to reintroduce

listen to the pronunciation of to reintroduce
İngilizce - İngilizce
to start using something again or bring something back to an area after it had not been used or had not existed there for some time = bring back
{f} reacquaint; present again, reexhibit; reestablish, bring into practice again
To introduce again
To bring a species back to an area after it has been extirpated This generally occurs as result of direct human intervention
To introduce again or anew
to return members of a species to their historical range This strategy is sometimes used when a species has become locally extinct or if its population is threatened
To release a captive animal back into its native habitat in the wild
introduce anew; "We haven't met in a long time, so let me reintroduce myself
introduce anew; "We haven't met in a long time, so let me reintroduce myself"
to reintroduce


    to re·in·tro·duce

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı riîntrıdus


    /tə rēəntrəˈdo͞os/ /tə riːɪntrəˈduːs/