to read something as something

listen to the pronunciation of to read something as something
İngilizce - Almanca
etw. aus etwas herauslesen (interpretieren)
to read sth. as sth.
etw. als etw. interpretieren
to read something as something


    to read some·thing as some·thing

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı rid sʌmthîng äz sʌmthîng


    /tə ˈrēd ˈsəmᴛʜəɴɢ ˈaz ˈsəmᴛʜəɴɢ/ /tə ˈriːd ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈæz ˈsʌmθɪŋ/