to regress

listen to the pronunciation of to regress
İngilizce - Türkçe
geri çekilme
geri çekilmek
{f} geri git
ricat etmek
{f} geri gitmek

Durgunluk gerileme anlamına gelir. - Stagnation means regression.

regressive geriye doğru
{f} dönmek
geri gitme

Durgunluk gerileme anlamına gelir. - Stagnation means regression.

regression ricat
İngilizce - İngilizce
To perform a regression on an explanatory variable

When we regress Y on X, we use the values of variable X to predict those Y.

The power or liberty of passing back
To move backwards to an earlier stage; to devolve
The act of passing back; passage back; return; retrogression

What is the progress or regress of man?.

to return to a former place or condition
"The progress or regress of man"
{v} to return, to go or come back
{n} a return, a goin back
To go back; to return to a former place or state
When people or things regress, they return to an earlier and less advanced stage of development. if your child regresses to babyish behaviour Such countries are not `developing' at all, but regressing. + regression regressions re·gres·sion This can cause regression in a pupil's learning process. to go back to an earlier and worse condition, or to a less developed way of behaving   progress (past participle of regredi )
go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals"
the reasoning involved when you assume the conclusion is true and reason backward to the evidence get worse; fall back to a previous or worse condition go back to a statistical means
The act of passing back; passage back; return; retrogression. "The progress or regress of man"
get worse; fall back to a previous or worse condition
go back to a statistical means
returning to a former state
the reasoning involved when you assume the conclusion is true and reason backward to the evidence
{f} move backward, go back; go back to a former state, return to a previous condition
go back to a previous state; "We reverted to the old rules"
to regress