinion; opposed to disrepute
{i} reputation, regard; esteem, renown
the state of being held in high esteem and honor
to repute


    to re·pute

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı ripyut


    /tə rēˈpyo͞ot/ /tə riːˈpjuːt/