to recommence

listen to the pronunciation of to recommence
İngilizce - Türkçe
yeniden başlamak
İngilizce - İngilizce
to begin again
{v} to begin again or afresh
To commence or begin again
To begin anew to be; to act again as
cause to start anew; "The Taliban recommenced hostilities after a few days of quiet"
If you recommence something or if it recommences, it begins again after having stopped. He recommenced work on his novel His course at Sheffield University will not recommence until next year. to begin something again after it has stopped
beging again; "we recommenced his reading after a short nap"
To commence again or anew
to begin (something) again
cause to start anew; "The Taliban recommenced hostilities after a few days of quiet
{f} begin again, start anew
beging again; "we recommenced his reading after a short nap" cause to start anew; "The Taliban recommenced hostilities after a few days of quiet
to recommence