to misconstrue

listen to the pronunciation of to misconstrue
İngilizce - Türkçe
yanlış anlamak
yanlış anla
ters anlam vermek
{f} tersinden anlamak
{f} yanlış yorumlamak
ters mana vermek
yanlış yorumla
İngilizce - İngilizce
To interpret erroneously, to understand incorrectly; to misunderstand
{v} to interpret wrong or badly
To construe wrongly; to interpret erroneously
{f} misinterpret, misunderstand
interpret in the wrong way; "Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism"; "She misconstrued my remarks"
interpret in the wrong way; "Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism"; "She misconstrued my remarks
If you misconstrue something that has been said or something that happens, you interpret it wrongly. An outsider might misconstrue the nature of the relationship = misinterpret. to misunderstand something that someone has said or done
to misconstrue


    to mis·con·strue

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı mîskınstru


    /tə məskənˈstro͞o/ /tə mɪskənˈstruː/