to reconstitute

listen to the pronunciation of to reconstitute
İngilizce - Türkçe
yeniden yapılandırmak
yeniden yapılandır
(kurutulmuş yiyeceği) su katarak yenilir/içilir hale getirmek
tekrar kurmak
{f} yeniden düzenlemek
yeniden tertip etmek
{f} yeniden kurmak
reconstituted milk içine su karıştırılmış süt tozu
{f} sulandırmak
{f} yeniden oluşturmak
{f} su katmak
(Askeri) YENİDEN KURMAK: Mevcut iken herhangi bir sebeple elden çıkan bir şeyi yeniden kurmak, yeniden ortaya çıkarmak. Örneğin; yeni bir ihtiyat kurmak
{f} parçaları birleştirip sonuca varmak
tekrar oluştur
İngilizce - İngilizce
to construct something anew, or in a different manner
construct or form anew or provide with a new structure; "After his accident, he had to restructure his life"; "The governing board was reconstituted"
To bring (a liquid in concentrate or powder form) to normal strength by adding water
If an organization or state is reconstituted, it is formed again in a different way. Slowly Jewish communities were reconstituted and Jewish life began anew
To bring (a liquid in concentrate or powder form) to normal strength by adding water ADVANCE \x 540
To restore concentrated foods to normal state, usuallly by adding water
To restore concentrated food to its natural state, usually by adding water
to add liquid to a concentrated or dehydrated food to return it to its original consistency
To bring a dried, dehydrated food back to its original consistency by adding a liquid
To bring a dried or dehydrated product to its original consistency by adding a liquid
To reconstitute dried food means to add water to it so that it can be eaten. To reconstitute dried tomatoes, simmer in plain water until they are tender Try eating reconstituted dried prunes, figs or apricots
to reconstitute


    to re·con·sti·tute

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı rikänstıtut


    /tə rēˈkänstəˌto͞ot/ /tə riːˈkɑːnstəˌtuːt/